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[English Forum] 澳纽专科考题2005年A

发表于 2009-12-16 13:06:24 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
2005A15: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of intra-operative blood salvage


A technique that is used to return washed or unwashed autologous blood to the
patient ·

  • Commonly in cardiac, vascular, orthopedic surgery, & liver transplants
  • Considered where significant blood loss is anticipated ·
  • Blood is collected by a suction technique which anticoagulates the blood
    immediately with heparin or Na citrate or both, as it is retrieved. These red
    cells then are washed and packed by centrifugation. The effluent that contains
    heparin and cellular and tissue debris is removed as part of the washing and
    centrifugation process, and the packed red cells then can be reinfused into the
    patient either intraoperatively or postoperatively. ·
  • Washing and haemoconcentration creates a product with an average haematocrit
    of 50% that carries normal erythrocyte survival, with minimal coagulation
    factors or platelets. ·
  • The necessity of washing collected blood before autotransfusion has
    been questioned in the literature.

Advantages ·

  • Intraoperative blood salvage can allow as much as 60 per cent of the
    red blood cells that are lost during the operative procedure to be recovered for
    subsequent autotransfusion.
  • · More cost effective as the amount of blood collected increases.
  • Cost effective: once initial machinery bought disposable kit has
    similar cost to 1 unit of leucocyte depleted cells and can process limitless
    units of packed cells ·
  • Especially useful in high-volume blood loss situations (AA repair,
    major orthopedic, cardiac)
  • · Reduced the risk of allogeneic blood exposure by up to 40% and reduced the
    mean transfusion requirement per patient ·
  • If the blood is not transfused intraoperatively, it can be stored for
    up to 24 hours at 1°C to 6°C, and it should be handled like any other autologous
    unit ·
  • In orthopaedics many studies show it is safe and efficacious: advantageous
    in major orthopaedic surgery because most contaminants including
    methylmethacrylate monomer, antibiotic from the irrigation fluid, free
    hemoglobin, fat, and bacteria are removed from the suctioned fluid from the
    operative site.
  • · There are no published adverse reactions to washed autologous red
    cells in patients undergoing THR. ·
  • 2,3 diphosphoglycerate is preserved, thereby enhanced the ability of red
    blood cells to deliver O2 to tissues ·
  • May be beneficial for patients who are unwilling to accept allogeneic
    transfusions for religious reasons, such as Jehovah's Witnesses ·
  • It is possible to process a unit of salvaged erythrocytes in less than
    5 minutes when the patient is bleeding rapidly ·
  • When bleeding is slower, blood can be held in the collection reservoir until
    there is enough to process ·
  • Can be of particular benefit to patients who are unable to donate before
    surgery ·
  • Salvaged blood does not need to be tested for compatibility or disease
    markers if it never leaves the OR. ·
  • There are different types of instruments available for IBS, ranging
    from simple canister collection systems to table-top cell salvage instruments
    and "high-speed" cell salvage instruments. Some of the instruments also can be
    programmed to allow sequestration of platelet-rich plasma if desired ·
  • Cells are equal or superior to bank blood in red cell survival, pH, 2,3 DPG
    levels, potassium levels ·
  • Eliminates risks of homologous blood (clerical errors and infection)

Disadvantages: ·

  • There is controversy surrounding the merits of washed versus unwashed
    salvaged blood. It appears that unwashed blood can be transfused in small
    amounts (2 L or less) with minimal adverse effects. Washing blood removes much
    of the debris, anticoagulants, and free hemoglobin from the red cell product.
    Red cell survival is comparable with that of allogeneic erythrocytes ·
  • To be effective, a minimum of 400 ml of drainage is required. ·
  • May only be cost effective when expected blood loss is 1000ml or
    greater. ·
  • Significant loss of clotting factors and platelets from salvaged blood can
    be anticipated.
  • · Particulate debris may be concentrated during processing warranting
    microaggregate filters before or during reinfusion to the patient. ·
    Cost-effectiveness of returning washed autologous blood to patients has been
    questioned because the technique requires an expensive device and technical
    expertise to operate it. Ideally, unwashed autologous blood should be filtered
    and transfused within four hours after collection to avoid potential febrile
    reactions. ·
  • Blood collected perioperatively cannot be transfused to other patients
  • Possibility of air embolism. However, many of the newer cell salvage
    instruments contain an in-line "bubble detector," which will stop the pump once
    air is detected in the reinfusion line. Another way to prevent air embolism is
    to avoid direct connection between the reinfusion bag and the patient. air
    embolism is almost unheard of with current devices ·
  • Haemolysis can occur if operative suction pressures are high (> 100mmHg)
    or centrifugation rates excessive. ·
  • Coagulopathy ranging from mild to severe DIC is a complex multifactorial
    problem that rarely occurs after autologous transfusion, especially if cell
    washing is performed. Exposure to foreign surfaces, haemodilution of coagulation
    factors, hypothermia, heparinisation, and other factors may be contributory.
  • Instruments need dedicated trained operators.
  • · Relative contraindications: obvious blood contamination (although this
    reportedly has been successful in some desperate trauma cases), sickle cell
    disease, and cancer surgery, based on concerns of dissemination ·
  • Pregnancy is a contraindication because of the concern that final post
    transfused RBC may be contaminated with amniotic fluid elements that can cause
    amniotic fluid embolism syndrome. Despite a lack of proven safety in obstetrics,
    there are numerous anecdotal reports of its use in massive obstetric haemorrhage
    during caesarean section, with no adverse sequelae.
  • · Can precipitate sickling in pts with sickle cell disease ·
  • Cost: centrifuge/cell washing device is costly.
  • Free haemoglobin can be nephrotoxic in pts with impaired renal fxn
    (recommend suction < 150 torr) ·


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