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《Wall & Melzack疼痛学 第6版》中文翻译

发表于 2019-5-12 09:07:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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译者原计划翻译《神经科学原理》的感知相关部分(可见于过往发布的文章《神经科学原理》Part V 感知 节选中文翻译(含与疼痛相关的专门章节)),然而经过一段时间的实践后,出现了较多问题,如:





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 楼主| 发表于 2019-5-12 09:08:26 | 只看该作者

Section I Neurobiology of Pain

第一节 疼痛的神经生物学

Chapter 1 Peripheral Mechanisms ofCutaneous Nociception

第一章 表皮伤害性感受的外周机制



Nociceptors are a specialized class of primary afferentsthat respond to intense, noxious stimuli.


Unmyelinated nociceptors signal the burning pain from intense heat stimuli applied to the glabrous skin of the hand, as well as the pain from sustained pressure.


Myelinated nociceptors signal the sharp pain from heat stimuli applied to hairy skin and from sharp mechanical stimuli.


Both myelinated and unmyelinated nociceptors signal pain from chemical stimuli.


Following a cutaneous injury, enhanced pain in response to cutaneous stimuli, called hyperalgesia, develops at the site of injury (primary hyperalgesia) and in the surrounding uninjured skin (secondary hyperalgesia).


Tissue injury leads to enhanced responsiveness of nociceptors, called sensitization, which accounts for primary hyperalgesia.


This sensitization is due to the local release of inammatory mediators.


Secondary hyperalgesia is due to sensitization of neurons in the central nervous system.


When nerves are severed, spontaneous activity and ectopic mechanical, thermal, and chemical sensitivity develop in the injured nociceptors.


The properties of nearby, uninjured nociceptors are also changed.


In both injured and uninjured nociceptors, responsiveness to adrenergic agents can develop, which may account for involvement of the sympathetic nervous system in certain forms of neuropathic pain.


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 楼主| 发表于 2019-5-13 00:42:44 | 只看该作者
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   One of the vital functions of the nervous system is to provide information about the occurrence or threat of injury.
The sensation of pain, by its inherent aversive nature, contributes to this function.
In this chapter we consider the peripheral neural apparatus that responds to noxious (injurious or potentially injurious) stimuli and thus provides a signal to alert the organism to potential injury.
Investigators have studied cutaneous sensibility by recording from single nerve fibers in different species, including humans.
Stimuli are applied to the receptive field (i.e., area of the tissue responsive to the applied stimulus) of single fibers, and the characteristics of the neural response are noted.
We concentrate on the skin for three reasons.
First, sensory receptors in the skin have been more thoroughly studied than receptors in any other tissue.
Second, the opportunity to perform correlative psychophysical studies in animals and humans allows powerful inferences to be made regarding function.
Third, cutaneous pain sensation is of great clinical significance.
Diseases such as post-herpetic neuralgia and others associated with small-fiber neuropathies have profound effects on cutaneous sensory function and often lead to severe pain.

    Highly specialized sensory fibers, alone or in concert with other specialized fibers, provide information to the central nervous system (CNS) not only about the environment but also about the state of the organism itself.
In the case of the sensory capacity of the skin, cutaneous stimuli may evoke a sense of cooling, warmth, or touch.
Accordingly, certain sensory fibers are selectively sensitive to these stimuli.
Warm fibers, which are predominately unmyelinated, are exclusively sensitive to gentle warming of their punctate receptive fields.
These fibers have been shown to exclusively signal the quality and intensity of the warmth sensation (Johnson et al 1979).
这些纤维已被证实只能发出温觉的质感与强度的信号(Johnson et al 1979)。
Similarly, a subpopulation of the thinly myelinated, Aδ fibers respond selectively to gentle cooling stimuli and encode the sense of cooling (Darian-Smith et al 1973).
与之类似,薄而有髓鞘的Aδ纤维亚群选择性地响应温和的冷刺激并编码冷感觉(Darian-Smith et al 1973)。
For the sense of touch, different classes of mechanoreceptive afferent fibers are exclusively sensitive to deformations of the skin.
These lowthreshold mechanoreceptors encode such features as texture and shape.

