
标题: useful dialogues in the hospital [打印本页]

作者: 1001    时间: 2010-2-1 22:00
标题: useful dialogues in the hospital
本帖最后由 1001 于 2010-2-20 12:51 编辑

Ward round conversation

D: Hello,Miss Adam, my name is Dr Bai, I need to examine you.Can you show me where the pain is?
P: It's just here.
D: What are your symptoms?
P:Well, I had a slight stomachache a couple of days ago,but I didn't take a lot of notice,I thought it was somthing I had eaten, and that it would go      
D: Did u have any diarrhea or vomitting?
P: No,not at first, I only started the diarrhea yesterday, and I haven't vomited.
D:Have u had this problem before?
P: No,I haven't,only a stomachache from food sometimes but it goes away after a while.
D:Have u still been able to eat and drink?
P:Yes,until yesterday,when the pain got worse.I have only been taking small amounts of drinks since.
D:Are you still having diarrhea? Are u passing urine OK?
P:Yes,I do still have diarrhea,but not too much, and I am passing urine but it's a bit  concentrated.
D:Miss.Adam,I need to ask u for a stool and urine specimen,  we will also take an X-ray results we might need an Ultra-scan of your abdomen.
P: Am I going to have an operation?
D: It will depend on what the results tell us,meanwhile,we will give you intravenous fluids, and ask u to take fluids only.I will prescrebe some medication for pain relief.Do u have any questions?
P:When will I get the results from my test?Where do I have to go to have the tests? I don't speak any Chinese.
D: Please don't worry, a nurse will go with u, and explain to u what is happening, I will have the results later today and I will see u then.

P:What will happen if I need an operation?
D:It will be the same procedure as in your country, u will have to starve for at least 8 hrs before surgery. The surteon and anesthetist will come and see u,the anesthetist will ask u a few question about your general health, and prescribe any premedcation he might like u to have.The surgeon will discuss with u the surgery he will perform, and ask u to sign a consent form.And a few hrs before your surgery the nurses will prepare u for surgery, and escort u to the operating rooms when the time comes.
P:Am I able to walk around if I want to?
D:Well,u will be having an intravenous drip,so u will need to be very careful if u want to walk around, u will need to ask the nurses if they can help u.
P:Can I have something to eat,something light?
D:No,I'm afraid not,just sips of water for now in case u need surgery.
P:Oh, OK,can I have visitors?
D: Yes,of course, are there any other questions u would like to ask me ?
P: No, not right now,thanks,maybe later when u come back with the results.
D: If u have any problems please ask the nurse ,if she can't help u she will find someone who can.
P:OK,thanks very much.
D: You're welcome.See u later.

ward round conversation.mp3

1.6 MB, 下载次数: 73


ward round conversation_1.mp3

1.16 MB, 下载次数: 33


作者: 锥。醉    时间: 2010-2-2 19:16
作者: 文佳皇帝    时间: 2010-10-16 18:36

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