xyz-cn99 发表于 2014-7-1 20:23:52


2014 NPLD-GHI Summary,2014无痛分娩中国行报告Ling Qun Hu, MD胡灵群医生  A total of 56 volunteers participated in the 2014 NPLD-GHI. Our health care team members were from most of major medical centers in the US, including Northwestern University, Harvard Medical School (BID, MGH), the Ohio State University, University of Texas at Dallas, Tufts University, Johns Hopkins University, Washington University at St. Louis, Stanford University, the Oregon State University, the State University of New York at Stony Brook, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, and Duke University. In addition, student volunteers came from Hangzhou Dianzi University, Peking University Health Science Center, Taian Medical University, the State University of New York at Stony Brook School of Medicine, Cornell University, University of Virginia, Washington University at St. Louis, New Jersey Institute of Technology, and Illinois Math and Science Academy.   
  Two historical records have been made this year. The neuraxial labor analgesia rate rose from 0 to 70% over a six month period in Weixian People’s Hospital. Annual birth rate in Shijiazhuang Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital doubled from 9000 to more than 18000 since May 2010, contributing 60% of the total local childbirths from 30%, and resulting in an annual more than 400,000,000 RMB earnings (from 100,000,000 RMB) after their obstetric anesthesia service started. Both of their services resulted in an increase in patients’ satisfactions and attraction to local parturients with negative growth childbirth rates in their neighbor hospitals. Nevertheless, similar phenomena with less degree have been occurring in other three NPLD-GHI sites as well.
  The second project, “Advanced Obstetric Anesthesia Project,” has been launched since March 2014 on the five previous sites in Liuzhou, Shenzhen, Wenzhou, Nanjing, and Hangzhou, where obstetric anesthesia services have been initiated 24/7, neuraxial labor analgesia rate has reached 50% or more, and hospital administration-obstetrician-anesthesiologist-nurse/midwives have been collaborating. This project extends obstetric anesthesia services to the full scope from labor analgesia alone emphasizing patient safety and decrease in cesarean delivery rate.
In summary, by now, the NPLD-GHI has been collaborating with a total of 19 hospitals in China, and close to 300 person visits have contributed to this peripartum medical education program since 2008. It is believed that the NPLD-GHI will impact local maternal related mortality, neonatal mortality, and even average life spans.
  河北威县人民医院创造了6个月内分娩镇痛从0到70%;河北省石家庄市妇产医院从2010年到2013年底不到4年的时间内,借助于分娩镇痛广泛开展,医院年分娩量从9000到达18000,医院经济效益翻了4翻,达到了4个亿。这两项可称为分娩镇痛的世界记录,为母婴安康和满意度增加, 和两地周边医院出现的年分娩量负增长,起到了决定性作用。
      中国行今年为全面开展产科麻醉而推出的《高级产科麻醉1+2+3计划》,给中国围产医学界注入了全新思维。今年3月至今,在广西的柳州市妇幼保健院,深圳市宝安妇幼保健院,温州医科大学附属第二医院, 南京市妇幼保健院,浙江大学医学院附属妇产科医院五所医院启动了这项计划。
      自2008年以来,已经有19所华东,华南,华北,西南的医院和中国行进行了合作,300来人次的美国医护志愿人员通过无痛分娩中国行来华帮助这个围产医学多学科教育项目。这将对改善当地的新生儿死亡率,孕产妇死亡率,提高人口平均寿命起到积极的影响。(胡灵群教授供稿 新青年麻醉论坛)

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