Anaesth Intensive Care. 2003 Oct;31(5):570-2.
Comment in: Anaesth Intensive Care. 2004 Feb;32(1):145-6.
Inadvertent subdural spread complicating cervical epidural steroid injection with local anaesthetic agent.
Bansal S, Turtle MJ.
Anaesthetic Department, Walsgrave Hospital, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust, Coventry, CV2 2DX, United Kingdom.
Although cervical epidural steroid injection with local anaesthetic is considered a safe technique and widely practiced, complications may occur. We report a patient experiencing unexpected delayed high block, moderate hypotension and unconsciousness eight to ten minutes after an apparently normal cervical epidural steroid injection. The most probable diagnosis was a subdural block. Anatomical peculiarities of the epidural and subdural space in the cervical region increase the risk of subdural spread during cervical epidural injection. Fluoroscopic guidance is important during cervical epidural injection to increase certainty of correct needle placement, thus minimizing the risk of complications.
出处:Anaesth Intensive Care. 2003 Oct;31(5):570-2.
作者:Bansal S, Turtle MJ. 英国 某大学医院麻醉科
Anaesthesist. 2002 Nov;51(11):918-21.
[Delayed occurrence of subdural malposition of epidural catheter]
[Article in German]
Gaus P, Eich C, Hildebrandt J.
Zentrum Anaesthesiologie, Rettungs- und Intensivmedizin, Georg-August-Universitat Gottingen, Germany.
We describe a case of postoperative subdural dislocation (between dura and arachnoidea spinalis) of an epidural catheter. After 24 h of normal functioning of the catheter, the injection of 5 ml lidocaine caused an extensive unilateral sensory block including the cranial nerves. X-ray control excluded an epidural or intrathecal position of the catheter. A delayed dislocation of the epidural catheter into the subdural space can occur but this complication only usually becomes evident after injection of a normal dose of local anaesthetic into the catheter and can have catastrophic consequences. The safety of patients can only be guaranteed if epidural catheters are managed solely by professional anaesthesiological personnel. Anatomy, mechanisms of complications and clinical differential diagnosis are discussed.
出处:Anaesthesist. 2002 Nov;51(11):918-21.
作者:Gaus P, Eich C, Hildebrandt J. (德国 某大学医院麻醉中心)
South Med J. 1989 Jan;82(1):87-9.
Subdural injection of local anesthetics and morphine: a complication of attempted epidural anesthesia.
Miller DC, Choi WW, Chestnut DH.
Department of Anesthesia, University of Iowa College of Medicine, Iowa City 52242.
We have reported a case of unintentional, roentgenographically proven cannulation of the lumbar subdural space. Injection of 13 ml of local anesthetic provided satisfactory anesthesia for cesarean section, and administration of 1 mg of morphine resulted in postcesarean analgesia for 22 hours. Subdural catheterization is a possible explanation for the occasionally irregular course of an apparent "epidural" anesthetic.
出处:South Med J. 1989 Jan;82(1):87-9.
作者:Miller DC, Choi WW, Chestnut DH. (美国爱荷华州立大学医学院麻醉科)
以下是台湾somnolent先生在山东麻醉论坛就Dr. Collier对于硬膜下腔解剖的描述文章的节译,转贴如下,以资共享。
Subdural Space
Clive Collier
The classic anatomical description of the subdural space is of "a potential cavity between the dura and arachnoid mater, containing a small volume of serous fluid" (1). The space runs up from the lower border of the second sacral vertebra into the cranial cavity as high as the diaphragma sellae in the floor of the third ventricle (2) but does not communicate with the subarachnoid space. It is continued onto the cranial and spinal nerves for a short distance. The space appears to be widest in the cervical region (3).
Contemporary anatomists have suggested, however, that the spinal subdural space is not a "potential" space at all, but that it occurs as a result of tissue damage which creates a cleft in this area of the meninges (4). These anatomists contend that there is no natural space between the arachnoid barrier cell layer and the dural border cell layer. When tissue damage occurs, it results in a cleaving open of the dural border cell layer.
