麻醉模拟软件破解版(Body Simulation for Anesthesia )
Body Simulation for Anesthesia is software for teaching and training in the field of anesthesia. A detailed and graphically pleasing user interface has been customized to represent the operating room environment. Users may explore a myriad of scientific and clinical aspects as they run through life-like cases. The detailed model allows administration of IV lines, fluids, injected and inhaled drugs and agents, anesthesia machine and ventilator settings, and many more clinical maneuvers. Extensive plotting a graphing features make exploration of internal processes fun, exciting, and informative.
Body Simulation for Anesthesia is an interactive PC-based multi-media software program. It is a simulation of the anesthesia work environment that is centered around a sophisticated mathematical model of human physiology and pharmacology. The program provides a multimedia presentation of the patient and the anesthesia workstation such that users may interact with the software to do actions that would be done during an anesthetic case. The goal of the software is to provide users with the opportunity to run through the all intellectual motions, to the extent limited by a multimedia simulation, that would normally be routine, or not so routine, during the anesthetic delivery process.
(This Demo version).
破解文件见5楼 内容是米勒麻醉学1-20.rar 啊!
不是麻醉模拟软件(Body Simulation for Anesthesia )
是不是贴错了?:lol 抱歉,地址贴错了,已经更正 下载附件内容,解压后将“BodyAnesthesia”文件复制到安装目录覆盖原文件。打开程序,点击"register now"
我的分太少,看不到,可惜 要多少分可以下载? 积分是怎么样算得? 我花了金币,为什么不能下载破解文件 不小心会重复扣金币,我后来干脆把迅雷等下载软件卸载了。 怪不得我的金币少的那么快呢, 为什么我的显示是sid=191562&surl=http://www.xqnmz.com/&url=http://p.qihoo.com/pic/1001526q59532&rurl=http://yp.qihoo.com/pic/100122fqda48.jpg&rurl_w=780&rurl_h=408 已经有了,就不要这个了 今天下啦,但遇到和13楼一样的问题,祥子有空给看看。 传一个vclx50.bpl文件放到系统文件夹C:\WINDOWS\system32\里面试试,我电脑上还没遇到过这个问题 相同问题