医学影像软件 [OsiriX HD v2.0.2] 2009年最佳医学软件 官价29.99美元
OsiriX HD 用于显示及分析各种医学影像(超声、CT、核磁共振、正电子,等等)。支持以下DICOM(医学数字影像传输协议)协议:C-STORE SCP, C-MOVE SCU, C-FIND SCU, C-GET SCU, WADO,可通过WiFi/3G从任何DICOM设备下载医学影像,与各种兼容DICOM的软件兼容。具体看下面的说明。
OsiriX HD $29.99
OsiriX HD is a DICOM image viewer for iOS. It supports standard DICOM communications.
★ Awards ★
- Mobie Awards 2009: Winner - Best Medical App
- RSNA 2008: Excellence in Design
- RSNA 2008: Certificate of Merit
OsiriX HD is a companion application to OsiriX for MacOS which is an interactive visualization program designed for display and analysis of medical images. The iOS version allows downloading and manipulating series of images directly on your iOS device. OsiriX HD is capable of displaying images from most common imaging modalities (ultrasound, CT scanner, MRI, PET etc…) in their native standard DICOM format used by the medical/scientific industry. OsiriX HD is a fully DICOM-compliant listener that can receive images from any DICOM imaging device through WiFi/3G network. It supports these DICOM protocols: C-STORE SCP, C-MOVE SCU, C-FIND SCU, C-GET SCU, WADO.
The iOS application is designed to work seamlessly with the MacOS version of the software (http://www.osirix-viewer.com), but it doesn't require it. It's compatible with any DICOM-compatible software, including PACS servers, that support DICOM protocols. Transferring images from a DICOM compatible software to OsiriX HD is done through standard DICOM protocols. It also supports communications through the iOS built-in Vρ∩ for secure and encrypted connections.
OsiriX HD provides fast interactive image manipulation tools such as zoom, pan, cine and contrast adjustment of images through the multipoint touch screen interface. It can handle remote query and retrieve of DICOM images directly from a list displayed on the device itself.
The convenience of being able to access DICOM images remotely added to the fact that images can be previewed on the iPhone/iPad screen in a very effective and convenient way offers a new perspective for mobile teleradiology. The performance of image manipulation on the device itself instead of traditional web-based interface adds a degree of freedom and robustness in case of network interruptions or poor wireless signal.
★ Key features ★
-Display and browsing through large sets of images through an interactive slider
-Zoom and Pan and rotation of the images through two-fingers drag and pinch
-Contrast and intensity adjustment of image window and level through single finger drag
-Rapid switch between image series through single finger screen “swipe”
-Reset to image default size and setting through double tap
-Measurement of object sizes using a line measurement tool that can be set and adjusted by two fingers
-Measurement of image content data using a circular region of interest tool that can be drawn and moved with two fingers
-DICOM compliant Listener (C-STORE SCP)
-JPEG2000/JPEG DICOM support
-Preference setting for user DICOM communication settings
-Access to desktop database through web-based portal for retrieving image data
-Built-in help
★ Requirements ★
-Access to a DICOM source of images (PACS, DICOM-compatible software) through WiFi/3G network
★ Limitations ★
-Images are limited to 1024x1024 pixels, bigger images are down-sampled.
-No suitable for primary diagnosis.
What's new in Version 2.0.2
- better and faster WADO retrieve
- Patient ID displayed, on iPad version
- italian localization