American Society of Enhanced Recovery (ASER)
Enhanced recovery after surgery(ERAS) is a standardard, coordinated interdisciplinary perioperative surgicalcare program that incorporate evidence-based interventions to minimize surgicalstress, improve physiological and functional recovery, reduce complications,and facilitate earlier discharge from the hospital.
Thehistory of ASER: The concept of enhanced recovery offast-track surgery originated from the work of Professor Henrik Kehlet inDenmark in the 1990s. The ERAS Society in Europe was formed in 2010. The firstinternational ERAS Society Congress was held in France in 2012. In the UnitedStates (US) interest in enhanced recovery has been growing since the late2000s. The Duke University Medical Center Enhanced Recovery Program started in2010. Since then many centers around the US have started enhanced recoveryprograms. The first US Enhanced Recovery Congress organized by the DukeUniversity Department of Anesthesiology and Surgery was held in Washington DCin 2013. The 2nd US Enhanced Recovery program was held in New Orleans in October2014, and marked the official launch of the American Society of EnhancedRecovery (ASER).
TheASER Mission: To advance the practice ofperioperative enhanced recovery, to contribute to its growth and influences, byfostering and encouraging research, education, public policies, programs andscientific progress.
US healthcare cost is rising at anunsustainable rate. Medicare’s FFS payment system maycontribute to spending growth because it rewards volume of services regardlessof the appropriateness, cost, and quality of those services. Now payers areturning to alternative payment methods. The leading alternative payment modelto the FFS problem is bundled payment. ERAS has most elements of requirementsfor successful implementation of bundled payment for surgical procedures. ERAScan become the essential practice model for bundled payment for surgicalprocedures.
Next year ASER annual meeting will be held in OmniShoreham, Washington DC on April 20-22, 2016. Everyone is welcome!