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[期刊导读] [2014ASA知识更新] 挑战传统!十大麻醉呼吸管理中的“错误做法”

发表于 2014-11-19 22:19:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式






1. Wimpy preoxygenation Preoxygenation prior to anesthesia induction is a time-honored procedure applied routinely in anesthesia practice. When properly performed, it prolongs the duration that apnea can be maintained without arterial oxygen desaturation, a useful outcome if unanticipated airway difficulties arise. However, proper technique is often not applied. For example, the facemask is lightly placed on the patient’s face, such that there is significant entrainment of room air around the edges of the mask. The facemask seal must be sufficient so that all the inspired gas comes from the anesthesia circuit and bag, rather than via room air entrainment. .Because peak airflow during inspiration may approach 60 L/min, with typical fresh gas flows of 6 L/min the effective inspired oxygen fraction is approximately 40% if a proper seal is not obtained. This will significantly reduce the apneic time prior to desaturation. Many ventilatory maneuvers during preoxygenation have been described, ranging from normal tidal breathing to vital capacity inspiration, most of them equally efficacious, but all depend on an adequate mask fit. One way to objectively evaluate the quality of preoxygenation is to monitor the end-tidal oxygen fraction – aim for at least 80% prior to proceeding. So take the time to do it right, every time – and monitor the efficacy of your technique.











2. “Routine” ventilator settings
Many anesthesiologists were taught in training to use the following ventilator settings intraoperatively: tidal volume = 10 ml/kg and rate = 10-12/min. These settings will routinely produce significant hyperventilation. The rationale for these settings includes:
1) higher tidal volumes will prevent atelectasis and improve oxygenation;
2) respiratory rates of 10-12 are physiologic, and;
3) hypocarbia is good, hypercarbia is bad.
1) High tidal volumes, at least in the ranges used to maintain ventilation in modern practice, do not prevent or reverse atelectasis and do not consistently improve gas exchange. Resolution of intraoperative atelectasis requires “recruitment maneuvers” (prolonged, high airway pressures), not higher tidal volumes – as we will see in point #5 below. Indeed, higher tidal volumes certainly hurt lungs that are already injured, and may have deleterious effects in even normal lungs;
2) Because metabolic demands are decreased during anesthesia, it is not necessary to maintain an “awake” respiratory rate…which in any event widely varies among individuals;
3) Other than for some neurosurgical cases, hypocapnia is not beneficial. Indeed, there is some evidence that hypercarbia may be beneficial. For example, hypercarbia causes peripheral vasodilation and increases tissue oxygenation, which could help prevent wound infection (although this remains to be shown). There is also fascinating study (which to my knowledge has not been repeated) suggesting that intraoperative hypocapnia delays emergence
So consider using lower tidal volumes (in the 5-6 ml/kg range) and lower breathing frequencies that will maintain at least normocarbia.







3. “Routine” use of mechanical ventilation and paralysis
Anesthesiologists in the US frequently employ pharmacologic paralysis and mechanical ventilation, even for cases in which neuromuscular blockade is not required to accomplish the procedure, or cases in which patients could easily maintain spontaneous breathing. Indeed, when patients move after the induction of anesthesia, the first response is often to administer a neuromuscular blocking drug. After all, the surgeons will be happier and won’t yell if the patients don’t move, I can use less anesthetic drugs which avoids hypotension and hastens emergence, and in fact we always do it that way. And if I just turn on the ventilator, I don’t have to worry about whether the patient will be adequately ventilated – it’s a “ventilator”, right? Plus, succinylcholine is now “persona non grata” at many institutions, committing patients to extended paralysis if nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking drugs are used to facilitate endotracheal intubation.
Here are a few reasons to reconsider “routine” mechanical ventilation/paralysis:
1) Positive pressure ventilation requires a more-or-less secure airway. Endotracheal intubation is not a benign intervention; if the only indication for an endotracheal tube is to provide mechanical ventilation, consider whether you really need mechanical ventilation. Many use positive pressure ventilation with supraglottic airways such as the LMA, but remember that unless properly seated, the gas may be delivered to locations you do not wish to receive it (e.g., the stomach).
2) When patients move, they are generally telling you “please give me more anesthesia” rather than “please paralyze me”. Use of neuromuscular blocking drugs is a risk factor for intraoperative awareness, which is rare (but not unheard of) in a patient who is not paralyzed. There are many other risks associated with neuromuscular blocking drugs, including anaphylactic and anaphylactoid reactions and postoperative respiratory complications associated with incomplete reversal of block.
3) Just like our anesthetic forefathers (and foremothers), you can learn a lot by watching patients breathe. For example, parameters such as end-tidal CO2 maintained during spontaneous breathing depend on anesthetic depths, such that central respiratory control mechanisms can serve as an excellent integrated neurophysiology monitor for overall anesthetic effects. This can be a useful tool to help administer anesthesia, for example to titrate opioid supplementation at the end of cases to facilitate smooth, painless emergence. There also may be situations in which gas exchange is better maintained if physiologic diaphragmatic contraction is also maintained, as spontaneous breathing can be associated with improved ventilation-perfusion matching during anesthesia.
So use mechanical ventilation/paralysis because it is specifically indicated for a patient, not as a matter of routine….or as a substitute for adequate anesthesia…



