Multidisciplinanyteam collaboration in obstetric care
Jie Zhou
(产科抢救的团队建设 )
Brigham and Women’s Hospital of Harvard Medical School
Use of neuraxialanesthesia to improve success in external cephalic versionfor breechpresentation
John Sullivan
NorthwesternUniversity Feinberg School of Medicine Prentice Women’s Hospital Interpretationof 2016 ASA practice guidelines for obstetric Anesthesia
(2016 年 ASA 产科麻醉实践指南解读)
Richard Smileg
ColumbiaUniversity College of Physicians and Sugeons Columbia University Medical CenterCutting-edge technology and stvategies to optimize epidural labor analgesia
Brendan Carvalho
Perioperative andPain Medicine Stanford University School of Medicine