This is an excel spreadsheet which will calculate doses of common drugs used in anaesthetic practice. All you do is input the age and/or weight and it does the work for you! The screens are designed to fit onto the display screen of a standard PDA, and will work on Pocket PC and Palm platforms.
Separate screens give doses and appropriate figures for
• Induction agents and analgesics
• ETT sizes, Fresh gas flows, Local anaesthetics, Common antibiotics and Emergency drugs
• Sedation infusions
• Fluid requirements
here is even a converter for weight in stones and pounds into kilograms. You can alter the formulae easily if your own preference is for a different dosage in terms of mg/kg etc. 可是老外设计的根据小儿体重和年龄计算出合适剂量的麻醉药物,用于中国的小儿是否合适? 有这个软件就方便多了,检查所用药物是否超量 请问这计算器出处是哪里呀,权威吗??? 下载了,但是没看懂,应该不会上当,可能是不会用 正好需要,先下载了再说。 有这个软件就方便多了 钱扣了。可下不了,是不是过期了 怎么是英文版的? 可是老外设计的根据小儿体重和年龄计算出合适剂量的麻醉药物,用于中国的小儿是否合适? 是个好东东,感谢! 钱扣了。可下不了, 金币不够呢……