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[English Forum] 心房缺与剖腹产 ASD for caesarean section

发表于 2009-12-10 09:27:34 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 shenxiu2 于 2009-12-10 09:44 编辑

You are asked to see a 30 years old, 34 weeks gravid female who requires emergency caesarian section, but refuses regional anaesthesia. She has a past history of a known medium size secundum atrial septal defect (ASD), and has been asymptomatic since birth. The cardiologists have reviewed her regularly in the outpatient clinic over the past years.

1) Describe the pathophysiology of this patient’s cardiac condition. What would you look for in preoperative assessment of this patient to indicate the severity of the ASD?

2) How would this cardiac condition affect your anaesthetic management of the patient?

3) Post-operatively, you are asked to see this patient in the recovery area because her SpO2 has decreased acutely to 70%. You confirm that her ventilation is not a problem. What are the possible causes and what is your immediate management.

-----Hong Kong Board final exam question 1 ,2009 March.------






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发表于 2009-12-10 10:58:54 | 只看该作者





 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-10 19:06:31 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 shenxiu2 于 2009-12-10 19:08 编辑

Translation of the above answer  :  

       Normal left atrial pressure is (8~10mmHg)> right atrial pressure (3~5mmHg),in ASD, blood flow from the left atrium to the right atrium across the ASD. The shunt  amount  depends on the size of the ASD, the   pressure gradient  across the two atria and the filling resistance of both sides. In ASD primum, shunting  of blood is also affected by the degree of mitral regurgitation.

        Due to the long term shunting  of blood and an increase in volume load, the right atrium , right ventricle & pulmonary arteries dilate.The increase in pulmonary circulatory volume causes the pulmonary arterial pressure to rise, and also induces pulmonary arteriolar  reflex vasospasm .Chronic vasospasm brings about hypertrophy & fibrosis of the pulmonary arteriolar wall, and ultimately causes pulmonary hypertension.

    When the right atrial pressure is higher than the left atrial pressure , the shunt will  flow from the right to the left., and causes cyanosis , this is called Eisenmenger 's syndrome.。

  In  this 30 years old ASD patient,  preoperatively we need to assess her  pulmonary arterial pressure , a color doppler echocardiogram , a pulmonary arterial  floatation catheter insertion and a blood gas test  should be done .Nitroglycerine infusion can be given via the PA floatation catheter, and an assessment of the response to the drug can be done, in order to  monitor  the progress and assess  the prognosis.  

   In this question , the preoperative description  of the patient is very little , but judging from the age of the patient, there is a high possibility that she has developed  pulmonary hypertension. In anesthetic management , we should give her adequate oxygen,avoid systemic hypotension which will increase  the right to left shunting and worsens  hypoxemia. Therefore , generally we do not use spinal  anesthesia , instead I will choose to use general anesthesia with endotracheal intubation.

      Postoperatively she desaturated even with normal ventilation, most probably she had developed right to left shunt. If the endotracheal tube is still in situ, then keep the tube , use ventilator to support the ventilation simultaneously , avoid high airway pressure, start intravenous nitroglycerin to reduce pulmonary arterial pressure ,if the systemic pressure drops, then dopamine may be used to maintain its pressure. A PA floatation catheter will be useful in assessing the pulmonary arterial pressure , and also in infusing nitroglycerins. If the patient has already been extubated, then maintain a facemask with supplemental oxygen ,and start her on the above mentioned vasoactive drugs.  

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