论坛助手 发表于 2014-5-22 00:05:56


TheStatement of the 2014 China-USA Obstetric Anesthesia Four Society*Meeting in Toronto2014年多伦多中美产科麻醉四方*最高级会议联合公报May17th, 2014(2014年5月17日)TheChinese Society of Anesthesiology’s Obstetric Anesthesia Committee and theAmerican Society of Anesthesiologists’ Committee on Obstetric Anesthesia havebeen informed of the Statement of the 2014 China-USA Peripartum Care FiveSociety#
Meeting in Chicago. These two societies praised the fivesocieties from China and the United States, (two of which are present today: theNo Pain Labor & Delivery – Global Health Initiative (NPLD-GHI) and theSociety for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology (SOAP)), for making effortsto promote evidence-based medicine, translational medicine, team-basedmedicine, and scholarly exchange among all of us, with an emphasis onmaternal-child safety. Both of us want to be part of this collaboration.Itis greatly appreciated to see two large impact studies from China, lead byNPLD-GHI, to document the impact of neuraxial labor analgesia on overallmaternal-child safety, which is a great approach to translational medicine. Itis not only useful for the Chinese community but also for the rest of theworld.Leadersof all four societies have unanimously agreed to promote the following goals inobstetric anesthesia:1)Anesthesiologistsare fully responsible for monitoring all five vital signs, including laborpain; being part of the medical team in labor and delivery suites; andcontributing to maternal-child safety.2)Neuraxial labor analgesia is a fundamental part of obstetric analgesia.Promoting the full scope of obstetric anesthesia is extremely important to improvingpatient safety in peripartum care; it is not only a goal but our obligation inobstetric anesthesia.3)Thedevelopment of obstetric anesthesia has faced multidisciplinary,interdisciplinary, and cultural challenges. However, we must respect one ofmedicine’s basic principles: first do no harm to the mothers and theirchildren.4)Allfour societies must collaborate with each other as well as with the ChineseSociety of Perinatal Medicine and the Maternal and Child Health Care of ChinaAssociation to improve peripartum care in clinical practice, medical education,and international research in the future.中华医学会麻醉分会产科麻醉学组和美国麻醉医师学会产科麻醉委员会获悉“2014中美五方#围产医学高级会议联合公报”的诞生,高度赞赏包括在坐的其他合作两方(无痛分娩中国行及北美产科麻醉和围产医学)在内的,中美五方学术高层对围产医学的倡导:以母婴安全为核心,循证医学为准绳,加快转换医学发展,提倡团队医疗,开展多边合作所作出的努力。也愿意成为这个合作体的主角,开启更广泛、更全面的两国围产医学领域多边合作。参会四方高兴地看到,在“无痛分娩中国行”指导下的两个临床自然试验大数据研究,论证分娩镇痛对整体改善当地母婴安康作用的做法。为中国及世界其他国家产科麻醉的开展和推进,提供转换医学的依据。四方一致同意并倡导:1)麻醉医生具有所有生命体征专业管理的神圣职责,包括产痛。是产房医疗团队中不可缺少的一分子。有责任和义务为母婴生命安全做出自己的贡献;2)椎管内分娩镇痛是产科麻醉的基本组成部分,全面开展以提高母婴安全为核心的产科麻醉对围产医学意义重大,不仅仅是不可质疑麻醉专业发展的长期目标,还是义不容辞的;3)产科麻醉的发展面临多学科,跨行业,文化习俗方面的挑战。必须遵循医学伦理的一贯原则:不以牺牲母婴安全为代价;4)全面开展四边,并包括中华围产医学会和中国妇幼保健协会更多边的合作交流,为人类围产医学作出自己应有的贡献。
中美产科麻醉四方Four Obstetric AnesthesiaSocieties in China and the United States:
· 中华医学学麻醉学分会产科麻醉学组The Chinese Society ofAnesthesiology Obstetric Anesthesia Committee·无痛分娩中国行No Pain Labor & Delivery –Global Health Initiative·北美产科麻醉和围产医学会The Society for ObstetricAnesthesia and Perinatology·美国麻醉医师学会产科麻醉委员会The American Society ofAnesthesiologists Committee on Obstetric Anesthesia#FivePeripartum Societies in China and the United States中美围产医学五方:·The Chinese Society ofPerinatal Medicine中国围产医学会·The Maternal and Child HealthCare of China Association中国妇幼保健协会·No Pain Labor & Delivery –Global Health Initiative无痛分娩中国行·The Society for Maternal-FetalMedicine美国母胎医学会·The Society for ObstetricAnesthesia and Perinatology北美产科麻醉和围产医学会Participants参会人员:·姚尚龙教授:中华医学学麻醉学分会产科麻醉学组组长,武汉华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院副院长Shanglong Yao, MD, PhD: Chair of theChinese Society of Anesthesiology Obstetric Anesthesia Committee, Vicepresident of the Union Hospital of Huazhong University of Scienceand Technology Tongji Medical College;·沈晓凤教授:中华医学学麻醉学分会产科麻醉学组副组长,南京医科大学附属南京妇幼保健院麻醉科主任Xiaofeng Shen, MD: Associate Chair ofthe Chinese