A 72 year old male has been brought to your emergency room after being removed from a motor vehicle, which has been involved in a high speed collision. He is moaning, his eyes are closed and he withdraws to pain.
On transfer to the CT scanner his left pupil dilates.
1. "He is moaning, his eyes are closed and he withdraws to pain. " . This means that this patient maybe in subconciouness state. Though no record given, before his transfer to the CT room, his two pupil maybe in similar size. And "On transfer to the CT scanner his left pupil dilates", that means his condition developed very fast and ICP increased rapidly.
2. This is a quite urgent case. Mannital, laxis should be given immediately. At the same time tracheal intubation is very necessary in order to control the respiratory because potential respiratary depression or aspiration induced the increase of CO2 and hypoxia could be fatal.
3. Monitor his vital signs carefully and life support should be prepared. Be prepare for surgery. Informe the relatives anesthesia and operation related risks including aspiration, transfusion related risks.
4. Transfer to OR, and take craniotomy. |