当代的解剖学家曾暗示,硬膜下腔绝非一个"潜在性"的空间,但这须有一个组织受损的前提,造成在神经膜间的一个裂隙,他们 强调,蜘蛛膜与硬膜间没有存在天然的空间,但当组织受伤,裂缝会撑开此两层组织。
The force required to enter the subdural space or produce this cleavage is usually small. Blomberg (5) reported little difficulty in inserting an endoscope and viewing the cavity in the majority of his autopsy studies.
Entry into the subdural space in the course of attempted epidural block appears to result from:
1. the bevel of an epidural needle perforating the dura, particularly if the bevel has been rotated in the epidural space ,
2. invasion by an epidural catheter at the time of its insertion, or
3. subsequent migration of the catheter.
The subdural space is well known to radiologists as a place to go astray when attempting subarachnoid contrast injection (6, 9). This is particularly likely to occur following previous subarachnoid block, or lumbar puncture, and is recognized on fluoroscopic screening by the sluggish flow of contrast away from the injecting needle, which is little improved by tilting the patient.
Injection of local anaesthetic into the subdural space usually results in an unexpectedly high level of sensory block - as little as 3.5 ml bupivacaine 0.5% has produced a block as high as the C5 level (7). The high sensory block is usually evident between 10 and 35 minutes following injection (Chapter 8). It may spread intracranially producing apnoea and unconsciousness. Accompanying hypotension is gradual in onset and systolic blood pressure is rarely below 60 mm Hg. .
局麻药注入蜘蛛网膜下腔,通常会造成意想不到的高位知觉阻滞,可以少到3.5ml 0.5% bupivacaine,阻断到C5平面,时间约在注射后10~35分钟后,可以延伸到颅内造成呼吸停止以及意识丧失,伴随的低压通常渐进的发生,收缩压很少低于60 mmHg。
1. GRAY'S ANATOMY. Neurology pp 1044-1102 33rd edition, Editors: Davies DV, Davies F. London,Longmans, 1964
2. Jones MD, Newton TH. Inadvertent extra-arachnoid injections in myelography. Radiology 1963 80:818-821.
3. Mehta M, Maher RM. Injection into the extra-arachnoid subdural space. Anaesthesia 1977 32:760-766.
4. Haines DE. On the question of a subdural space. The Anatomical Record 1991 230:3-21.
5. Blomberg RG. The lumbar subdural extra-arachnoid space of humans; an anatomical study using spinaloscopy in autopsy cases. Anesthesia and Analgesia 1987 66:177-180.
6. Schultz EH, Brogdon BG. The problem of subdural placement in myelography. Radiology 1962 79:91-95.
7. Brindle-Smith G, Barton FL, Watt JH. Extensive spread of local anaesthetic solution following subdural insertion of an epidural catheter during labour. Anaesthesia 1984 39:355-358.
8. Collier CB. Accidental subdural block: four more cases and a radiographic review. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care 1992 20:215-232.
9. Reynolds F and Speedy HM. The subdural space: The third place to go astray. Anaesthesia 1990: 45:120-123
题目:Exploring the Subdural Space
来源:Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, Vol 29, No 1 (January–February), 2004: pp 7–8.
作者:Craig Palmer, M.D.