    A relatively high threshold for an adequate stimulus distinguishes the remaining class of cutaneous receptors.
Because these receptors respond preferentially to noxious stimuli, they are termed nociceptors (Sherrington 1906).
因为这些受体优先响应有害刺激,所以它们被称为伤害感受器(Sherrington 1906)。
Among the many varieties of sensory receptors, nociceptors are distinctive in that they typically respond to the multiple energy forms that produce injury (thermal, mechanical, and chemical stimuli) and provide information to the CNS regarding the location and intensity of noxious stimuli.
Nociceptors may be subclassified with respect to four criteria: (1) unmyelinated C-fiber afferents (conduction velocity <2 m/sec) versus myelinated A-fiber afferents (conduction velocity >2 m/sec), (2) modalities of stimulation that evoke a response, (3) response characteristics, and (4) distinctive chemical markers (e.g., receptors expressed on the membrane).
  • 无髓鞘C-传入纤维(传导速度<2米/秒)与有髓A-传入纤维(传导速度> 2米/秒)
  • 刺激的能量形式
  • 反应的特点
  • 独特的化学标记物(例如,在膜上表达的受体)。

We first consider the properties of cutaneous nociceptors and then review how their function is thought to relate to the sensation of pain.

  Tissue damage results in a cascade of events that lead to enhanced pain in response to natural stimuli, termed hyperalgesia.
A corresponding increase in the responsiveness of nociceptors, called sensitization, occurs.
The characteristics of hyperalgesia and its neurophysiological counterpart sensitization are discussed in a later section.
Finally, we consider how nociceptors may play a role in accounting for the often severe pain that accompanies nervous system injury and disease.


功底扎实,才华横溢、  发表于 2019-5-13 21:19


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 楼主| 发表于 2019-5-13 00:46:14 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 rock_liberty 于 2019-5-14 17:33 编辑



      Nature might have designed nociceptors such that each had the capacity to respond to the full complement of stimulus energy forms that pose potential risks to the organism (thermal, mechanical, and chemical).

What nature has adopted instead is a mixed strategy whereby many nociceptors respond to multiple stimulus modalities (polymodal) and others have more specialized response properties.

These specialized response properties probably at least in part account for different aspects of nociceptive sensory function (e.g., burning, aching, pricking, prickle, itch).

As delineated later, nociceptors have distal effector functions as well, and specialization may also play a role here.

The end result is that nociceptors have a complex biology and heterogeneous properties.

      The receptive field of a nociceptor is often first localized by use of mechanical stimuli.

Various other stimulus modalities are then applied to this receptive field.

In most early studies of nociceptors, only heat and mechanical stimuli were used to study nociceptors.

Therefore, the nomenclature of CMH and AMH is often used to refer to C-fiber mechano-heat–sensitive nociceptors and A-fiber mechano-heat–sensitive nociceptors, respectively.

If a fiber responds to heat and mechanical stimuli, the fiber will in most cases respond to chemical stimuli as well (Davis et al 1993b).
如果一种纤维对热和机械刺激作出反应,它在大多数情况下也会对化学刺激产生反应 (Davis et al 1993b)。

Thus, CMHs and AMHs may also be referred to as polymodal nociceptors.

      The issue of whether a given nociceptor responds to a particular stimulus modality is perilous because the presumed lack of response to a given modality may in fact represent failure to apply the stimulus with sufficient intensity.

The problem with the application of high-intensity stimuli is that the stimulus may alter the properties of the nociceptor in an enduring manner.

A selection bias occurs: nociceptors with lower thresholds are more likely to be studied.

The easiest way to find a nociceptor for electrophysiological study is to apply squeezing (mechanical) stimuli to the skin and thus identify the receptive field.

This selection process identifies what are termed mechanically sensitive afferents (MSAs).

