I. INTRODUCTION A candidate for the degree of Master of Medicine (Anaesthesiology) is required to pass a Primary and a Final examination.
He has to complete an approved basic training programme before he can sit for the Final examination.
The MMED (Anaesthesiology) is the entry qualification into Advanced Specialty Training in Anaesthesiology. 。。。。。。。。。。。。
Duration of training shall be three years full-time anaesthetic appointment in recognised hospitals after full medical registration. Anaesthestic posting done prior to Basic Traineeship appointment are accepted for admission to the examinations, provided such posting are supervised and logged. --------------------。。。。。。。。
3. ROTATIONS TO HOSPITALS ACCEPTED FOR TRAINING Alexandra Hospital (AH), Changi General Hospital (CGH), Kandang Kerbau Women’s and Children’s Hospital (KKH), National University Hospital(NUH), Singapore General Hospital (SGH) and Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) are accepted for training.
Trainees must be exposed to and trained in the various procedures and systems stated in the Basic Anaesthesiology Logbook (refer para 6).
Trainees are encouraged to have a 6-month cross-cluster posting during the 3 years of BST. Hospitals outside Singapore that have an adequate training programme may be accepted for the basic training. For foreign applicants, please write in to the Examination Board for verification of postings.
特别的是: 这三年训练并不一定要在新加坡的医院进行,国外的也行, 不过需要向考试当局申请。 如被接受,也能有资格参与考试。 一旦通过考试,就成为合格麻醉医生,可以有资格在新加坡,或马来西亚工作。 取得新国大硕士的麻醉医生,可以免去FANZCA PART I( 澳洲纽西兰麻醉专科考试的初级考试) , 直接参与结业考试 (ANZCA PART·2), 然后就有资格在澳纽工作。 当然工作签证的签发,是各国有各国的规则。 这不在此考虑范围之内。 所有的训练和考试都是以英文为媒介语。 In Section BST-AST Anesthesiology specialty guide , you will notice that some training centers outside of Singapore are accepted, and you can apply just to sit for the MMED( Master ) Anesthesiology examination in Singapore (without being trained in Singapore ), and become qualified to work in Singapore.
They provide intensive examination preparation courses before the exams every year , both for primary & final exams. All the teaching & exams are in English.
They also offer Advance training attachment after the master programme.