单位:Department of Anesthesiology,University of Arizona Health Sciences Center. Tucson, Arizona
我们中的不少人会被告知:硬膜下腔位于硬脊膜与蛛网膜之间,后两者是围绕脊髓的两层脊膜。根据Cousins’ and Bridenbaught’ text一书描述:“….硬膜下腔是一个毛细管状的间隙,名之为“硬膜下腔”,位在硬脊膜与蛛网膜之间,其中含有极少量浆液。但硬膜下腔与蛛网膜下腔之间没有任何联络”[1]。Miller在最新版教科书中名之为“硬膜下间隙,……是位于硬脊膜与蛛网膜之间的一个潜在间隙,其中只有少量浆液…….”[2]。Cousins 和 Bridenbaugh一书进一步描述:“……硬脊膜与蛛网膜紧密粘贴,在腰穿过程中仅刺破硬脊膜而不刺破蛛网膜是不可能的”[1]。但是,在该书100页以后又明确重审:“………硬膜下腔置管系刺破硬脊膜而又没有刺透其下方的蛛网膜所致,是一种罕见的硬膜外腔置管意外,这在影像学顕影证实是较为常见的现象,发生率在1:100以上”[3]。而在当时我和我的同事都设想这是一种“奇怪的高位阻滞”。十年后的今天我和我的同事又被告知:“……….注入硬膜下腔的局麻药扩散缓慢,但十分广泛,这在大数量硬膜外止痛实践中是可能遇到的,令人莫名其妙,可能与解剖学异常有关”[4] 。25年后的今天,上述的解说看来没有很大的改变:“硬膜下腔注入局麻药,可导致意想不到的高位阻滞,但都是节段性阻滞。硬膜下腔阻滞的扩散变幻莫测,是否引起广泛扩散,取决于注入局麻药的总容量。”[5]
DR. Coolier在Regional Anesthesia and Pain Management[6]撰文提出一个令人注目的问题:“这些年来,我们对硬膜下腔的认识大概是错误的。硬膜下腔注入局麻药可能并不引起‘广泛的扩散性阻滞’,而恰恰相反,是一种‘扩散不全的局限性阻滞’。硬膜下腔注药并非想像中的那么罕见”。 Collier提出4例硬膜外腔麻醉病例,特点是局麻药未见广泛扩散、起效迟缓、需要硬膜外腔追加局麻药,阻滞方始生效。术毕该4例病人都在X线下注入造影剂证实导管已误入硬膜下腔,同时也观察到造影剂的扩散同样受到限制。这是一篇局麻药误注硬膜下腔受到“扩散限制”的首篇报道。
1. Bridenbaugh PO, Kennedy WF Jr. Spinal, subarachnoid neural blockade. In: Cousins MJ, Bridenbaugh PO, eds. Neural Blockade. Philadelphia, PA: J.B. Lippincott Company; 1980:146-175.
2. Brown DL. Spinal, epidural, and caudal anesthesia. In: Miller RD, ed. Anesthesia. 5th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Churchill Livingstone; 2000:1492-1493.
3. Cousins MJ. Epidural neural blockade. In: Cousins MJ, Bridenbaugh PO, eds. Neural Blockade. Philadelphia, PA: J.B. Lippincott Company; 1980:176-274.
4. Bromage PR. Epidural Anesthesia. Philadelphia, PA: W.B. Saunders Company; 1978:20.
5. Rosen MA, Hughes SC, Levinson G. Regional anesthesia for labor and delivery. In: Hughes SC, Levinson G, Rosen MA, eds. Anesthesia for Obstetrics. 4th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2002:42.
6. Collier CB. Accidental subdural injection during attempted lumbar epidural block may present as a failed or inadequate block: Radiographic evidence. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2004;29:45-51.
7. Jones MD, Newton TH. Inadvertent extra-arachnoid injection in myelography. Radiology 1963;80:818-822.
8. Ajar AH, Rathmell JP, Mukherji SK. The subdural compartment. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2002;27:72-76.
J Clin Anesth. 2001 Aug;13(5):392-7. Related Articles, Links
Subdural air collection: a likely source of radicular pain after lumbar epidural.
Overdiek N, Grisales DA, Gravenstein D, Bosek V, Nishman R, Modell JH.
Department of Anesthesiology, University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, 32610-0254, USA.
This case conference reports two cases of epidural anesthesia in which air was used to identify the epidural space during a loss-of-resistance placement technique. Both patients subsequently complained of severe pain and subdural air was demonstrated in case 1 by computed tomography and in case 2 by magnetic resonance imaging. The possible causes of the pain syndrome experienced by both patients are discussed.
出处:J Clin Anesth. 2001 Aug;13(5):392-7.
作者:Overdiek N, Grisales DA, Gravenstein D, Bosek V, Nishman R, Modell JH.(美国福罗利达大学医学院麻醉科)
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