Epidural 硬膜外麻醉
c-section 剖腹产
leakage 羊水渗漏
water broken 破水
nipple 乳头,奶嘴
urinate vi. 小便
妇产科: Obstetrics & Gynecology
子宫: Uterus
子宫口: Cervix
阴道: Vagina
月经: Menstruation (Periods)
下腹部痛: Low abdominal pain
阴道分泌物: Vaginal Discharge
月经周期: Menstrual Cycle
月经痛: Dysmenorrhea
怀孕: Pregnancy
预产期: Date of delivery; Due date
害喜: Morning sickness
胎儿心音: Fetal Heart Sounds
流产: Miscarriage
堕胎: Abortion
破水: The Show (Mucus-Like) Membrane Rupture (water broken)
阵痛: Labor Pain
早期破水: Premature Rupture
腿抽筋: Leg Cramp
排卵: Ovulation
受精: Conception
着床: Implantation
胎儿: Fetal
胎动: Fetal Movement; Quickening
妊娠纹: Striations of Pregnancy
尿道炎: Urinary Trust Infection
蛋白尿症: Albuminuria
羊水过多: Polyhydramnion
胞状畸胎: Hydatid Mole
宫外孕: Ectopic Pregnancy
输卵管怀孕: Tubal Pregnancy
产道: Birth Canal
直肠检查: Rectal Examination
阴道检查:Internal (Vaginal) Examination
分娩: Delivery
子宫收缩: Contraction
会阴切开: Episiotomy
会阴缝合: Perineorrhaphy Stitch
产后: After Birth
脐带: Umbilical Cord
胎盘: Placenta
恶露: Lochia
早产: Premature Birth
死产: Still Birth
双胞胎: Twins
多胞胎: Multiple Birth
胎盘前置: Placenta Praevia
胎盘分离: Separation of the Placenta
盘卷脐带: Coiling of the Umbilical Cord
骨盆狭窄: Narrow Pelvic
会阴裂伤: Laceration of the Perineum
子宫破裂: Tubal Rupture
产褥热: Puerperal Fever
剖腹产: Caesarean Section
产钳助产: Forceps Delivery
母乳喂养: Breast Feeding
人工喂养: Bottle Feeding
初乳: Colostrum
新生儿: Newborn Baby
药品 Medicine
袋 Ice Bag
药品 Medicine (Drug)
绷带 Bandage
胶带 Adhesive Tape
剪刀 Scissors
体温计 Thermometer
药丸 Tablet, Pill
舌下锭 Sublingual Tablet
胶囊 Capsules
软膏 Ointment
眼药 Eye Medicine
止咳药 Cough Medicine
阿司匹林 Aspirin
止疼药 Pain Killer
过敏 Allergy
健康诊断 General Check-up
Physical Examination 体检(主要是医生做的身体检查,不包括辅助检查)
检查 Examination
入院 Admission to Hospital
出院 Discharge from Hospital
症状 Symptom
营养 Nutrition
临床病史 Clinical History
诊断 Diagnosis
治疗 Treatment
预防 Prevention
呼吸 Respiration
排便 Bowel Movement
便 Stool
血液 Blood
脉搏 Pulse, Pulsation
尿 Urine
脉搏数 Pulse Rate
血型 Blood Type
血压 Blood Pressure
麻醉 Anesthesia
全身麻醉 General Anesthesia
静脉麻醉 Intravenous Anesthesia
脊椎麻醉 Spinal Anesthesia
局部麻醉 Local Anesthesia
手术 Operation
切除 Resection
副作用 Side Effect
Irrigation 灌洗或冲洗
注射 Injection
X光 X-Ray
红外线 Ultra Red-Ray
慢性的 Chronic
急性的 Acute
体格 Build
亲戚 Relative
遗传 Heredity
免疫 Immunity
血清 Serum
流行性的 Epidemic
潜伏期 Incubation Period
滤过性病毒 Virus
消毒 Sterilization
抗生素 Antibiotic
脑电图 E.E.G
洗肠 Enema
结核反映 Tuberculin Reaction
结核菌素实验 Mantoes test
华氏 Fahrenheit
摄氏 Celsius, Centigrade
药品 Medicine
袋 Ice Bag
药品 Medicine (Drug)
绷带 Bandage
胶带 Adhesive Tape
剪刀 Scissors
体温计 Thermometer
药丸 Tablet, Pill
舌下锭 Sublingual Tablet
胶囊 Capsules
软膏 Ointment
眼药 Eye Medicine
止咳药 Cough Medicine
阿司匹林 Aspirin
止疼药 Pain Killer
药方 Prescription
发烧 Fever
高烧 High Fever
发冷 Chills
发汗 Sweats
盗汗 Night Sweats
倦怠 Tiredness
失眠 Insomnia
肩头发硬 Stiffness in Shoulder
打喷嚏 Sneeze
打嗝 Hiccup
痒 Itch
腰疼 Low Back Pain
头疼 Headache
痛 Pain (Ache)
急性疼痛 Acute Pain
激痛 Severe Pain
钝痛 dull Pain
压痛 Pressing Pain
刺痛 Sharp Pain
戳痛 Piercing Pain
一跳一跳地痛 Throbbing Pain
针扎似的痛 Prickling Pain
烧痛 Burning Pain
裂痛 Tearing Pain
持续痛 Continuous Pain
不舒服 Uncomfortable
绞痛 Colic
放射痛 Radiating Pain
溃烂痛 Sore Pain
痉挛痛 Cramp Pain
顽痛 Persistent Pain
轻痛 Slight Pain
血尿 Bloody Urine
浓尿 Pyuria
粘液便 Mucous Stool
粘土样便 Clay-Colored Stool
验血 Blood Analysis
红血球 Red Cell
白血球 White Cell
呼吸数 Respiration Rate
呼气 Expiration
吸气 Inspiration
呼吸困难 Difficulty in Breathing
不规则脉搏 Irregular Pulse
慢脉 Bradycardia
快脉 Rapid Pulse
尿浑浊 Cloudy Urine
蛋白尿 Albuminuria
糖尿 Glucosuria
瘦 thin, Skinny
肥 Fat
Virus 病毒,(或)滤过性微生物.(多用前者)
Spinal Anesthesia 脊髓麻醉, 或蛛网膜下腔麻醉 (脊椎和脊髓是完全不同的概念,脊椎在医学上指椎骨, 而脊髓指锥管中的神经丛, 切不可混淆!)
rapid pulse 的医学术语可以用: Tachycardia
analgesic=pain killer |