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[计算机知识] 麻醉学模拟软件推荐汇总

发表于 2013-9-14 07:01:43 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
1.麻醉模拟软件破解版(Body Simulation for Anesthesia)


  Body Simulation for Anesthesia is software for teaching and training in the field of anesthesia. A detailed and graphically pleasing user interface has been customized to represent the operating room environment. Users may explore a myriad of scientific and clinical aspects as they run through life-like cases. The detailed model allows administration of IV lines, fluids, injected and inhaled drugs and agents, anesthesia machine and ventilator settings, and many more clinical maneuvers. Extensive plotting a graphing features make exploration of internal processes fun, exciting, and informative.
  Body Simulation for Anesthesia is an interactive PC-based multi-media software program. It is a simulation of the anesthesia work environment that is centered around a sophisticated mathematical model of human physiology and pharmacology. The program provides a multimedia presentation of the patient and the anesthesia workstation such that users may interact with the software to do actions that would be done during an anesthetic case. The goal of the software is to provide users with the opportunity to run through the all intellectual motions, to the extent limited by a multimedia simulation, that would normally be routine, or not so routine, during the anesthetic delivery process.

破解方法:下载附件内容,解压后将“BodyAnesthesia”文件复制到安装目录覆盖原文件。打开程序,点击"register now".在两个空白栏随便填入任意字符,确定即可完成注册.

2.静脉麻醉执行者 V2.0免费版






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 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-14 07:03:14 | 只看该作者


  又一个五星级的麻醉模拟软件,推荐给麻醉战友们!& N- z0 }2 V2 ^1 Q7 z
  "The similarities between anaesthesia and aviation are quite obvious."新青年麻醉论坛0 l  C' ]4 U% Q, w( ^% ]  X
  Brothersoft Editor: The similarities between anaesthesia and aviation are quite obvious. Although flight simulators have been important for many decades simulation of anaesthesia has only attracted interest in the last few years.

  This software, Anaesthesia Simulator 4.3, is a low budget alternative for theoretical anaesthesia training!
* V. ^/ x/ }5 j0 e0 N4 n( G
  It is currently used as a teaching aid in several of Sweden's University Teaching Hospitals. Although primarily aimed at anaesthetic trainees it may also be of interest to surgeons in training, nurses working in anaesthesia and intensive care environments, ambulance paramedics and medical students.
新青年麻醉论坛. ]0 }! ~9 r; }
  It can be used by the individual student and can also form the basis for a tutorial. It emphasises the basic physiological and pharmacological principles that underpin the clinical practice of anaesthesia.



       TIVAtrainer 是一个欧洲设计的软件,它可以模拟TIVA的各种情况,是一种临床非常实用的工具。通过它,我们可以在手术前根据病人的年龄,身高,体重和ASA的级别进行模拟,使得麻醉一直处于一个平稳的状态。



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 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-14 07:04:45 | 只看该作者

