
标题: 影响肺切除术后呼吸衰竭的因素-术中大潮气量通气 [打印本页]

作者: lencho83    时间: 2009-1-17 14:06
标题: 影响肺切除术后呼吸衰竭的因素-术中大潮气量通气
今年《Anesthesiology》第七期发表了一篇病例回顾性调查研究,作者通过170例肺切除术后呼吸系统并发症的比较研究发现:手术中潮气量设置过大与术后呼吸衰竭的发生有明显的关系,对于那些没有发生呼衰的肺切除术患者,他们手术中潮气量设置明显小于呼衰患者(6.7 vs 8.3 ml/kg 患者预测体重 ),并且补液量也小于后者(1.3L vs 2.2L),因此作者认为术中潮气量设置过大是肺切除术后发生呼吸衰竭的重要因素。
Anesthesiology 2006; 105:14–8 © 2006 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
Intraoperative Tidal Volume as a Risk Factor for Respiratory Failure after Pneumonectomy
Evans R. Ferna´ ndez-Pe´ rez, M.D.,* Mark T. Keegan, M.B.M.R.C.P.I.,† Daniel R. Brown, M.D., Ph.D.,†
Rolf D. Hubmayr, M.D.,‡ Ognjen Gajic, M.D., M.Sc.§
Background: Respiratory failure is a leading cause of postoperative
morbidity and mortality in patients undergoing pneumonectomy.
The authors hypothesized that intraoperative mechanical
ventilation with large tidal volumes (VTs) would be
associated with increased risk of postpneumonectomy respiratory
Methods: Patients undergoing elective pneumonectomy at
the authors’ institution from January 1999 to January 2003 were
studied. The authors collected data on demographics, relevant
comorbidities, neoadjuvant therapy, pulmonary function tests,
site and type of operation, duration of surgery, intraoperative
ventilator settings, and intraoperative fluid administration. The
primary outcome measure was postoperative respiratory failure,
defined as the need for continuation of mechanical ventilation
for greater than 48 h postoperatively or the need for
reinstitution of mechanical ventilation after extubation.
Results: Of 170 pneumonectomy patients who met inclusion
criteria, 30 (18%) developed postoperative respiratory failure.
Causes of postoperative respiratory failure were acute lung injury
in 50% (n  15), cardiogenic pulmonary edema in 17%
(n  5), pneumonia in 23% (n  7), bronchopleural fistula in
7% (n  2), and pulmonary thromboembolism in 3% (n  1).
Patients who developed respiratory failure were ventilated with
larger intraoperative VT than those who did not (median, 8.3 vs.
6.7 ml/kg predicted body weight; P < 0.001). In a multivariate
regression analysis, larger intraoperative VT (odds ratio, 1.56
for each ml/kg increase; 95% confidence interval, 1.12–2.23)
was associated with development of postoperative respiratory
failure. The interaction between larger VT and fluid administration
was also statistically significant (odds ratio, 1.36; 95% con-
fidence interval, 1.05–1.97).
Conclusion: Mechanical ventilation with large intraoperative
VT is associated with increased risk of postpneumonectomy
respiratory failure.
作者: jzyyamourgy    时间: 2009-1-22 22:18
单肺通气的 时候潮气量一般为6-8ml/kg,频率为14-16
作者: jyy1232002    时间: 2009-2-12 22:17
标题: 一直在用
作者: bluedan    时间: 2009-5-22 17:49
作者: mimi    时间: 2009-5-24 21:27
作者: 魏铁钢    时间: 2009-9-23 21:08
但是不知道 6--8ml/kg能不能有二氧化碳的蓄积呢?

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