it is not all the case, not only depends on live and kidney function, but also depends on hemodynamic. if unstable, with hypovolemia, then perfusion to kideny, even live maybe jerpodized. as a consequence, metabolic and eliminate rate of meds will decrease, therefore, it may prolong drug effect. 作者: anescn 时间: 2015-3-8 10:01
first part is regional, second is total intravenous anesthesia. spinal level dropping may be the case. one hour is reasonable time for lidocaine. next time you might want to add epinephrine for your spinal. it will substantially increase your spinal time. epidural should work for this case, bupivacaine plus fentyanl will be choice for this case. after initial lidocaine bolus. you have to remember, epidural cause poor muscles relax. if case is prolong, regional is not work well, reason could be numerous including displacement/miragtion of epidural catherder, convert to GA is warrant. well you did give large does of sufentanil。as long as you can control airway and maintain hemodynamic stable. it is fine. 作者: dr.zhang 时间: 2015-3-8 19:23