本帖最后由 医路顺风 于 2012-2-15 01:21 编辑
Case Scenario: Management of Intraoperative Hypoxemia during One-lung Ventilation
Case Reports
A 50-yr-old man undergoing resection of the upper right lung for neoplasia developed hypoxemia 15 min after the start of OLV.
Preoperative examination revealed satisfactory cardiopulmonary status. Preoperative rest and dobutamine stress echocardiography revealed normal left ventricular function without any wall motion abnormalities. Doppler ultrasound examination of the carotid arteries was normal.
Preoperative pulmonary function tests were normal without any obstructive disease (forced expired volume in 1 s was 3.71 and forced expired volume in 1 s/vital capacity was 73%). Blood electrolytes, hemoglobin concentration, and renal function were normal.
There was no history of bronchopulmonary infection, and arterial blood gas values in room air were Pao2 83 mmHg, Paco2 38 mmHg, pH 7.40, and HCO3 25 mm.
无支气管肺感染病史,吸空气状况下动脉血气为PaO2 83 mmHg, PaCO2 38 mmHg, pH 7.40, HCO3 25 mm.
Electrocardiogram showed regular sinus rhythm, and blood pressure on the morning of surgery was 128/65 mmHg.
心电图示窦性心律正常心电图,术晨血压为128/65 mmHg.
The patient refused epidural anesthesia for management of postoperative pain.
Selective bronchial intubation of the left main-stem bronchus was performed with a 39F left-sided double lumen tube (DLT) (Broncho-part; Rüsch, Kermen, Germany). The correct position of the tube was immediately confirmed with a fiberoptic bronchoscopy, and the patient was then placed in the lateral position.
Volume-controlled ventilation, including a 7 ml/kg tidal volume (VT) of predicted body weight under 100% Fio2, a 12 cycles/min respiratory rate, and a 5 cm H2O positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), was used. End-tidal carbon dioxide and plateau pressure were 31 mmHg and 19 cm H2O, respectively. No intrinsic PEEP was observed. OLV was initiated without any change in ventilator settings.
容量控制通气,VT 7ml/kg(标准体重),FIO2 100%,RR 12次/分,PEEP 5 cm H2O。EtCO2 31mmHg,平台压19 cm H2O。未见内源性PEEP。单肺通气开始时维持原通气设置。
Fifteen minutes later, the patient exhibited profound hypoxemia with a significant decrease in pulse oxymetry from 94% to 88%. Arterial blood gas values were pH 7.41, Pao2 52 mmHg (100% Fio2), Paco2 40 mmHg, HCO3 24.8 mM, and 87% Sao2. The patient's hemodynamics and electrocardiogram remained stable. Expiratory flow and expiratory VT were unchanged, and no leak was noticed.
单肺通气15min后,病人发生明显的低氧血症,SPO2从94%下降至88%,动脉血气提示:pH 7.41, Pao2 52 mmHg (100% Fio2), Paco2 40 mmHg, HCO3 24.8 mM, Sao2. 87%。病人血流动力学和心电图一直保持稳定,呼吸流量和潮气量未发生明显变化,没有明显的泄露。
The correct position of the DLT was immediately confirmed by fiberoptic inspection. End-expiratory flow was not interrupted by the next insufflation and reached zero before the next respiratory cycle, therefore no dynamic hyperinflation or intrinsic PEEP (iPEEP) was observed.
Once the surgeon was informed, the nondependent lung (nonventilated lung) was expanded manually by administration of pure oxygen, and a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) at 5 cm H2O was subsequently applied. This strategy allowed rapid improvement of the patient's oxygenation, and oxymetry pulse could be maintained above 95% throughout the surgical procedure under OLV.
马上通知术者停止手术,纯氧手动膨胀非通气肺,随后给予上肺5 cm H2O CPAP。这些措施使病人的氧合状态迅速得到改善,SPO2一直维持在95%以上,最终单肺通气完成手术。
During the manual expansion of the nondependent (nonventilated) lung, hemodynamics remained stable. Because the surgical procedure was a right open thoracotomy, it was not impeded by the application of CPAP to the nondependent lung, which was stopped at the end of OLV.
The postoperative course of this patient was uneventful. He did not exhibit any hypoxemia after tracheal extubation.