实用技术 | 脊柱超声原理与技巧(中英双语对照)
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脊柱超声原理与技巧 (中英双语字幕)
翻译:张国磐 校对:房丽丽 浙江大学医学院附属第二医院麻醉手术部
We need to understand how a lumbar vertebra is built. We have the body (1A), thepedicles (1B), the transverse processes (1C), the articular processes (1D), thelaminae (1E) and the spinous process (1F).
The first is sagittal or parasagittal. The probe moving outward from the midlinein the sagittal orientation. The spinous processes (2A), the laminae (2B), the articular processes (2C), the transverse processes (2D).
The other orientation is transverse here. We see a faint shadow of the spinous processand the laminae in cross as well as the articular processes, depending on the depthand level, you're at you may or may not see the transverse processes extendinglaterally(3A、3C). This view has a characteristic shape reminiscent of the face ofa bat with articular processes as ears and the posterior complex as the top of itshead (3B). Dark circle in the center, that's the spinal canal.Superficial to it iswhat we call the posterior complex. Deep to that is the anterior complex. And ofcourse,the space between them is the thecal sac and its contents (3D).
Here’s a typical scanning sequence for ultrasound assisted neuraxial procedures. We started the sacrum in the parasagittal orientation with that slight medial tilt. The broad shelf of bone is the sacrum (A). Heading north. We see a break in the bonyline.This is the first interlaminar space of L5-S1 (B). We see the L5 lamina and thenthe L4-5 interlaminar space (C),and then the L4 lamina and the L3/4 space and soon (D) .
这是超声辅助椎管内麻醉的经典扫描顺序。旁正中矢状位稍向内倾斜,从骶骨开始扫描。宽扁的骨板是骶骨(4A)。向上移动,可以看到一处断裂。这里是L5-S1的椎板间隙(4B)。看到L5 椎板,再到L4-5椎板间隙(4C),然后是L4椎板和L3-4间隙,依此类推(4D)。
Once we find the space we want,we center the gap and then using a skin marker fromthe center of the ultrasound probe. Make a horizontal line corresponding to the innerspace(A) . We then turn the probe 90 degrees and search for the bat sign. Trying tostay close to our original horizontal line. Once we center the midline, we draw avertical line from the probe upward (B) . At this point, we can freeze the image anduse the electronic calipers to measure the distance from the posterior complex tothe surface. This gives us an approximation of how deep we can expect to find eitherthe epidural or the subarachnoid space (C) . The two lines we've drawn give us thecross hairs to begin our needle insertion and we know the depth from our measurement. So we're all set up for success.
当扫到我们想要的间隙,调整至图像中央,并在皮肤上标记。从超声探头中点画一条水平直线,对应相应间隙(5A)。然后将探头旋转90 度,寻找蝙蝠征。尽量靠近画好的水平线。当探头中心到达正中线向上画一条垂直线(5B)。此时可以冻结图像,用超声标尺测量从后复合体到皮肤的距离.这给我们提供了硬膜外或蛛网膜下腔的大概深度(5C)。我们绘制的两条交叉线为我们提供穿刺进针点。通过测量知道了穿刺深度,为穿刺成功奠定基础。
图6In some challenging cases, it does make sense to visualize that small acoustic windowand advance a needle in real time. Here we see the sacrum and the L5 lamina withan acoustic window through the posterior complex. A needle is advanced in plane fromcaudate to cephalad aiming for the complex(blue arrow). If bony contact is made, a slight redirection cephalad usually allows a needle to slide home.
在一些穿刺困难的病例中,可视化的超声窗及实时引导穿刺针技术具有重大意义。我们看到骶骨和 L5椎板及通向后复合体的超声窗,穿刺针由尾侧向头侧置入后复合体(蓝色箭头)。如果碰到骨质,重新进针时稍微向头侧倾斜直至穿刺针到达目标。
翻译:张国磐(泉州市正骨医院)校对:房丽丽 字幕剪辑:许晶晶
最好的总会在不经意间出现。▼ 点击“阅读原文”查看更多精彩内容! 好东西 收藏起来 在一些穿刺困难的病例中,可视化的超声窗及实时引导穿刺针技术具有重大意义。我们看到骶骨和 L5椎板及通向后复合体的超声窗,穿刺针由尾侧向头侧置入后复合体(蓝色箭头)。如果碰到骨质,重新进针时稍微向头侧倾斜直至穿刺针到达目标。又学到新知识了,感谢分享……