In time it has become apparent that selection bias from this approach has led to oversight of an important class of nociceptors: mechanically insensitive afferents (MIAs).

Because these fibers by definition have high mechanical thresholds (or are unresponsive to mechanical stimuli), finding the mechanical receptive field of these fibers is difficult.

An alternative technique described by Meyer and colleagues (1991) has been to apply electrical stimuli to the skin to identify the putative receptive field.

With this technique it turns out that about half of the Aδ-fiber nociceptors and 30% of the C-fiber nociceptors are MIAs, with MIAs being defined as afferents that have very high mechanical thresholds (>6 bar = 600 kPa = 60 g/mm2) or are unresponsive to mechanical stimuli (Handwerker et al 1991, Meyer et al 1991).
通过这种技术,我们发现大约一半的Aδ纤维伤害感受器和30%的C纤维伤害感受器都是MIA,MIA被定义为具有很高机械阈值的传入(> 6 bar = 600 kPa = 60 g / mm2)或对机械刺激无反应(Handwerker et al 1991, Meyer et al 1991)。

MIAs have also been reported in the knee joint (Schaible and Schmidt 1985), viscera (H&auml;bler et al 1988), and cornea (Tanelian 1991).
在膝关节(Schaible和Schmidt 1985),内脏(H&auml;bler等1988)和角膜中(Tanelian 1991)也报道了MIA。

As will be seen, this MIA–MSA distinction is of significance with regard to distinguishing nociceptor types.

From the perspective of nomenclature, it is well to emphasize that MIAs are not defined as fibers that have no response to mechanical stimuli but rather as fibers that have a very high threshold (or no sensitivity at all) such that demonstration of a response to mechanical stimuli in electrophysiological studies is difficult.


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C-Fiber Nociceptors

CMHs are commonly encountered cutaneous afferents, and activity of sufficient magnitude in these fibers is thought to evoke a burning pain sensation.

The size of the receptive field appears to scale with the size of the animal.

Typical values for monkey are between 15 and 20 mm2 (LaMotte and Campbell 1978), and for human they are near 100 mm2 (Schmidt et al 1997).
猴子感受域的典型范围在15到20平方毫米之间(LaMotte和Campbell 1978),而对于人类,它们接近100平方毫米(Schmidt等1997)。

There are often discrete areas of mechanical sensitivity (hot spots) within the receptive field, but in many fibers the areas of mechanical responsiveness tend to fuse over the region of the receptive field.

Most CMHs respond to chemical stimuli (though not as well as A-fiber nociceptors; Davis et al 1993b) and can therefore be considered polymodal.
大多数CMH对化学刺激有反应(虽然不如A纤维伤害感受器; Davis等1993b),因此可以被认为具有多模式。

Responses to heat stimuli have been studied in considerable detail.

Figure 1-1. Responses of a typical C-fiber nociceptor and a warm fiber to heat stimuli. Heat stimuli ranging from 41-49°C and lasting 3 seconds were presented at 25-second interstimulus intervals to the glabrous skin of the monkey hand. Each stimulus occurred with equal frequency and was preceded by every other stimulus an equal number of times. Within these constraints, the order of stimulus presentation was randomized. Base temperature between stimuli was 38°C. A, Monotonic stimulus–response function for a typical nociceptor. B, Non-monotonic stimulus–response function for a typical warm fiber. The solid line represents the total response to a given temperature averaged across all presentations. The dotted lines represent the stimulus–response functions obtained when the preceding temperature was of low (41 and 43°C) or high (47 and 49°C) intensity. (Reproduced with permission from LaMotte RH, Campbell JN 1978 Comparison of responses in warm and nociceptive C-fiber afferents in monkey with human judgements of thermal pain. Journal of Neurophysiology  41:509–528.)

