Dr. Brendan Carvalho discusses neuraxial techniques and dosages to provide optimum anesthesia for Cesarean delivery at the 2013 Sol Shnider, MD Anesthesia Meeting in San Francisco, California.
Dr. Brendan Carvalho discusses postoperative pain management following Cesarean delivery at the 2013 Sol Shnider, MD Anesthesia Meeting in San Francisco, California.
Dr. Ashu Wali discusses postpartum hemorrhage management from the anesthesiologist’s perspective at the 2013 Sol Shnider, MD Anesthesia Meeting in San Francisco, California.
Dr. Lawrence C. Tsen discusses ten tips to optimize your epidural technique at the 2013 Sol Shnider, MD Anesthesia Meeting in San Francisco, California.
Dr. McCallum R. Hoyt discusses the latest update on amniotic fluid embolism at the 2013 Sol Shnider, MD Anesthesia Meeting in San Francisco, California.
Dr. Robert D’Angelo discusses the SCORE project and AQI: Capturing obstetric anesthesia data and benchmarking your practice at the 2013 Sol Shnider, MD Anesthesia Meeting in San Francisco, California.
Dr. Maurice Druzin discusses postpartum hemorrhage management from the obstetrician’s perspective at the 2013 Sol Shnider, MD Anesthesia Meeting in San Francisco, California.
Dr. Alex Butwick discusses what’s new in clinical obstetric anesthesia in the Sam Hughes, MD lecture at the 2013 Sol Shnider, MD Anesthesia Meeting in San Francisco, California.
Dr. Mark D. Rollins discusses remifentanil for labor analgesia at the 2013 Sol Shnider, MD Anesthesia Meeting in San Francisco, California.
Dr. Alex Butwick discusses the massive transfusion protocol of obstetrics at the 2013 Sol Shnider, MD Anesthesia Meeting in San Francisco, California.
11、重度子痫前期合并HELLP综合征:如何预测灾难 改善预后(2013SOAP年会)
Dr. Jennifer M. Lucero discusses preeclampsia/HELLP, improving outcomes and predicting disasters at the 2013 Sol Shnider, MD Anesthesia Meeting in San Francisco, California.
Dr. Vilma Ortiz discuses anesthetic concerns for the pregnant patient undergoing non-obstetric surgery at the 2013 Sol Shnider, MD Anesthesia Meeting in San Francisco, California.
Dr. Kenneth E. Nelson discusses the future of obstetric anesthesiology at the 2013 Sol Shnider, MD Anesthesia Meeting in San Francisco, California.
Dr. Mark D. Rollins discusses crisis resource management in the OB suite at the 2013 Sol Shnider, MD Anesthesia Meeting in San Francisco, California.
Dr. Mark D. Rollins discusses “anticoagulation and labora analgesia – what are the options?” at the 2013 Sol Shnider, MD Anesthesia Meeting in San Francisco, California.
Dr. Scott Segal discusses, Fever and Epidurals: Still a Hot Topic? at the 2013 Sol Shnider, MD Anesthesia Meeting in San Francisco, California.17、肥胖流行病-麻醉工作面临的挑战(2013SOAP年会)
Dr. Manuel C. Vallejo discusses the growing obesity epidemic and challenges for the obstetric anesthesia provider at the 2013 Sol Shnider, MD Anesthesia Meeting in San Francisco, California.
Dr. Manuel C. Vallejo discusses transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block for post Cesarean delivery pain at the 2013 Sol Shnider, MD Anesthesia Meeting in San Francisco, California.
Dr. Manuel C. Vallejo discusses ultrasound for labor analgesia and determining when competency is reached at the 2013 Sol Shnider, MD Anesthesia Meeting in San Francisco, California.
Dr. Lawrence C. Tsen discusses the 2006 practice guidelines for obstetric anesthesia at the 2013 Sol Shnider, MD Anesthesia Meeting in San Francisco, California.