5、麻醉模拟软件推荐:BIS Titration SimulatOR Experience


About The BIS Titration SimulatOR Experience:
The BIS Titration SimulatOR was developed as a creative learning exercise for anesthesia professionals to explore BIS-guided anesthesia titration during an animated simulation of surgery procedure. The simulator assumes that the user has basic knowledge regarding BIS monitoring.
For each patient, the user has the option of conducting the simulated anesthetic using either a volatile gas, TIVA, or TIVA-TCI technique. Regardless of technique, for a given scenario the user manages induction, intubation, ventilation, and fluids in addition to drug selection and titration. In conditions of inadequate anesthesia, analgesia, or muscle relaxant effect, surgical stimulation and pain thresholds determine patient somatic response and/or surgeon comments.
The data presented in the patient scenarios were derived from computer model simulations that were guided by published literature. For each scenario option, patient simulation software (“Body Simulation for Anesthesia” (BODY)) was used to create data for displaying numeric values and trends on the OR monitors (i.e., cardiovascular and other physiological parameters.) In addition, BODY calculated predicted volatile agent concentrations and predicted blood concentrations of intravenous agents, as well as the pharmacodynamic effects and interactions among the anesthetic agents on the cardiovascular, respiratory, and neuroendocrine systems in the simulated patient. Of note, BODY incorporates patient age, weight and co-morbidity in the modeled response
Anesthetic effect was calculated by estimating both net analgesic level and net hypnotic level, from drug interaction models, and Aspect’s extensive clinical database. Mean BIS values were calculated from the net hypnotic level. The time variation of BIS trends stems was modulated by the predicted analgesic level. Intensity of noxious stimulation (e.g., laryngoscopy, skin incision, abdominal surgery) was estimated using the relative anesthetic requirement to prevent movement response to each stimulation. The rise in BIS, EMG and cardiovascular parameters with intraoperative stimulation was modeled from published studies and Aspect’s clinical database. The train-of-four response was estimated from the predicted concentrations of muscle relaxant. The simulated response to “perceived” stimulation (i.e., pain) from intraoperative events was created by infusing epinephrine to achieve a hemodynamic response as guided by the literature. The train-of-four level was estimated from the predicted concentrations of muscle relaxant[. Patient recovery times from cessation of volatile agent were extrapolated from published studies on recovery from BIS guided anesthesia careTCI pharmacokinetics of remifentanil are based on the Minto model while the Schneider model is used for propofol infusion
      The integrated simulation environment (vaporizers, syringes, infusion devices, simulated patient monitors) as well as animations used in the simulator were created by Moberg Multimedia.


6、Ecmo(体外膜肺氧和)模拟软件:ECMOjo 2.3.1


File size: 34.60 MB

Platform: WinXP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64
License: Open Source
Price: FREE
Released: 2011-01-20
  ECMOjo is a simulator and trainer for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. ECMOjo is a computer application implemented in Java. ECMOjo is available for all major operating systems including Windows, Macintosh, Linux and UNIX. The application consists of a graphical user interface to teach physicians, nurses and students the basics of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.   In intensive care medicine, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is an extracorporeal technique of providing both cardiac and respiratory support oxygen to patients whose heart and lungs are so severely diseased or damaged that they can no longer serve their function. An ECMO machine is similar to a heart-lung machine. To initiate ECMO, cannulae are placed in large blood vessels to provide access to the patient's blood. Anticoagulant drugs are given to prevent blood clotting. The ECMO machine continuously pumps blood from the patient through a "membrane oxygenator" that imitates the gas exchange process of the lungs. Oxygenated blood is then returned to the patient.
  ECMOjo has been developed by the Telehealth Research Institute (TRI), John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM) of the University of Hawaii.



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 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-14 07:05:50 | 只看该作者

7、Drager Fabius GS 虚拟操作软件


drager 麻醉机 Fabius GS 虚拟操作软件.exe    9M    非网页版


8、专业麻醉模拟软件Anesoft Anesthesia simulator 6


美国Anesoft公司的Anesoft Anesthesia simulator是目前应用广泛的视屏模拟系统,它购买维护成本均不高,其最新版本内置了100多种药物的药代动力学和药效学模型,能模拟这些药物的血药浓度和药效,它内置的32个不同病情、手术的病人更能使麻醉医师在困难气道、糖尿病酮症酸中毒、空气栓塞、恶性高热等麻醉急症管理的训练中受益。


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发表于 2013-9-14 08:23:43 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2013-9-14 11:05:54 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2013-9-14 16:29:52 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2013-9-15 01:37:51 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 qinxinlei 于 2013-9-15 01:51 编辑

可望不可及啊 级别差了好远  疑问:新人没有学习的权利?

有奖活动:我为论坛出谋划策!! ←点击查看详情

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发表于 2013-9-15 06:51:35 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2013-9-16 12:04:37 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2013-9-19 08:40:10 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2013-9-19 08:43:49 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2013-9-19 09:36:29 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2013-9-19 10:56:12 | 只看该作者


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