Figure 1-1. 典型的C纤维伤害感受器和温热纤维对热刺激的反应。 对猴子手部的无毛皮肤施加范围为41~49°C的热刺,持续3秒,每次刺激间隔25秒。 每一刺激的频率均一致,并且在每个其他刺激之前发生相同的次数。 在这些条件的约束下,刺激施加的顺序是随机的。 基础环境温度为38℃。 A,典型伤害感受器的单调刺激 - 反应曲线。 B,典型温暖纤维的非单调刺激 - 响应曲线。 实线表在所有给定温度的平均值下的总反应情况。 虚线表示当前一刺激的温度为低(41和43°C)或高(47和49°C)强度时获得的刺激响应曲线。(Reproduced with permission from LaMotte RH, Campbell JN 1978 Comparison of responses in warm and nociceptive C-fiber afferents in monkey with human judgements of thermal pain. Journal of Neurophysiology  41:509–528.)

The response of a typical CMH to a random sequence of heat stimuli ranging from 41–49°C is shown in Figure 1-1A.
典型的CMH对41-49°C范围内随机序列热刺激的响应如Figure 1-1A所示。

It can be seen that the response increases monotonically with stimulus intensity over this temperature range, which encompasses the pain threshold in humans.

One ion channel involved in the transduction of heat at nerve terminals is thought to be the neuronal transient receptor potential ion channel V1 (TRPV1); activity in this channel increases with increasing temperature (Caterina et al 1997).
一种参与神经末梢热传导的离子通道被命名为神经元瞬时受体电位离子通道V1(TRPV1); 该通道中的活性随着温度的升高而增加(Caterina等1997)。

A detailed description of the neuronal ion channels involved in stimulus transduction is presented in Chapter 2 (for review see Dubin and Papapoutian 2010).
有关刺激转导的神经元离子通道的详细描述见第2章(综述见Dubin和Papapoutian 2010)。

Figure 1-4. Schematic illustration of unmyelinated fiber terminations in the epidermis. Non-peptidergic, MrgD+ neurons terminate as free nerve endings in the most superficial layers of the epidermis. Peptidergic neurons terminate in deep layers of the epidermis. Some of the signaling receptors found on keratinocytes and free nerve endings are also illustrated. (Artwork by Ian Suk, Johns Hopkins University; adapted from Dussor G, Koerber HR, Oaklander AL, et al 2009 Nucleotide signaling and cutaneous mechanisms of pain transduction. Brain Research Reviews 60:24–35.)

Figure 1-4. 表皮中无髓鞘纤维末梢的示意图。非肽类,MrgD(+)的神经元以游离神经末梢的形式终止于表皮的最浅层。肽能神经元终止于表皮的深层。在角质层上发现的一些信号传导手提以及游离神经末梢亦在示意图中表示了出来。(Artwork by Ian Suk, Johns Hopkins University; adapted from Dussor G, Koerber HR, Oaklander AL, et al 2009 Nucleotide signaling and cutaneous mechanisms of pain transduction. Brain Research Reviews 60:24–35.)

Signal transduction molecules on keratinocytes may also play a role in heat transduction by inducing the release of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which activates purinergic receptors (P2X3 and P2Y2) on the free nerve endings (see Fig. 1-4).
角质形成细胞上的信号转导分子也可通过诱导三磷酸腺苷(ATP)的释放而在热转导中起作用,其激活游离神经末梢上的嘌呤能受体(P2X3和P2Y2)(see Fig. 1-4).

Two types of heat response are observed following a stepped heat stimulus.

Figure 1-2. Two types of heat responses are observed in C-fiber nociceptors. A, Stepped heat stimulus (49°C, 3 seconds) used to classify heat response. B, The quick C (QC) fiber (yellow circles) exhibits a high-frequency discharge during the rising phase of the stimulus that adapts quickly (within 1 second). The slow C (SC) fiber (blue circles) exhibits a relatively uniform discharge throughout the stimulus period. Each circle represents the time of occurrence of an action potential. C, A histogram of the heat thresholds reveals that the distributions of QC and SC fibers are almost non-overlapping. (From Johanek LM, Meyer RA, Friedman RM, et al 2008 A role for polymodal C-fiber afferents in nonhistaminergic itch. Journal of Neuroscience 28:7659–7669.)

