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学习米勒麻醉学中文版13章有感 苏州工业园区星海医院 刘岗
困惑1. 344页 当中一段
Methemoglobin(MetHb), formed by the oxidation to Fe3+(ferric)instead of the usual Fe2+ (ferrous), is less able to bind O2, resulting in diminished O2 content and less O2 delivery. Here, the PaO2(in the absence of lung disease) will be normal: if the O2 content is calculated from the PaO2, it will appear normal, but if measured it will be low.In contrast, MetHb level will be elevated. In severe cases, lactic acidosis develops because of impaired O2 delivery.In addition, because MetHb has a blue-brown color, the patient will appear blue, even if the fraction of MetHb is modest and specialized oximetry can separately measure MetHb levels. The apparent cyanosis is not responsive to supplemental O2, and therapy involves converting (i.e., reducing) the MetHb to Hb (e.g., by using methylene blue). Important medical causes of MetHb include benzocaine; dapsone; or in susceptible patients, inhaled nitric oxide(NO).
1. In contrast,MetHb level will be elevated. 为啥会说“相反",怎么理解“相反"?
In addition, because MetHb has a blue-brown color, the patient will appear blue, even if the fraction of MetHb is modest and specialized oximetry can separately measure MetHb levels.
3.The apparent cyanosis is not responsive to supplemental O2, and therapy involves converting (i.e., reducing)the MetHb to Hb(e.g., by using methylene blue)。氧疗对于明显的发绀治疗效果并不佳,其治疗为使MetHb转化(还原)成Hb(例如通过亚甲蓝)。
困惑2. 344页 最后一段
Systemic venous blood (central venous blood) enters the right ventricle via the right atrium. The O2 saturation(SO2)differs among the major veins: higher venous SO2 reflects greater blood flow, less tissue oxygen uptake, or both.SO2 is usually higher in the inferior vena cava(IVC)than in the superior vena cava(SVO2), possibly because of the high renal and hepatic flow relative to O2 consumption. In the right ventricle, the central venous blood (ScvO2) from the SVC and IVC, is joined by additional venous blood from the coronary circulation(via the coronary sinuses). In the right ventricle, an additional small amount of venous drainage from the myocardium enters through the Thebesian veins, and as all this venous blood enters the pulmonary artery it is well mixed and is termed mixed-venous blood(SvO2); thus, SvO2 < ScvO2, although the trends of each usually run in parallel
possibly because of the high renal and hepatic flow relative to O2 consumption.原因可能是相对于氧耗而言,肾和肝的血流较多
困惑3. 345页。右边最后一段
阻塞性肺疾病导致吸入气体流向通气充足但灌注不良的肺组织,使这部分肺组织的通气/血流比升高(高V/Q),相当于增加了Vd/Vt(图13.1)。严重的慢性阻塞性肺疾病(chronic obstructive pulmonarydisease,COPD)患者Vd/Vt甚至达到0.9,这类患者需要非常大的通气量(30~50L/min)以维持正常的PaCO2,当通气储备减弱时则难以维持。上述患者表现为Va降低,而Ve常常增加。一个重要的代偿机制是PaCO2增加时,较低水平的VA可维持CO2排出稳定(框 13.1)。
Obstructive lung disease can result in diversion of inspired air into(nonobstructed) ventilated, but poorly perfused, regions of the lung. This results in local excesses of ventilation versus perfusion(high VA/Q ratio)in such regions,which is equivalent to an increase in VD/VT(see Fig. 19-1). Patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD)may have a VD/VT ratio of up to 0.9, and would have to hyperventilate massively(30 to 50 L/min) to maintain normal Paco2, which is not possible where ventilator reserve is diminished. Such patients demonstrate reduced VA but often have an elevated VE. An important compensatory mechanism is that a lower level of VA will maintain stable CO2 excretion where the Paco2 is increased(Box 19-1)
困惑4. 346 右边中下
顺应性(弹性的倒数)表示在一定水平的PTp(压力,cmH2O)下所能达到的膨胀程度(容积,L),通常为0.2~0.3 L/cmH2O。与大多数弹性结构相似,虽然高Ptp能使肺膨胀更大,但施加的压力与其导致的容积增大之间的关系是曲线型的(图13.3)。肺顺应性依赖于肺容积,当FRC极高或极低时,顺应性最差(图13.3)。在以肺顺应性下降为特征的肺疾病中(例如ARDS 、肺纤维化、肺水肿),压力﹣容积(P-V)曲线变得平坦且右移(图13.4)。相反,虽然肺气肿患者的弹性组织减少,但是肺组织总量(通过CT影像显示)减少意味着顺应性增加,P-V曲线左移,并变得陡峭(图13.4)
Compliance—the reciprocal of elastance—is the term that expresses how much distention (volume in liters) occurs for a given level of PTP (pressure, cm H2O); it is usually 0.2 to 0.3 L/cm H2O.24 However, although higher values of PTP maintain greater levels of lung opening, the relationship— as with most elastic structures—between applied pressure and resultant volume is curvilinear(Fig. 13.3).Lung compliance depends on the lung volume; it is lowest at an extremely low or high FRC(see Fig. 13.3). In lung diseases characterized by reduced compliance (e.g., ARDS, pulmonary fibrosis, or edema), the pressure-volume(PV)curve is flatter and shifted to the right (Fig. 13.4).In contrast, although emphysema involves the loss of elastic tissue, the overall loss of lung tissue (as seen on computed tomography [CT] scanning)means that the compliance is increased; the PV curve is therefore shifted to the left and is steeper (see Fig. 13.4)
In contrast, although emphysema involves the loss of elastic tissue, the overall loss of lung tissue (as seen on computed tomography [CT] scanning)means that the compliance is increased;相反,虽然肺气肿患者的弹性组织减少,但是肺组织总量(通过 CT 影像显示)减少意味着顺应性增加
困惑5. 346 右边上面
The study of respiratory mechanics tells us how inspired air is distributed within the lung and permits quantitation of the severity of lung disease. The components of overall impedance to breathing results from elastance (the reciprocal of compliance), resistance, and inertia.