实用技术 | 连续脊髓麻醉技术要点(中英双语对照)
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https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1DL4y1W7nG?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0连续脊髓麻醉(脊髓导管技术 中英双语字幕)
翻译:李娜 校对:房丽丽 浙江大学医学院附属第二医院麻醉手术部
The patient can be positioned either sitting or lateral. Check frequently for CSF to appear. There's no need to attach a loss-resistant syringe we're going to be passing right through the epidural space. You may feel a pop or give as you pass through the ligamentum flavum endura.
Do your best to stab the flow of CSF with your thumb over the hub while you prepare your catheter. The goal is to have about three to four centimeters in the subarachnoid space, then secure it to the patient's back.
在准备置入导管时尽力用拇指摁住针尾,阻止脑脊液外流。目标是在蛛网膜下腔留置导管约 3 - 4cm,然后将导管固定在患者的背部。
图3Now is when we start to dose the local anesthetic,we'll usually start to dose the local anesthetic with five milligrams of isobaric bupivacaine.Then we can assess the hemodynamic effect and presence of a sensory and motor block. If needed, we can dose another 2.5 milligrams at a time as necessary until we get the desired level. Once we're cruising at steady state, we're usually giving 2.5 milligrams every 45 to 60 minutes to maintain the spinal block where we want it.
现在,我们开始滴定局部麻醉药的剂量,通常从 5mg等比重布比卡因开始。然后,评估患者血流动力学以及感觉和运动阻滞情况,必要时追加布比卡因 2.5 mg/次,直至达到理想的阻滞平面。稳定后,每 45-60 分钟给予 2.5 mg布比卡因,以维持理想的脊髓麻醉平面。
图4Here are some tips and tricks for continuous spinal. First, be gentle when advancing the catheter, that catheter tip is poking up against some sensitive structures including the conus medullaris.Slow advancement is key to avoiding paresthesia.Maintaining sterile technique. Hold the end of the catheter below the level of the insertion site, if it drips passively,no need to aspirate, you're in the right spot.We only use isobaric medications with this technique.
需要注意的要点和技巧。首先,要轻柔地置入导管,导管尖端会碰到一些敏感结构,包括脊髓圆锥 。缓慢置管是避免异感的关键。保持无菌。导管末端置于穿刺点以下,如果脑脊液自行滴落,无需抽吸,说明导管位置正确。在此,我们只使用等比重局麻药。
Finally, I can't stress this enough. Make sure everyone who is involved in the care of that patient knows it's a spinal catheter not an epidural. We use bright stickers and careful specific handoff to other team members. As a rule, these get removed from the patient at the end of the case before leaving the operating room.
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