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 楼主| 发表于 2014-11-19 22:19:49 | 只看该作者
4 “辅助”呼吸





4. “Assisted” ventilation
Patients breathing spontaneously under anesthesia often receive “assistance” – a squeeze on the bag every now and then to augment tidal volume, or in today’s world one of numerous modes of pressure support, again designed to augment tidal volumes. The rationales behind this practice are that increased tidal volumes will improve atelectasis, and that this practice will augment minute ventilation and improve hypercapnia. However, there are inconvenient truths that make this reasoning suspect. We have already discussed that increasing tidal volumes, at least to the relatively modest degree used in “assisted” ventilation, does not improve atelectasis or oxygenation. And is it possible to significantly augment minute ventilation during spontaneous breathing underanesthesia, and still maintain spontaneous ventilatory effort? When patients are breathing spontaneously under volatile anesthesia, there is an “apneic threshold” – a value of arterial PCO2 below which ventilatory effort (i.e., respiratory muscle activity) ceases. This threshold is 4-5 cm below the arterial PCO2 maintained during spontaneous breathing, largely independent of anesthetic or the depth of anesthesia. So if you want to maintain your patient’s respiratory effort, you can only achieve modest decreases in PCO2 with “assisted” ventilation. So although “assisted” ventilation may keep your hand (or your anesthesia ventilator) busy and make you feel like you are doing something useful, the reasoning supporting its use is questionable at best.


全麻期间几乎不可避免会发生肺不张,这是导致气体交换异常的主要原因(但不是唯一原因)。当合并其它诸如肥胖等引起的胸壁顺应性异常时,术中低氧就会发生。此时我们习惯性的反应是给予5--250px H2O的呼气末正压通气。在ICU使用时有时似乎有用,那么麻醉中我们为什么不用?不过事实却是:单独使用PEEP并不能逆转已经发生的肺不张。正确的做法是应当首先采用“膨肺法”:以约1000pxH2O的压力持续膨肺30-40秒,然后在给予PEEP,这样才能阻止肺不张再次发生。此外,高浓度的吸入氧浓度会加快肺不张的复发,因此如果有可能应将吸入FiO2降到80%以下。术中发生的肺不张在术后可能会持续存在而导致气体交换障碍,所以在手术结束拔管之前进行膨肺值得推荐。


5. PEEPed out
General anesthesia nearly always causes atelectasis in dependent areas of the lung, which represents a major (but not the only) source of gas exchange abnormalities during anesthesia. When combined with other abnormalities of chest wall mechanics such as obesity, intraoperative hypoxemia may occur. A frequent response is to simply dial in 5-10 cm H2O of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) – which sometimes seems to help in ICU patients, right?
Unfortunately, the isolated application of PEEP is unlikely to reverse intraoperative atelectasis. Rather,
“recruitment” maneuvers are required, involving sustained (30-40 seconds), high (approximately 40 cm H2O) airway pressures. PEEP applied after recruitment maneuvers can help prevent the reformation of atelectasis. Also, a high inspired fraction of O2 can accelerate the reoccurrence of atelectasis – so keep the FIO2 below 80% if possible.
Intraoperative atelectasis can also persist into the postoperative period and cause impairment of gas exchange, so it is worth considering recruitment maneuvers prior to extubation at the end of the case.
So intraoperative hypoxemia is often caused by dependent lung atelectasis, which is best treated by recruitment maneuvers followed by PEEP – don’t just turn on the PEEP.




6. Mode madness
Newer generations of anesthesia machines are equipped with sophisticated ventilators that provide many of the same features of those ventilators utilized in intensive care units. These are touted by their manufacturers as major advances in anesthesia technology, and it is indeed fun to play with the dials (or rather the touchscreen) for those who are mechanically inclined.
However, keep three things in mind.
1) There is little to no evidence that any mode of intraoperative ventilation has any effect on outcomes, despite multiple attempts to prove benefits of the latest “mode-of-the-month”. This has largely been true even in the intensive care unit – all we really know is that high tidal volumes are bad.
2) The multiple modes of ventilation available on modern anesthesia machines provide multiple opportunities for confusion and misuse. Anecdotal experience suggests that many providers do not really understand how the ventilators operate, and this lack of knowledge can have consequences. For example, providers may assume that the patient is breathing spontaneously with a pressure-support mode, and not recognize the absence of spontaneous ventilatory effort. This can make for an interesting extubation experience.
3) In their zeal to optimize the performance of their ventilators, manufacturers have compromised abilities basic to the functioning of the anesthesia machine (in my opinion). For example, allowing pediatric patients to breathe spontaneously with some modern machines results in significant rebreathing of CO2. So if you choose to indulge in mode madness, please recognize that it is for your benefit, generally not for the benefit of your patients, and make sure you understand how that fancy ventilator works.

