将进酒 发表于 2015-2-1 22:04:47

祝贺刘立新教授当选美国华人麻醉医学会会长(CASA 2015.1刊)

History of CASA美国华人麻醉医学会成立史 On December 7th, 2002, during the PGA (post graduate assembly), ten Chinese American Anesthesiologists met together. At their conversation, they found out their common interest which was to establish an organization to enhance the communication among their peers, and to serve the society in the better and higher standards. They are: Guo-gang Chen, Xiao-li He, Xi-song Huang, Naixi Li, Min-zhong Peng, Yue Tang, Qing Tao, Chang-zheng Wang, Hai-ming Wang, Liao-yang Xie. 在2002年12月7日,十个美国华人麻醉医师通过国际课程体系PGA(由博士研究生组成)相遇相识。在交流中,他们发现他们有着建立一个用来促进同行间交流和更好、更高标准服务社会的组织的共同志向。他们是:

With the effort of several months, under the leadership of Dr. Haiming Wang, on February 9th, 2003, CASA was established officially.在王海明博士的领导下,经过数月努力,美国华人麻醉医师协会于2003年2月9日正式成立。
Lixin Liu美国哈佛医学院Beth Israel Deaconess医学中心博士后现任:纽约州立大学Stony Brook医学院麻醉科
Dear CASA members and anesthesiologists worldwide:亲爱的美国华人麻醉医师协会成员以及全球麻醉同道:
I believe that everyone had a wonderful holiday season.Our CASA has so many exciting activities happening.The goal of CASA is to keep making progresses on each of our important projects.I would like to provide you an update of information that we are trying to push forward.我相信每个人都有一个美好的假期。我们CASA有许多令人激动的活动正在开展着。CASA的目标是保证我们的每个项目取得进展。我想要告诉各位的是,我们正在努力推进。
**CASA Website will be updated more frequently. As we all now, CASA has 12 years of history and is growing and moving forward. We hope to make significant progress in CASA website in 2015, by doing this, we should generate more site visits to this very important platform.CASA网站将会更频繁更新。众所周知,CASA有着12年的历史并不断向前推动成长着。在2015年,我们希望CASA网站能够取得重大进展,通过这样做,我们可以让这个非常重要的平台产生更多的网站访问量。
**CASA will upgrade our CASA Newsletter to CASA Bulletin of Anesthesiology starting this month. We formed a new editing group with many great talents joining this great effort. Dr. Henry Liu will spearhead this endeavor.从本月开始,CASA将CASA时事简讯升级为CASA麻醉公告。我们新成立了一个有着许多人才的编辑团队加入这项重大举措。Henry Liu博士会在这方面带头努力。
**We have established CASA and Xinchen Anesthesiology Fellowship program . This program will undoubtedly enhance ourprofessional communications and exchanges of international physicians and scientists in the field of anesthesiology. This program will especially benefit those junior and mid-level Chinese anesthesiologists.我们已经成立了新晨医药-美国华人麻醉医学会(CASA)中国麻醉医师美国进修基金。这个项目无疑会加强我们的专业沟通和国际麻醉学领域的医生和科学家的互动交流。这个项目尤其会使中国初级和中级麻醉医师受益。
**We will expand our CASA Remote Chinese Province Anesthesiology Lecture Group . This program was started in 2013 and it offers a unique opportunity to those anesthesiologists in remote areas in China to listen to American anesthesiologists, and to gather and network with international colleagues. This program serves as part of CASA’ ever-expanding educational efforts both domestically and internationally in the field of anesthesiology, Pain Medicine and Critical Care Medicine. 我们将发展扩大我们的CASA 中国边远省份麻醉学讲学团。这个项目于2013年启动,它为中国边远地区麻醉医师提供了一个向美国麻醉医生学习的独特机遇,与国际同道齐聚传播。这个项目作为CASA不断扩大国内外麻醉学,疼痛医学和重症监护医学等教育领域的一部分。
**Summary our CASA members publications and abstracts and lectures 2014. Those summaries will be listed prominently on the CASA website and Newsletter to help us better celebrates within our CASA. 总结我们CASA成员的出版物、摘要精粹和2014的讲座。这些总结将突出在CASA网站和时事通讯来帮助我们更好地在CASA庆贺。
Finally, I wish our CASA members have a Happy, Healthy, and Wealthy Chinese New Year!最后,我希望我们的CASA成员度过一个快乐、健康和富足的春节!祝春节快乐!羊年大吉!
                      CASA President 2015   Lixin Liu, MD, PhD                                  2015CASA会长刘立新医学博士


其中,张晓燕教授的【新青年麻醉专家讲堂第八讲- 麻醉病人安全和危险性管理】在这一期中,听众达到1020人 。课后仅一个月的时间,国内外已有超过2万人次的医生观看,对国内各级医院质控安全管理帮助很大,意义深远,图为为重庆市云阳县麻醉医疗质量控制中心成立的时候各级医院院长,麻醉科主任集体学习张晓燕老师这一讲课程:

帅哥 发表于 2015-2-2 08:53:34


hnyl 发表于 2015-2-3 09:39:22


ahnting 发表于 2015-2-4 22:29:06

祝贺 祝贺 刘老师

cheng2007 发表于 2015-2-5 20:51:06


fxkyj 发表于 2015-3-10 15:32:13

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