中国的医疗保健支出迅速增长。在2014-2018年政府医疗保健支出以平均每年百分之11.8的速度增长(1)。2013年,中国医疗卫生支出达到3.2万亿(1)。在过去的9年它的年均增长率为17.2%(1)。据国家卫生和计划生育委员会(NHFPC)“健康中 国2020”的报告,医疗保健支出计划达到 6.5-7%国内生产总值(2),因此到2020年,医疗保健支出总额将达到人民币6.7万亿。
国务院第十二个五年计划明确提出,到 2015年民营医院的病人数量应占20%的总病人量(4)。中国民营医院近年来每年增长约17%。根据民营医院年度报告,民营医院的数量已达11514家,占全国医院总数的46%(5)。到2014年上半年为止,民营医院就诊人数为145.81百万人次,民营医院出院病人数为8.66百万人次(1)。但民营医院就诊人数和出院病人数量仅占患者总数的10%,未能完成国务院的要求在2015年达到20%的指标(1)。中国公立医院垄断了核心医疗资源。中国政府将公立医院改革列为其首要任务之一。取消药品加价迫使公立医院改革他们的收入来源。公立医院失去了他们最大的收入来源:在2012的药品收入占总收入的39.7%,而政府补贴仅占7.5%(1)。这些改革导致公立医院医务人员和病人外流。因此民营医院得以迅速发展。英文原文,请引用:Huang J.Implementation of obstetric anesthesia service in Chinese private hospitals: Anew approach by No Pain Labor & Delivery – Global Health Initiative. TranslPerioper & Pain Med 2016; 1(1):14-19
Acknowledge: The author thank Drs.Linqing Hu, Peishan Zhao and Ms. Christina Dai for comments that greatlyimproved the manuscript. Conflict Interests Disclosure The authors have no conflicting interests to disclose.
Corresponding Author
JeffreyHuang, MD. Associate Professor, Anesthesiologist at Greater Orlando&University of Central Florida, 2699 Lee Rd, Suite 510, Winter Park, FL32789. Tel: 4078969500, Fax: 4078969585, Email: [email protected] Editor
RenyuLiu, MD; PhD; Associate Professor, irector of Preoperative Medicine, Departmentof Anesthesiology and Critical Care; erelman School of Medicine at theUniversity of Pennsylvania, 336 John Morgan building, 3620 Hamilton Walk,Philadelphia, PA 19104 . Phone: 2157461485; FAX: 2153495078 [email protected] Disclosure of Funding None Additional publication details
Journalshort name: Transl Perioper & Pain Med Received Date:Aug 13, 2015 AcceptedDate: Nov 20 20, 2015 Published Date: Dec8 2015 Transl Perioper & Pain Med2016; 1(1):14-19 Citation and Copyright
Citation:HuangJ. Implementation of obstetric anesthesia service in Chinese private hospitals:A new approach by No Pain Labor & Delivery – Global Health Initiative.Transl Perioper & Pain Med 2016; 1(1):14-19 Copyright: 2016 Huang J. This is anopen-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative CommonsAttribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source arecredited. References
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