Figure 1-2.在C纤维伤害感受器中观察到两种类型的热响应。 A,阶梯式热刺激(49°C,3秒)用于对热响应分类。 B,快速C(QC)纤维是快适应型感受器(在1S内适应),在刺激的上升阶段表现出高频放电(黄色圆圈)。 缓慢的C(SC)纤维,在整个刺激期间表现出相对均匀的放电(蓝色圆圈)。 每个圆圈表示动作电位发生的时间。 C,热阈值的直方图显示QC和SC纤维的分布几乎不重叠。(From Johanek LM, Meyer RA, Friedman RM, et al 2008 A role for polymodal C-fiber afferents in nonhistaminergic itch. Journal of Neuroscience 28:7659–7669.)

Quick C (QC) fibers exhibit their peak discharge during the rising phase of the heat stimulus, whereas slow C (SC) fibers exhibit their peak discharge during the plateau phase (Fig. 1-2B).

快速C(QC)纤维的放电峰在热刺激的上升阶段出现,而缓慢的C(SC)纤维的放电峰在平台阶段表现出峰值放电(Fig. 1-2B)。

The heat thresholds (Fig. 1-2C) and mechanical thresholds of QC fibers are significantly lower than those of SC fibers, thus suggesting that they may be located more superficially in the epidermis.
QC纤维的热阈值(Fig. 1-2C)和机械阈值显着低于SC纤维的阈值,因此表明它们在表皮中的位置更加表浅。

QC fibers respond more vigorously to pruritic stimuli than do SC fibers, which suggests that they may be important in itch sensations (Johanek et al 2008).
QC纤维对瘙痒刺激的反应比SC纤维更强烈,这表明它们在瘙痒感觉中可能具有重要作用(Johanek et al 2008)。

Thermal modeling studies combined with electrophysiological analysis have indicated that (1) the heat threshold of CMHs depends on the temperature at the depth of the receptor and not the rate of increase in temperature, (2) transduction of heat stimuli (conversion of heat energy to action potentials) occurs at different skin depths for different CMHs (Tillman et al 1995b), and (3) suprathreshold responses of CMHs vary directly with the  rate  of  increase  in temperature  (Tillman et al 1995a, 1995b; Yarnitsky et al 1992).
对于不同的CMH,热刺激的转换(热能转换为动作电位)发生在不同的皮肤深度(Tillman et al 1995b)
CMH的超阈值响应直接随温度的升高速率而变化(Tillman et al 1995a, 1995b; Yarnitsky et al 1992)

The depth of the heat-responsive terminals of CMHs varies quite widely (ranging from 20–570 μm; Tillman et al 1995b).
CMH的热响应末梢的深度变化相当广泛(范围为20-570μm; Tillman et al 1995b)。

When a stepped temperature stimulus is applied to the skin, the temperature increases in the subsurface levels more slowly because of thermal inertia.

The disparity in the surface temperature and the temperature at the level of the receptor varies directly with depth and indirectly with time.

Given that the depth of CMH terminals varies widely, true heat thresholds are obtained when the rate of increase in temperature is very gradual or when the duration of the stimulus is very long.

Although the literature reflects a wide range of heat thresholds for CMHs, when tested with these types of heat stimuli, the heat threshold of the majority of CMHs is in a remarkably narrow range of 39–41°C (Tillman et al 1995b).

The response of CMHs is also strongly influenced by the stimulus history.

Both fatigue and sensitization are observed.

One example of fatigue is the observation that the response to the second of two identical heat stimuli is substantially less than the response to the first stimulus.

This fatigue is dependent on the time between stimuli, with full recovery taking longer than 10 minutes.

