加强随访,你的随访结果更能说明问题!也期待你的随访能与大家分享。作者: XIONGZHI 时间: 2013-8-20 15:59
期待楼主继续随访,及时报道病人的情况;希望楼主将病例资料在详细的介绍。作者: lyr 时间: 2013-12-8 16:21
应该不会有什么事的。过,非常期待后续作者: 张志波 时间: 2015-3-10 10:07
我也遇到过一粒,及时发现,好好冲洗,术后没有任何并发症。作者: anescn 时间: 2015-3-10 10:27
in general, no seriously sequels have been reported. in this case, first thing to do is aspiration through the epidural catherdal till it try. then flushing catherdal with normal saline several times. if patient complaints pain, you may give lidocaine through the epidural. some people suggest giving steroids in such case. that's majorly all you can do now. then close follow up is important. 作者: 雷雨leiyu 时间: 2015-3-11 16:43