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科研指南 今日: 0|主题: 1771|排名: 16 


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[医学指南] 分娩镇痛(最近翻译) attachment songhailong 2010-11-25 26112 songhailong 2010-12-22 19:57
[医学指南] 2008NCCN止吐指南(英文) attachment 逸阳绝风 2010-1-31 25798 zlztaihei 2010-12-17 22:57
[医学指南] 中国麻醉学会临床麻醉指南全国巡讲课件 attachment 小麻生 2009-10-29 109010 zlztaihei 2010-12-17 22:53
[English Forum] AnaesthesiaUK Final Long Case-Nov. agree MDMZ 2010-11-18 23945 shenxiu2 2010-12-14 18:18
[English Forum] 糖尿病患者与护士的对话 agree dncm126 2010-12-4 08246 dncm126 2010-12-4 21:14
投票 [English Forum] USMLE and anesthesia residency training in the US agree mikewolf 2010-12-2 04789 mikewolf 2010-12-2 08:57
[医学指南] 困难气道的查体及评估指南(附翻译) qwddvsv 2010-11-28 110873 qwddvsv 2010-11-28 22:29
[其他话题] 支气管血液循环(静脉回流路径) attach_img 1001 2010-6-13 113710 xyz-cn99 2010-11-28 13:38
大二学生找各位师兄指导下! jonah 2010-11-24 74512 蓝影月舞 2010-11-25 15:26
[期刊导读] The Jaw-Thrust Maneuver attachment agree xuxuebing 2010-11-22 05137 xuxuebing 2010-11-22 08:12
[English Forum] FRCA short case agree MDMZ 2010-10-20 14588 inga 2010-11-21 14:03
[English Forum] ANZCA EXAM Q 1999A01--obesity & anesthesia management shenxiu2 2010-11-21 03914 shenxiu2 2010-11-21 10:49
[English Forum] ANZCA EXAM Q 1996A06--neuroanesthesia shenxiu2 2010-11-21 03455 shenxiu2 2010-11-21 10:34
[医学指南] ASA慢性疼痛治疗指南 attachment agree xgw1968 2010-2-6 37529 inga 2010-11-19 06:08
[English Forum] American Boards I-oral case agree MDMZ 2010-10-30 14249 inga 2010-11-18 14:33
[English Forum] case discussion--elderly woman for open cholecystectomy agree MDMZ 2010-10-2 34767 shenxiu2 2010-11-17 14:59
[English Forum] 渥太華大學 住院醫師 每周一問 心超 2010-6-6 24279 王麻子 2010-11-16 22:28
[医学指南] 依托咪酯临床应用指导意见 attachment agree xiaoxiaoma 2009-3-22 48347 qwddvsv 2010-11-15 15:49
[English Forum] Anesthesia evaluation agree MDMZ 2010-10-17 24194 wanfangfang 2010-11-11 18:48
[English Forum] Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in adults shenxiu2 2010-11-9 16135 zeng1zhan 2010-11-9 20:42
[其他话题] 怎么阅读外文文献 attachment yxy840325 2010-11-9 16655 yuhbyuhb 2010-11-9 18:28
[医学指南] 北京市呼吸机清洗、消毒指南(试行) attachment pengyuefeng0213 2009-4-17 34755 爬山虎tj 2010-10-28 19:05
[科研方法] 课题构思模板(转载) recommend agree 华西小卒 2010-1-12 37915 心超 2010-10-19 12:14
[其他话题] 求助,关于 重庆医学 氟马西尼 2010-10-18 24666 小丫丫 2010-10-19 08:56
[English Forum] Useful points to remember dibesh87 2009-8-21 14273 wuping0729 2010-10-18 06:06
[English Forum] British Journal of Anaesthesia from Jan. to June 2010 attach_img agree xiaoxiaoma 2010-9-1 14897 wuping0729 2010-10-17 17:04
[English Forum] useful dialogues in the hospital attachment agree 1001 2010-2-1 24873 文佳皇帝 2010-10-16 18:36
一句话知识点 agree alisee 2010-5-17 55810 MDMZ 2010-10-12 21:17
[English Forum] 不可不读的英文电子书 attachment mazuishi1818 2010-10-10 14288 halcyon1118 2010-10-10 23:35
[English Forum] 澳纽麻醉专科考题 1--Case Discussion1 ---ANZCA Exam question shenxiu2 2009-12-10 96396 popqqcat 2010-10-9 12:19
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