A similar reduction in the intensity of pain after repeated heat stimuli is observed in human subjects (LaMotte and Campbell 1978).
在人类受试者中能观察到,在反复热刺激后疼痛强度存在类似的降低(LaMotte和Campbell 1978)。

Fatigue is also apparent in Figure 1-1A, where the response to a given stimulus varied inversely with the intensity of the preceding stimulus.
疲劳现象在Figure 1-1A中也很明显,如果将两次刺激的响应情况进行对比,第二次刺激对应的响应的强度与第一次刺激的强度成反比。

A decrease in the response to heat is also observed following mechanical stimuli applied to the receptive field or electrical stimuli applied to the nerve trunk (Peng et al 2003).

This suggests that fatigue in response to a given stimulus modality can be induced by heterologous stimulation, that is, by excitation with a stimulus of a different modality.

Interestingly, recovery from cross-modal or heterologous fatigue is faster than recovery from fatigue induced by a stimulus of the same modality.

Presumably, this is because these heterologous stimuli do not activate and therefore do not fatigue the stimulus transduction apparatus in the same way.

Alternatively, fatigue may arise from independent effects on spike initiation (from antidromic stimulation) and transduction (from natural stimulation at the receptive field).

Fatigue in response to heat stimuli is also seen in vitro when small (and presumably nociceptive) dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cells are repetitively tested with heat stimuli (Greffrath et al 2002).

The enhanced response, or sensitization, that may occur in CMHs after tissue injury is described below in the section on hyperalgesia.

Responses to mechanical stimuli are covered in more detail later.

Suffice it here to indicate that CMHs usually display a slowly adapting response to mechanical stimuli of a given force.

As noted later, MSA CMHs have a graded response to punctate stimuli, but their stimulus–response functions become saturated at levels substantially below the threshold for pain.
如后所述,MSA(机械敏感传入神经) CMH对点状刺激有分级反应,但其刺激-反应曲线在低于疼痛阈值的水平上变得饱和。

C-fiber MIAs are heterogeneous with regard to responses to chemical and heat stimuli, and some respond only to mechanical stimuli (but of course with a very high mechanical threshold).

The sensitivity to mechanical stimuli has no obvious correlation to the heat threshold (Davis et al 1993b).

In contrast to CMH afferents, some C-fiber MIAs in humans are vigorously excited when challenged with histamine or capsaicin.

In addition, the activity observed in these C-fiber MIAs parallels the duration of the perception of itch (histamine) or burning pain (capsaicin) (Schmelz et al 1997, 2000b).

C-fiber MIAs may therefore act as chemosensors.

In addition to pronounced chemosensitivity, these fibers have some other interesting properties that could account for pain in response to tonic pressure stimuli or the neurogenic flare response (see below).

Low-threshold C-fiber mechanoreceptors that do not re- spond to heat have been described in the cat (Bessou and Perl 1969) and rabbit (Shea and Perl 1985).
在猫(Bessou和Perl 1969)和兔子(Shea和Perl 1985)中,他们描述了不对热的低阈值C-纤维机械感受器。

In primates, including humans, these fibers have been found in proximal areas of the body (Kumazawa and Perl 1977, Nordin 1990) and the hairy skin on the forearm (Vallbo et al 1999).
在包括人类在内的灵长类动物中,我们已经在身体的近端区域(Kumazawa和Perl 1977,Nordin 1990)和前臂上的多毛皮肤(Vallbo等1999)发现了这些纤维。

These afferents are strongly activated by innocuous mechanical stimuli moved slowly across the receptive field, but they also respond to pinprick stimuli.

The neuronal activity in these fibers is not critical for the perception of touch and, according to one imaging study, leads to the activation of the insular but not the sensory cortex (Olausson et al 2003).

Low-threshold C-fiber mechanoreceptors are thought to mediate the sensation of “pleasant” touch and may therefore play an important role in “affiliative” behavior (Vallbo et al 1999, Wessberg et al 2003, L&ouml;ken et al 2009).

Some mechano-insensitive C fibers are reported to be activated by non-noxious and noxious cold and hot stimuli.

