An 83-year-old female presents with an 11—month history of intense, sharp pain over the left eye. You note healed vesicles over the left frontal area. Which of the following most accurately describes this patient’s prognosis?
A. Her pain will completely resolve with time.B. Her pain will transform to a dull sensation as nerve endings degenerate.C. Her condition will respond to high-dose antiviral medications.D. Her condition will respond poorly to antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) and surgical therapies.E. Her condition will eventually lead to paralysis in the distribution of the affected nerve root.
D. Painful, posttraumatic trigeminal neuropathies such as postherpetic neuralgia have a poor response rate to AEDs and surgical therapies. The general approach is treatment with various neuropathic medications and analgesics, but this can be challenging. The inciting event is damage to acraniocervical nerve and ensuing pain that is continuous or recurrent. Other conditions in this group include inferior alveolar neuralgia (after mandibular third molar extraction) and infraorbital neuralgia (after maxillary trauma).postherpetic neuralgia带状疱疹后神经痛怎么也属于创伤后三叉神经病posttraumatic trigeminal neuropathies了呢?
[*]而且这个病人怎么成了创伤后三叉神经病posttraumatic trigeminal neuropathies?