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-11-19 22:20:05 | 只看该作者
7 挥发罐有问题?




7. Why is my vaporizer broken?
Now that the monitoring of inhaled and exhaled gases is widespread, anesthesia personnel have noted apparent discrepancies between the set volatile anesthetic concentration and the actual inspired anesthetic concentration, sometimes prompting concerns that there is a malfunction of the machine.

However….remember that anesthesia circle systems allow rebreathing of exhaled gas, with the amount of rebreathing dependent on the balance between fresh gas flow into the circuit and minute ventilation. With lower flows, more rebreathing occurs. If this happens say early in induction, the rebreathed gas will be relatively poor in anesthetic, and the inhaled anesthetic concentration will be less than the set anesthetic concentration. The opposite consideration applies during emergence. This phenomenon is as old as the use of volatile agents and circle systems – but only recently have we had the technology to see it routinely!

So remember that if you wish to rapidly change the inspired concentration of a volatile anesthetic (or to wash out agent at the end of the case), you need to use high fresh gas flows – and don’t worry, the vaporizer is fine…..

8 什么,不需要小儿螺纹管?!




8. What, no pediatric circuit?
For smaller children, we often use anesthesia circuits with small diameters, and smaller anesthesia bags. Do we really need to use smaller circuit equipment for smaller people? When asked why, people often mumble something about dead space….

However….remember that the dead space in a circle system extends only distal to the Y-junction – the diameter of the tubing leading to and from the Y-junction makes no difference to dead space. There is the concept of “compression volume” that applies during positive pressure ventilation. This represents ventilation that is “lost” due to the increase in pressure that occurs in the limbs of the ventilator circuit. The lower the volume of each limb of the circuit, the lower the “compression volume”. However, the magnitude of this effect is trivial – for normal airway pressures used during intraoperative ventilation, only about 2% of the delivered volume is “lost”. So this is not much of a reason to use smaller circuit equipment. It is true that with a smaller anesthesia bag, it is easier for the “educated hand” to detect changes in compliance, tidal volume, etc.

So use whatever circuit you wish for your smaller patients – but don’t panic if the “pediatric” circuits are not available.

9 只喷两下就够了

当术中患者发生支气管痉挛时,我们常常会使用沙丁胺醇之类的药物进行雾化治疗。不过对于全麻插管病人,这会是一个很大的挑战。因为即使对于那些情况良好的非卧床病人,使用喷雾瓶也仅仅只能将少量药物真正送到远端小气道。插管病人通过气管导管进入的药物会更少,只有约5-10%的药物会进入气道。因此只是简单的往气管导管里喷两下的做法并不能产生足够的治疗效应。改良的方法有:1)如果可能,考虑使用雾化装置2)在回路吸入端使用spacer device(一种增大空间便于吸入的装置,三言两语解释不清楚,可自行 Google) 3)多喷几下。

9. Two puffs is enough
When patients develop intraoperative bronchospasm, they are often treated using aerosolized drugs such as albuterol. However, it can be quite challenging to administer aerosols to anesthetized patients via an endotracheal tube. Even under the best of conditions in ambulatory patients, only a minority of the total amount of drug administered by a metered dose inhaler actually reaches the small airways. Even less is delivered when administered via an endotracheal tube, with only 5-10% of an administered dose being delivered to the airways. Thus, simply attaching a metered dose inhaler to the elbow of the breathing circuit and administered two puffs (hopefully at the right portion of the respiratory cycle) is unlikely to produce an adequate therapeutic effect.
Suggestions to improve drug delivery include:
1) consider using nebulizers rather than metered dose inhalers if available in a timely fashion;
2) use a spacer device in the inspiratory limb of the circuit, and;
3) increase the number of puffs to account for decreased efficiency of delivery.
Usually two puffs is not enough – so don’t be afraid to administer more puffs to obtain the necessary therapeutic effect.

10 术前应当继续吸烟


10. Don’t stop smoking!
One of the most pernicious and persistent myths in perioperative medicine is that quitting smoking shortly before surgery will actually increase the risk of pulmonary complications, supposedly because of increased cough and sputum production. Multiple studies have now shown that this is absolutely not true – quitting smoking at any time prior to surgery will not increase the rate of any complication, although it is true that it may take several weeks to realize the full benefits of smoking cessation in terms of reducing the risk of pulmonary complications.
Anesthesiologists are in a unique position to help their patients quit smoking, and should take every opportunity to help them do so. Surgery serves as a “teachable moment” for smoking cessation, as having major surgery can double the chances that patients can quit successfully. This will improve both immediate perioperative outcomes and long term health. For more information, see www.asahq.org/stopsmoking.
So any time is the right time for patients to quit smoking – even shortly before surgery.
(出自丁香园 netfish513 新青年麻醉论坛)

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