It has been hypothesized that activity in these afferents may mediate the “hot–burning” sensations caused by such stimuli.

These afferents may also be involved in mediating psychophysical
phenomena such as “paradoxical heat” or the thermal grill illusion (Campero et al 2009).

C-fiber afferents differ not only in their receptive features but also in their conductive properties.

In fact, their conductive and receptive properties appear to correlate.

When unmyelinated C-fiber afferents are activated repetitively by electrical stimuli, their conduction latency increases gradually (i.e., the conduction velocity of the afferent decreases).

In addition, with increasing stimulation frequency, the amount of this activity-dependent slowing increases.

Slowing in C-fiber MIAs is greater than in C-fiber MSAs (Weidner et al 1999), and mechanosensitive nociceptive afferents show more pronounced slowing than do cold-sensitive C fibers, low-threshold C fibers, or sympathetic efferent C fibers (Gee et al 1996, Serra et al 1999, Obreja et al 2010, Ringkamp et al 2010).

This difference in slowing  properties  indicates  that the ion channels responsible for conduction may be different and suggests that the ion channels responsible for spike initiation at the receptive terminal may also differ between C-fiber classes.


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A-fiber nociceptors are thought to evoke pricking pain, sharpness, and  perhaps  aching  pain.

As a  general  rule,  A-fiber nociceptors do what C-fiber nociceptors do, but do it more robustly.

They respond at higher discharge frequencies, and the discriminable information supplied to the CNS is greater (e.g., Slugg et al 2000).
它们相迎的放电频率更高,并且提供给CNS的可辨别信息更充实 (e.g., Slugg et al 2000)。

    Two types  of  A-fiber  nociceptors  are  apparent  (Dubner et al 1977, Treede et al 1998).

A summary of their properties is presented in Table 1-1.
Table 1-1展示了它们各自的性质。

Type I fibers are typically responsive to heat, mechanical, and chemical stimuli and may therefore be referred to as AMHs or polymodal nociceptors.

Because the heat thresholds are high with short-duration stimuli (typically >53°C), the responsiveness of these fibers to heat has in some studies been overlooked.
由于在短时间刺激下,其热阈值很高(通常> 53°C),因此在一些研究中忽略了这些纤维的反应性。

Consequently, these fibers have been called high-threshold mechanoreceptors (HTMs) by many investigators (e.g., Burgess and Perl 1967).
因此,许多研究人员称这些纤维称为高阈值机械感受器(HTM)(例如,Burgess和Perl 1967)。

Heat sensitivity in type I fibers is most likely mediated by the vanilloid receptor–like protein 1 (VRL1, renamed TRPV2) since it has a similar high threshold for activation by heat and is expressed in neurons with small myelinated axons (Caterina et al 1999).
I型纤维的热敏感性很可能是由辣椒素受体样蛋白1(VRL1,已更名为TRPV2)介导的,因为其具有类似的热激活的高阈值,并且在小髓鞘轴突上表达(Caterina et al 1999)。

When heat thresholds are determined with longduration temperature stimuli, however, thresholds are in the mid-40–50°C range (Treede et al 1998).

Type I AMHs are seen in hairy and glabrous skin (Campbell et al 1979) and have also been described in the cat and rabbit (Fitzgerald and Lynn 1977, Roberts and Elardo 1985).
I型AMH见于多毛和无毛的皮肤(Campbell等1979),并且在猫和兔中也有描述(Fitzgerald和Lynn 1977,Roberts和Elardo 1985)。

The mean conduction velocity of type I AMHs in the monkey is 25 m/sec and extends as high as 55 m/sec.

Thus, by conduction velocity criteria, type I AMHs fall into a category between that of Aδ and Aβ fibers.

Nearly all type I AMHs are MSAs.

Their receptive field size is similar to that of CMHs, but the presence of “hot spots” in response to mechanical stimuli is much more obvious.

    Type II A-fiber nociceptors were encountered only infrequently in early studies.

