shenxiu2 发表于 2009-11-3 15:49:36

ICD Insertion-Monitored sedation (置入性心脏除颤器的麻醉)

ICD Insertion-Monitored sedation

71 years old , male , 65 kg ,ischaemic cardiomyopathy , post CABG 11 years . Asymptomatic since CABG.Graft study showed patent grafts.
Had traumatic cervical myelopathy 6 months after a fall,failed to recover neurologically after the first spine surgery immediately after the fall.Unable to walk , spastic paraplegia . Upper limbs weakness power 4/5. Numbness 4 limbs.Waiting to have cervical spine surgery to decompress the cord & fixation of implant .
Had recurrent ventricular fibrillation & presently in atrial fibrillation, controlled ventricular rate of 40 to 50 /minute.
Echocardiogram showed left ventricular ejection fraction 55%. Blood Pressure 140 /70 mmHg .
Planned for Implantable cardiac defibrillator insertion.

Procedure was done under monitored sedation & local anesthetics, in Cardiac catheterization Laboratory , under fluoroscopic guidance. Local anesthetic infiltration of wound 2% Lignocaine 10 ml ,( Left Subclavian vein approach ) IV Midazolam 2.5mg + IV Fentanyl 25mcg + IV Propofal infusion 50mg / hour , titrating downward to 20 mg / hour when the Blood pressure was down to 85mmHg. One dose of Ephedrine 6 mg given . Blood pressure rose back to 120/60 mmHg. Stable throughout the procedure.

Total time taken was 70 minutes.The device was not tested by inducing ventricular fibrillation because patient was not anticoagulated & was in atrial fibrillation for a long time.

shenxiu2 发表于 2009-11-3 19:20:45

敬请同路人翻译成中文. 因我懂的中文医学词汇实在有限......:D .谢了.

老骥伏枥 发表于 2009-11-3 21:19:39




shenxiu2 发表于 2009-11-4 14:31:15

本帖最后由 shenxiu2 于 2009-11-4 14:38 编辑

对不起,少了个逗号, 造成一些混乱。应是“从左锁骨上静脉置入这个仪器 。 麻醉方法是:给于静脉注射咪达唑仑2.5mg。。。。。”
文章题目是:置入ICD(Implantable cardiac defibrillator) (置入性心脏除颤器)的麻醉。全文大意是报告如何在心导管室提供麻醉给病人,让心内科医生置入ICD这个仪器。这病人有反复发作性心室颤动,所以要进行颈椎手术风险很大,平日生活也时时会有随时晕倒死去的危险。
ICD是个火柴盒大小,好像心脏PACEMAKER 的东西,可以监测到心室颤动,同时可以立刻自动去颤(defibrillation)。病人置入后,就不怕会随时发生心室颤动了。
一般上置入后必须测试一次,确定操作正常,然后才缝合伤口。心内科医生会故意制造心室颤动发生(induce ventricular fibrillation),然后用ICD去颤。因为这过程相当不舒服,而且很令人害怕,所以需要麻醉,或镇静药物(sedation)。
但这个病人由于长期房颤中没有抗凝,恐怕心房中有血块,如突然去颤,改变成sinus rhythm,会可能引发embolism,造成中风之类的并发症。所以就没有在病人身体上测试仪器。

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