我在这里从另一个角度,也就是麻醉医师的基本功方面,开辟一个栏目。大家也许都能感觉到,书上内容很多,中文书条条框框很复杂,外文书滔滔不绝一大片。我科负责教育的 Dr. James Griffin 针对这个问题,把书上内容 “浓缩” 起来,做成卡片,分给住院医,实际上对主治医也是一个温故知新的作用。他的目的是让住院医生每日掌握一条信息。由于他讨论的几个问题,有连续性,我在这里把几个问题一起贴出,称其为 每周 一题。
Nov 9 - Discuss hemodynamic & resp. effects of lateral decubitus positioning
Discussion points.
Placement of a patient in the lateral decubitus position can result in significant mismatching of pulmonary ventilation-to-perfusion during mechanical ventilation of the lungs for a number of reasons. First, while in the lateral position the mechanically ventilated patient has relatively better ventilation of the superior lung, while the dependent lung is being ventilated less. The reasons for the dependent lung being ventilated less are secondary to the loss of lung volume from compression by abdominal contents, mediastinal contents, and the structures used to position the patient. The patient concurrently has better perfusion of the dependent lung, primarily secondary to the effects of gravity. Together, these factors result in greater mismatching of ventilation and perfusion of the lungs during mechanical ventilation in a patient in the lateral decubitus position. Clinically, this may manifest as arterial hypoxemia.
Placement of a patient in the lateral decubitus position can result in compression of the inferior vena cava from the pressure of a kidney rest. This can lead to a decrease in venous return to the heart.
侧卧位可以因多种原因导致肺的通气/灌注比例失调:1,侧卧位患者机械通气时,其上肺通气相对较好,而下肺通气不好(注:文献中常把下肺称为 “依赖肺”dependent lung,我想其来源是,下肺是 “依赖重力的肺” weight-dependent lung 的缘故)。下肺通气不好的原因,是由于该肺受到腹腔内容物,纵隔,和固定病人体位的各类材料和结构挤压所致。在病人下肺通气不良的同时,其血流灌注又因为重力的作用有所增加。这两个因素加起来的结果,就是侧卧位通气病人通气/血流比例失调,临床表现为动脉缺氧。
侧卧位病人也可因腰垫(kidney rest)压迫下腔静脉,导致回心血量减少。” |