作者: dell1525 时间: 2013-7-12 08:30
听不懂啊,老乡,有汉语翻译就好了作者: 论坛助手 时间: 2013-7-12 20:43
Tor Erlend Pedersen
Hi! Thanks for the video about an unknown, yet very interesting method of intubation! As an anesthesia resident I would love to add this technique to my armamentarium. I've practiced a bit on an airway mankind, but my success rate isn't exactly 100%. The problem is with how to bend the tube with my fingertips, I just can't get a proper grip on the tube. Could you elaborate a little on your technique, or possibly post a video detailing this?
回复 MadroneHouse
Thanks Tor. First let me say that the mannequin is generally more difficult to properly intubate than a live patient, or a cadaver. The first thing that I do is to place my intubating hand into the patient's mouth, palpate the anatomy, and position my two fingers (index and middle) properly, behind the epiglottis and as far down along it as I can reach, pulling it forward at the same time. Then my free hand inserts the tube and pushes it over the tongue until the tube contacts my fingers. ->
Tor Erlend Pedersen
Do you feed the tube into the larynx with your fingertips or do you just use them to direct the tube while you feed it from above using your left hand? Do you use one or both fingers? Do you use the tube or fingers to keep the epiglottis anterior? Thanks a lot! Tor P
回复 MadroneHouse
I pass the tube so that the cuff is at my fingertips and the tube tip is just a little past them. I then triangulate the tube with my two fingers behind it and the posterior epiglottis serving as the anterior post of the triangle. From there, about 50% of the drive of the tube is provided by my two shuffling fingers in the mouth. You don't really need to 'grip' the tube per se - by resting it against the post. epiglottis to stabilize the position the fingers can bend to provide angle.作者: ahlxq1980 时间: 2013-7-13 10:25
译成中文该有多好。请高手翻译。作者: zxq181225 时间: 2013-7-14 16:47
音看了好几遍,很想试试。作者: myl127 时间: 2013-7-14 23:23
好东西,最好有中文的作者: humingquan 时间: 2013-7-15 00:22
ting bu dong作者: amber11111 时间: 2013-7-15 18:38
3、手套破了怎么办?与病人有直接的体液接触。。。作者: wuluoqi1250 时间: 2013-7-16 20:55
好东西,要是有翻译就更好了作者: yn_lee5460 时间: 2013-7-20 21:43
我们医院曾经来过美国的partner for life 的医疗组织,我当时身为麻醉科的代表在人体模型上就用过此方法,没想到他们在说这个方法?
首先要拥有足够长的手指去摸到会厌,其次有足够大的嘴巴让你把手伸进去,能满足这些条件的估计其他的工具都能用,除非你只有导管没有喉镜。作者: jxdyzcp 时间: 2013-8-3 21:37
张口度小的不好搞吧。作者: nashchen 时间: 2013-8-11 14:55 回复 11#yn_lee5460