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[English Forum] Why anesthesiologists are and should be the leaders in hospital administration?

发表于 2014-4-15 21:54:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Why anesthesiologists are and should be the leaders in hospital administration?

Recently, there are many discussions about the role of anesthesiologists in hospital administration. We should understand and be confident that anesthesiologists are and should be the leaders.   
1.        Anesthesiologists manage patients of all ages cared for across all surgical perioperative care.
2.        Anesthesiologists have general knowledge that crosses all specialties, especially the impact of the surgical procedure on the patient’s health, and the patient’s health on the procedural outcome.
3.        Anesthesiologists are physicians who have extensive training in preoperative evaluation, testing and medical optimization; intraoperative care; delivery of procedural sedation, analgesia and anesthesia; post-procedural care; critical care; and both acute and chronic pain management.
4.        Anesthesiologists are familiar with all surgical diseases. Anesthesiologists understand the surgical implications of every medical disease and treatment.
5.        Anesthesiologist has a leadership role and overall responsibility for perioperative surgical care.
6.        Anesthesiologists are adept at managing the infrastructure that supports surgical care,
7.        Anesthesiologists utilize team leadership skills every day, working with surgeons, nurses, scrub technicians, and others to deliver safe and effective care.
8.        Anesthesiologists are also efficient providers. Anesthesiologists can facilitate standardized therapies with surgical colleagues and apply evidence-based practice across the spectrum of perioperative care to reduce complications.

There are many anesthesiologists in US who have become the leaders of their institutions. The anesthesiologist, Dr. Hakim, is the CEO of Orlando Health (top ten non for profit healthcare systems in US).  Several academic and private medical institutions leaders in US are anesthesiologists.

In conclusions: Anesthesiologists are and should be the leaders of perioperative surgical care and hospital or healthcare administration.







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