It turns out that this is because the thresholds to mechanical stimuli place the majority of these fibers in the MIA category.

Many have no demonstrable response to mechanical stimuli.

When an unbiased electrical search stimulus is used, however, the prevalence of type I and type II A-fiber nociceptors in the hairy skin of the primate is similar.

They do not occur in the glabrous skin of the hand (where type I AMHs are prevalent).

Their mean conduction velocity, 15 m/sec, is also lower than that of type I AMHs.

Their responses to heat resemble those observed in CMHs, and they may also be mediated by the vanilloid receptor 1 (VR1 or TRPV1).

Responses to endogenous inflammatory/ algesic mediators resemble those seen with type I A-fiber nociceptors (Davis et al 1993b).

Figure 1-3. A-fiber nociceptors exhibit two types of responses to a heat stimulus. A, Scatter plot of peak discharge latency versus response latency for mechanically insensitive afferents (MIAs; purple symbols) and mechanically sensitive afferents (MSAs; green symbols) in response to a 53°C, 30-second stimulus. Receptors that had a long peak discharge latency were considered to have a type I heat response (squares). Receptors that had a short response latency and a peak discharge near stimulus onset were considered to have a type II heat response (circles). The type II heat response was found more frequently in the MIA group (p ≤ 0.05, χ2-test). B, Average peristimulus frequency histogram (obtained with a 0.2-second bin width) of the response to the 53°C, 30-second stimulus for A-fiber nociceptors that had a type I heat response. C, Average peristimulus frequency histogram for A-fiber nociceptors that had a type II heat response. (Reproduced with permission from Treede RD, Meyer RA, Campbell JN 1998 Myelinated mechanically insensitive afferents from monkey hairy skin: heat-response properties. Journal of Neurophysiology 80:1082–1093.)
Figure 1-3. A纤维伤害感受器表现出对热刺激的两种类型的反应。A,响应于53℃,30秒刺激的机械不敏感传入纤维(MIA; 紫色符号)和机械敏感传入纤维(MSA; 绿色符号)的峰值放电潜伏期与响应潜伏期的散点图。具有长峰值放电潜伏期的受体被认为具有I型热响应(正方形)。具有短响应潜伏期和刺激开始附近的峰值放电的受体被认为具有II型热反应(圆圈)。在MIA组中更频繁地发现II型热反应(p≤0.05,χ2-检验)。B,对具有I型热响应的A-纤维伤害感受器的53℃,30秒刺激的响应的平均外周刺激频率直方图(组距0.2秒)。C,具有II型热响应的A纤维伤害感受器的平均外周刺激频率直方图。(Reproduced with permission from Treede RD, Meyer RA, Campbell JN 1998 Myelinated mechanically insensitive afferents from monkey hairy skin: heat-response properties. Journal of Neurophysiology 80:1082–1093.)

    Examples of the differing responses of the two types of A-fiber nociceptors to a heat stimulus are shown in Figure 1-3.
    两种类型的A纤维伤害感受器对热刺激的不同反应的例子如 Figure 1-3所示。

Type I fibers exhibit a distinctive, gradually increasing response to heat.

They sensitize to burn and chemical injury and probably play a role in the development of hyperalgesia.

Type II fibers respond to heat in similar fashion to CMHs: early peak frequency and a slowly adapting response (Treede et al 1995).

As noted later, type II A-fiber nociceptors are thought to signal first pain sensation in response to heat and may also contribute to pain caused by the application of capsaicin to the skin (Ringkamp et al 2001).

    The conduction velocity of  small  myelinated  Aδ  fibers is, by definition, faster than that of unmyelinated C fibers.

However, the terminal cutaneous branches of nociceptive Aδ fibers may conduct at a velocity characteristic of unmyelinated fibers (i.e., <2 m/sec) (Peng et al 1999).

In addition, these unmyelinated terminals may branch off the main axon several centimeters proximal to their cutaneous receptive field.

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