Society of Anesthesiology Obstetric Anesthesia Committee,Chair of Department of Anesthesiology in Nanjing Maternal and Child Health CareHospital of Nanjing Medical University;·徐铭军教授:中华医学学麻醉学分会产科麻醉学组副组长,首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院麻醉科主任Mingjun Xu, MD: Associate Chair of theChinese Society of Anesthesiology Obstetric Anesthesia Committee, Chair ofDepartment of Anesthesiology in the Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospitalof Capital Medical University;·林雪梅教授:中华医学学麻醉学分会产科麻醉学组秘书,四川大学医学院附属华西二院麻醉科副主任Xuemei Lin, MD: Secretory of the Chinese Societyof Anesthesiology Obstetric Anesthesia Committee, Vice Chair of Department ofAnesthesiology in the West China Second Hospital of Sichuan University HuaxiMedical School;·陈新忠教授:中华医学学麻醉学分会产科麻醉学组成员,中国浙江大学医学院附属妇产科院麻醉科主任Xinzhong Chen, MD:Member of the Chinese Society of Anesthesiology ObstetricAnesthesia Committee Chair of Department of Anesthesiology in the Women's Hospital of Zhejiang University Schoolof Medicine ;·William R. Camann, MD:Member of NPLD-GHI, Former President of the Society for ObstetricAnesthesia and Perinatology, Director of Obstetric Anesthesia in Brigham &Women's Hospital at the Harvard Medical School无痛分娩中国行成员,前北美产科麻醉和围产医学会主委,哈佛大学伯明翰妇女医院产科麻醉主任;·Pamela Flood, MD, MA:Memberof NPLD-GHI, Former Director of Obstetric Anesthesia in UCSF, Professor inColumbia University and Stanford University无痛分娩中国行成员,前加大旧金山分校产科麻醉主任,哥伦比亚大学-斯坦福大学教授;·Ashraf Habib, MB, BCh: Chair of InternationalOutreach Committee at the Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology,Interim Chief at Division of Women’s Anesthesia of Duke University School ofMedicine北美产科麻醉和围产医学会全球医疗委员会主席,杜克大学附属医院妇产科麻醉主任,副教授;·Ling Qun Hu胡灵群, MD: Founder and Executive Director ofNPLD-GHI, Member of Feinberg Academy of Medical Educators at NorthwesternUniversity无痛分娩中国行创始人兼执行主任,西北大学芬堡医学教育院士,副教授;·Robert R. Gaiser, MD: President of the Societyfor Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology, Program Director of Anesthesiologyand Critical Care at the University of Pennsylvania北美产科麻醉和围产医学会主委,宾夕法尼亚大学麻醉住院医师培训部主任,教授;·Yunping Li李韵平, MD: Director of NPLD-GHI, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School无痛分娩中国行主任,哈佛医学院助理教授;·May C. Pian-Smith, MD, MS:Member of NPLD-GHI, Director of Medical Simulation in MassachusettsGeneral Hospital at the Harvard Medical School无痛分娩中国行成员,哈佛大学麻省总院模拟培训中心主任,副教授;·Barbara Scavone, MD:Immediate Former
Presidentof the Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology, Member of NPLD-GHI,Director of Obstetric Anesthesia in University of Chicago北美产科麻醉和围产医学会主委,无痛分娩中国行成员,芝加哥大学产科麻醉主任,教授;·John Sullivan, MD, MBA: Vice president of theSociety for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology, Member of NPLD-GHI, Directorof Residency Training Program in Northwestern University北美产科麻醉和围产医学会副主委,无痛分娩中国行成员,西北大学住院医师培训部主任,教授;·Weike Tao陶为科, MD: Director of NPLD-GHI, Director ofObstetric Anesthesia Fellowship in University of Taxes at Dallas无痛分娩中国行主任,得克萨斯大学西南医学中心产科麻醉专业进修部主任,副教授;· Lawrence C. Tsen, MD: FormerPresident of the Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology, Vice Chairof Department of Anesthesia in Brigham & Women's Hospital at the HarvardMedical School前北美产科麻醉和围产医学会主委,哈佛大学伯明翰妇女医院麻醉科副主任,副教授;·         Cynthia Wong, MD: Member of NPLD-GHI, Editor inChief of the Obstetric Anesthesia of Anesthesia and Analgesia, Vice Chair ofDepartment of Anesthesiology, Director of Obstetric Anesthesia in NorthwesternUniversity无痛分娩中国行成员,《麻醉和镇痛》杂志产科麻醉部主编,西北大学麻醉科副主任,产科麻醉主任,教授;·Yun Xia夏云, MD,PhD: Directorof NPLD-GHI, Director of Global Health Initiative in the Ohio State UniversityMedical School无痛分娩中国行主任,俄亥俄州立大学医学院全球医疗办公室主任,副教授;·Edward Yaghmour, MD: Chair of the AmericanSociety of Anesthesiologists Committee on Obstetric Anesthesia, ScheduleDirector,Department ofAnesthesiology, Northwestern University美国麻醉医师学会产科麻醉学委员会主席,西北大学麻醉科人事主任,副教授。(胡灵群教授供稿 新青年麻醉论坛)
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