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科研指南 今日: 0|主题: 1778|排名: 15 


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[其他话题] 驼人麻醉耗材产学研专项基金向所有基层医师发出邀请 agree woaisongci 2009-11-18 16855 独上西楼听风 2010-2-18 19:39
[English Forum] let us translate together agree  ...2 lyb840412 2010-1-31 174790 lyb840412 2010-2-7 09:22
[English Forum] Patient with a history of ?malignant hyperpyrexia (Case discussion) shenxiu2 2010-2-4 23928 shenxiu2 2010-2-5 20:14
[医学指南] Guidelines for therapeutichypothermia after cardiac arrest attachment shenxiu2 2010-2-1 04134 shenxiu2 2010-2-1 12:12
[医学指南] Nordic guidelines for neuraxial blocks in disturbed haemostasis attachment shenxiu2 2010-2-1 04341 shenxiu2 2010-2-1 12:03
[期刊导读] Anesth Analg:麻醉前给予咪达唑仑可影响患儿呼吸功能 agree xyz-cn99 2009-6-12 37835 ftd123283 2010-1-31 16:50
[医学指南] 中国人写英文文章最常范的错误总结 attachment zgsh118 2010-1-29 14347 Matthew.wang 2010-1-30 03:46
[科研方法] 国家自然科学基金项目申请书撰写辅导 attach_img agree zgsh118 2010-1-29 04294 zgsh118 2010-1-29 19:16
[科研方法] 实验室技术手册 - [售价 2 个金币] zgsh118 2010-1-29 03122 zgsh118 2010-1-29 19:02
[English Forum] Hemostatic changes and bleeding in surgical patients: Effects and solutions shenxiu2 2010-1-29 03851 shenxiu2 2010-1-29 18:41
[English Forum] Bilateral TKA associated with poor peri-operative outcome shenxiu2 2010-1-29 03416 shenxiu2 2010-1-29 17:47
[English Forum] Benefits of aprotonin outweigh risks in high-risk cardiac surgery patients shenxiu2 2010-1-29 03872 shenxiu2 2010-1-29 15:53
[English Forum] Maintaining remifentanil infusion benefits recovery shenxiu2 2010-1-29 04329 shenxiu2 2010-1-29 15:49
[医学指南] 室速四步诊断法 agree ceiba06 2010-1-26 06631 ceiba06 2010-1-26 23:04
[English Forum] A case of bilateral total Knee replacement ( Case discussion ) agree shenxiu2 2010-1-18 24890 shenxiu2 2010-1-20 15:09
[English Forum] Intrathecal fentanyl /sufentanil enhance low-dosebupivacaine 椎管内芬太尼和舒芬 shenxiu2 2009-12-24 15145 zhsj869303 2010-1-18 21:52
[English Forum] Post Mitral Valve replacement Ventricular fibrillation (case Discussion ) agree shenxiu2 2010-1-13 65180 shenxiu2 2010-1-18 08:39
[科研方法] SCI投稿体会 agree lc_doctor 2010-1-17 04645 lc_doctor 2010-1-17 22:57
[期刊导读] 心肌缺血的电生理改变-中英对照-Richard E. Klabunde, PhD - [阅读权限 1]attach_img agree 心超 2010-1-16 03660 心超 2010-1-16 17:55
[English Forum] Bicarbonate therapy in lactic acidos shenxiu2 2010-1-6 15129 逸阳绝风 2010-1-6 19:49
[English Forum] Updates on Perioperative Beta-Blocker Use in Noncardiac Surgery shenxiu2 2010-1-5 04116 shenxiu2 2010-1-5 23:30
[English Forum] Compromised infant are most Affected by GeneralAnesthesia for CesareanDelivery shenxiu2 2010-1-5 03521 shenxiu2 2010-1-5 23:15
[English Forum] Desflurane: Drug information shenxiu2 2009-12-29 03804 shenxiu2 2009-12-29 00:02
[English Forum] 澳纽考题2001B08:Anesthesia for manual removal of placenta shenxiu2 2009-12-28 03941 shenxiu2 2009-12-28 16:02
[English Forum] 低镁在心血管病里的重要影响 hypomagnesemia in cardiovasculardisease shenxiu2 2009-12-16 24595 shenxiu2 2009-12-25 10:23
[English Forum] 对心跳停止的急救低温治疗Therapeutic hypothermia for cardiac arrest shenxiu2 2009-12-24 05149 shenxiu2 2009-12-24 16:18
[English Forum] 呼吸机管理(Ventilator Management) Matthew.wang 2009-12-19 05366 Matthew.wang 2009-12-19 11:35
[English Forum] 澳纽专科考题2--ANZCA exam question & answer shenxiu2 2009-12-11 13944 shenxiu2 2009-12-17 14:15
[English Forum] Emergency craniotomy in anticoagulated patient 抗凝病患与开颅手术麻醉 agree shenxiu2 2009-12-10 14457 1001 2009-12-17 00:33
[期刊导读] 呼吸疾病标志物 agree songhailong 2009-12-15 05693 songhailong 2009-12-15 10:39
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