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[麻醉视频] 优化腰硬联合麻醉技术的十大技巧(2013SOAP年会)

发表于 2013-3-26 20:23:43 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

  2013年3月14-17日在美国旧金山举办的美国产科麻醉会议的讲座视频,Dr. Lawrence C. Tsen discusses ten tips to optimize your epidural technique at the 2013 Sol Shnider, MD Anesthesia Meeting in San Francisco, California. This video was produced by the Stanford AIM Lab.


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有奖活动:我为论坛出谋划策!! ←点击查看详情

发表于 2013-3-26 22:53:15 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2013-3-27 22:34:59 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2013-3-28 12:14:10 | 只看该作者
英语太差 听不明白


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发表于 2013-3-30 10:29:15 | 只看该作者




 小技巧:普通会员如何送鲜花?  (←点击查看详情

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发表于 2013-3-30 10:58:29 | 只看该作者
thank you very  much,i am appreciated.and well ,back to everybody  and this like home and i have been San Francisco since my collage day as my two sister live here and like all of you coming back to San Francisco is fun thing.epecically i am thankful of many of you are back here for this  particular meeting and it  is great to see many of you and see friends and new friend  here and other people as well.


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发表于 2013-3-30 12:38:14 | 只看该作者
the topic of  present of us  is gonna  to be an epidural and equinox .and certainly want to talk about --analysis(----分析)that how to use in growing and perhaps useful in this condition time  and time when a woman can not recieve a ---technic as we recognized that majority of the time can use ---technic and can make sure that is up to part and , does nothing and rare in  role


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发表于 2013-3-30 12:39:56 | 只看该作者
thank you very  much,i am appreciated.and well ,back to everybody  and this like home and i have been San Francisco since my collage day as my two sister live here and like all of you coming back to San Francisco is fun thing.epecically i am thankful of many of you are back here for this  particular meeting and it  is great to see many of you and see friends and new friend  here and other people as well.

he topic of  present of us  is gonna  to be an epidural and equinox .and certainly want to talk about --analysis(----分析)that how to use in growing and perhaps useful in this condition time  and time when a woman can not recieve a ---technic as we recognized that majority of the time can use ---technic and can make sure that is up to part and , does nothing and rare in  role

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发表于 2013-3-30 13:20:16 | 只看该作者
thank you very  much,i am appreciated.and well ,back to everybody  and this like home and i have been San Francisco since my collage day as my two sister live here and like all of you coming back to San Francisco is fun thing.epecically i am thankful of many of you are back here for this  particular meeting and it  is great to see many of you and see friends and new friend  here and other people as well.

the topic of  present of us  is gonna  to be an epidural and equinox .and certainly want to talk about --analysis(----分析)that how to use in growing and perhaps useful in this condition time  and time when a woman can not recieve a ---technic as we recognized that majority of the time can use ---technic and can make sure that is up to part and , does nothing and rare in  role
in terms of looking at epidural technic, ithink about it ,reason for  why i call this  equinox has a coupl of reasons:first ,if you look at the dictionary definition of the equinox ,we could note when sun crosses the ---equator(赤道),make a time a day equivelent to day and night  ,as you know here we are in the centric , we have to no deviation  through day and night and we have to able to do our technic at any appointed time


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发表于 2013-3-30 14:43:12 | 只看该作者
thank you very  much,i am appreciated.and well ,back to everybody  and this like home and i have been San Francisco since my collage day as my two sister live here and like all of you coming back to San Francisco is fun thing.epecically i am thankful of many of you are back here for this  particular meeting and it  is great to see many of you and see friends and new friend  here and other people as well.

the topic of  present of us  is gonna  to be an epidural and equinox .and certainly want to talk about --analysis(----分析)that how to use in growing and perhaps useful in this condition time  and time when a woman can not recieve a ---technic as we recognized that majority of the time can use ---technic and can make sure that is up to part and , does nothing and rare in  role
in terms of looking at epidural technic, ithink about it ,reason for  why i call this  equinox has a coupl of reasons:first ,if you look at the dictionary definition of the equinox ,we could note when sun crosses the ---equator(赤道),make a time a day equivelent to day and night  ,as you know here we are in the centric , we have to no deviation  through day and night and we have to able to do our technic at any appointed time and other reason i name it for song written by joln coltrance and what i like about Coltrane is he is a prominent musician in jazz at the time of his soaring (此处先生说的是:searing 我以为是口误,所以改下哈)popularity that is in 1960s to 1970s.reason he was promptly popular is that he had a real attention on his craft ,he is known  to take a  rift note which is a collection of forty notes ,sometimes he practiced himselft after four or five hours at a time ,moreover,he played the different type of  instruments to get the more varity of  different approach ,bacause of that  his attention is the way that we should look at our own technic and should be question based our own and we are gonna to ask yourself :if some of this innovation of things are what we have  been incorporated with ? some were capable with and some perhaps were we have to change our  incorporation into our practice,but once we decide to do that ,we need to practice,practice and practice

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发表于 2013-3-30 20:48:13 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2013-3-30 21:24:14 | 只看该作者

有奖活动:我为论坛出谋划策!! ←点击查看详情

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发表于 2013-3-30 22:42:10 | 只看该作者


有奖活动:我为论坛出谋划策!! ←点击查看详情

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发表于 2013-3-30 22:51:19 | 只看该作者
回复 14# xkl000


有奖活动:我为论坛出谋划策!! ←点击查看详情

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发表于 2013-4-1 20:27:04 | 只看该作者
thank you very  much,i am appreciated.and well ,back to everybody  and this like home and i have bee ...
bird111 发表于 2013-3-30 14:43

   不错啊!你说得很对,师傅带进门,修行在个人,学不学习英文是自己的事,和是不是 在基层没有半毛钱关系!您能够听译出这么多来,真是厉害!所以说多一门技术永远都会给自己多打开一扇门!

有奖活动:我为论坛出谋划策!! ←点击查看详情

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