标题: How can anesthesiologists become healthcare leaders? [打印本页]
作者: 黄建宏 时间: 2014-4-18 18:49
标题: How can anesthesiologists become healthcare leaders?
How can anesthesiologists become healthcare leaders?
Healthcare is changing. How can anesthesiology leaders become healthcare leaders and manage changes. Here is some important elements to follow.
1. Skills:
Anesthesiology leaders should have not only strong clinical skills, but also good communication skills. Good communication is the key to motivating and inspiring others.
Anesthesiology leader should possess other skills, including flexibility, organization, integrity, adaptability, planning, decision-making. The business model is changing in healthcare. These skills can help anesthesiology leaders manage constant change.
2. Teamwork:
Healthcare require increasing collaboration. It is important to know how to build effective teams. Anesthesiology leaders should develop good relations with surgeons, nursing staff and other medical staff. Anesthesiology leaders can be better at their job and provide higher quality patient care. They also need to develop and maintain a positive relationship with hospital executive team members. Regular meeting with CEO, CFO, COO can proactively deal with issues.
3. Committee involvements:
Anesthesiology leaders should participated in the committees that directly impact quality and outcomes: credentialing/recruiting, quality assurance, peer review, therapeutic and pharmacologic. Anesthesiology leaders can improve quality of care, add values to the hospital and the patient.
4. Education:
A successful leader is a great teacher. Anesthesiology leaders should offer education to other departments and facilities. They can also provide education opportunity outside hospitals and beyond clinical issues. Education can help to develop leadership skills.
5. Measurement:
Measuring is the only way to precisely benchmark the successes and identify areas for improvement. Anaesthesiology leaders can apply patient satisfaction surveys and national benchmark data to measure their achievements and improvement. Measurement is a key for recognizing and awarding achievers, and identifying those who need guidance.
Successful anesthesiology leaders always have a vision and strategy for the future. They also know how to utilize experience, attitude and action to make a significant impact on their healthcare organization and local community.
作者: 心在曹营 时间: 2014-4-19 10:41
Great article! I think we do not stand any chance without change. Let us embrace and be leaders!
作者: printhome 时间: 2014-4-20 21:18
We know that English is important for us. However, in the forum, how to motivate the members to practice their English? Just read the above you posed?
I am confusing and have no idea.
作者: 论坛助手 时间: 2014-4-21 09:39
为便于国内同行学习交流,请热心战友将其翻译成中文,不当之处请予以指正:How can anesthesiologists become healthcare leaders?
Healthcare is changing. How can anesthesiology leaders become healthcare leaders and manage changes. Here is some important elements to follow.
1. Skills:
Anesthesiology leaders should have not only strong clinical skills, but also good communication skills. Good communication is the key to motivating and inspiring others.
Anesthesiology leader should possess other skills, including flexibility, organization, integrity, adaptability, planning, decision-making. The business model is changing in healthcare. These skills can help anesthesiology leaders manage constant change.
2. Teamwork:
Healthcare require increasing collaboration. It is important to know how to build effective teams. Anesthesiology leaders should develop good relations with surgeons, nursing staff and other medical staff. Anesthesiology leaders can be better at their job and provide higher quality patient care. They also need to develop and maintain a positive relationship with hospital executive team members. Regular meeting with CEO, CFO, COO can proactively deal with issues.
2. 团队精神
3. Committee involvements:
Anesthesiology leaders should participated in the committees that directly impact quality and outcomes: credentialing/recruiting, quality assurance, peer review, therapeutic and pharmacologic. Anesthesiology leaders can improve quality of care; add values to the hospital and the patient.
3. 参与医院管理委员会
4. Education:
A successful leader is a great teacher. Anesthesiology leaders should offer education to other departments and facilities. They can also provide education opportunity outside hospitals and beyond clinical issues. Education can help to develop leadership skills.
4. 教育:
5. Measurement:
Measuring is the only way to precisely benchmark the successes and identify areas for improvement. Anesthesiology leaders can apply patient satisfaction surveys and national benchmark data to measure their achievements and improvement. Measurement is a key for recognizing and awarding achievers, and identifying those who need guidance.
5. 绩效评价
Successful anesthesiology leaders always have a vision and strategy for the future. They also know how to utilize experience, attitude and action to make a significant impact on their healthcare organization and local community.
作者: cxf_80 时间: 2014-4-25 19:39
作者: 论坛助手 时间: 2014-4-25 20:09
版主,可以翻英语加分,促进大家的积极性。比如替人翻译的。或者你看到论坛上某个新出现的英文贴还没有人翻 ...
cxf_80 发表于 2014-4-25 19:39
作者: shenyang422sy 时间: 2014-12-3 21:47
真好 说的
作者: anescn 时间: 2015-3-6 13:59
health care leader doesn't have to be doctor. in General, leadership requires skillets to organize a team to complish a task. they skills are included communication, ability of insight, families of each expertise involving in the field, organizing skills and executive power. all of those ability don't need to go medical school to aquire. like baseball coach doesn't have to be come from a player. ceo of computer co. doesn't have to have a computer degree. so I think anesthesiologist should be a good practioner, not to be a good politician.
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