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发表于 2010-1-19 00:10:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


   在美国,如果一名患者需要常规的医治, 那么良好的医疗服务在各级医院都是便捷可及的。但是当患者病情严重或过于复杂时,就对医疗机构提出了更高的要求。 例如高龄,多种并发症,罕见病等,医院的选择就至关重要。 那么,哪些医院在面对复杂的病情时能够提供最出色的医疗服务呢? 一年一度的美国最佳医院排名给出了答案。

1. 约翰霍普金斯医院(Johns Hopkins Hospital, 巴尔的摩市)
2. 梅奥医学中心(Mayo Clinic, 明尼苏达州罗切斯特市)
3. 里根医疗中心(Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, 洛杉矶)
4. 克里夫兰医疗中心(Cleveland Clinic,克里夫兰)
5. 麻省总医院(Massachusetts General, 波士顿)
6. 哥伦比亚康奈尔大学纽约长老会医院(New York-Presbyterian University Hospital of Columbia and Cornell)
7. 加州大学旧金山医学中心(University of California-San Francisco Medical Center)
8. 宾夕法尼亚大学医院(Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, 费城)
9. 巴恩斯-犹太人医院 / 华盛顿大学(Barnes-Jewish Hospital/Washington University, 圣路易斯)
10. 布莱根妇女医院(Brigham and Women's Hospital, 波士顿)
10. 杜克大学医疗中心(Duke University Medical Center, 北卡罗莱纳州达勒姆)
12. 华盛顿大学医疗中心(University of Washington Medical Center, 西雅图)
13. 匹兹堡大学医疗中心(UPMC-University of Pittsburgh Medical Center)
14. 密西根大学医院和健康中心(University of Michigan Hospitals and Health Centers, 安娜堡市)
15. 斯坦福大学医院(Stanford Hospital and Clinics, 加州斯坦福市)
16. 范德比尔特大学医疗中心(Vanderbilt University Medical Center, 田纳西州那什维尔)
17. 纽约大学医疗中心(New York University Medical Center)
18. 耶鲁大学纽黑文医院(Yale-New Haven Hospital, 康涅狄格州纽黑文市)
19. 西奈山医疗中心(Mount Sinai Medical Center, 纽约)
20. 卫理公会医院(Methodist Hospital, 休斯顿)
21. 俄亥俄州立大学医院(Ohio State University Hospital, 哥伦布市)


America's Best Hospitals, an annual ranking of the country's elite medical centers, is a tool for patients who need medical sophistication most facilities cannot offer. Unlike other rankings and ratings that grade hospitals on how well they execute routine procedures like outpatient hernia repair or manage common conditions like low-grade heart failure, the U.S. News approach looks at how well a hospital handles complex and demanding situations—replacing an 85-year-old man's heart valve, diagnosing and treating a spinal tumor, and dealing with inflammatory bowel disease, to name three examples. High-stakes medicine.
This year, the 20th for Best Hospitals, institutions are ranked in 16 specialties, from cancer and heart disease to respiratory disorders and urology. A total of 4,861 hospitals were considered; 174, or less than 0.4 percent of the total, were ranked in even one of the 16 specialties.

In 12 of the 16 specialties, those in which quality of care can spell life or death, hospitals were scored on reputation, death rate, patient safety, and care-related factors such as nursing and patient services; the 50 highest scorers were ranked. Scores and complete data for unranked hospitals are available as well. In the other four specialties—ophthalmology, psychiatry, rehabilitation, and rheumatology—hospitals were ranked on reputation alone, because so few patients die that mortality data don't mean much.
Here are a few of the details: Reputation, which counted as 32.5 percent of the score, was based on three years of specialist surveys—a total of almost 10,000 physicians were asked to name five hospitals they consider among the best in their specialty for difficult cases, without taking into account cost or location. A mortality index, also 32.5 percent of the score, indicates a hospital's ability to keep patients with serious problems alive. Patient safety, new this year, made up 5 percent of the score; it indicates how well a hospital minimizes harm to patients. And a group of other care-related factors, such as nurse staffing and available technology, accounted for the remaining 30 percent.
Of the 174 hospitals that are ranked in one or more specialties, 21 qualified for the Honor Roll by earning high scores in at least six specialties. This demonstrates unusual breadth of excellence. Johns Hopkins Hospital tops the list, as it has every year from 1991 on. (The Mayo Clinic was No. 1 in 1990, Best Hospitals' first year.)
Hospitals are listed by total points. A hospital got 2 points if ranked at or close to the top in a specialty and 1 point if ranked slightly lower.
1Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore3015
2Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.2815
3Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles2615
4Cleveland Clinic2613
5Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston2513
6New York-Presbyterian University Hospital of Columbia and Cornell2413
7University of California, San Francisco Medical Center2111
8Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia1912
9Barnes-Jewish Hospital/Washington University, St. Louis1712
10Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston1710
10Duke University Medical Center, Durham, N.C.1710
12University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle168
13UPMC-University of Pittsburgh Medical Center138
14University of Michigan Hospitals and Health Centers, Ann Arbor128
15Stanford Hospital and Clinics, Stanford, Calif.117
16Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville116
17NYU Medical Center, New York107
17Yale-New Haven Hospital, New Haven, Conn.107
19Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York97
20Methodist Hospital, Houston87
21Ohio State University Hospital, Columbus76


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发表于 2010-1-31 09:21:43 | 只看该作者
约翰霍普金斯医院~   向往去不了。呵呵。

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