本帖最后由 shenxiu2 于 2010-11-17 15:01 编辑
回复 1# MDMZ
The problems:
1.Elderly ---decreased pulmonary reserve; post operative atelectasis; decreased cough reflexes; increased sensitivity to anesthetic agents.
2.Open Cholecystectomy ----Big wound ; post-op pain may prevent adequate breathing effort and lung expansion ,increase the possibility of atelectasis and pneumonia.
3." Bad Chest " --from history and lung function test , she has very poor lung function ( Both FEV1 & FVC <70% are predictors for morbidity & mortality in abdominal surgery ) ( Can FEV1 :FVC =120%? What does this signify? ) At her age , we must consider the possibility of difficult extubation, post op hypoxiemia, reintubation and possibility of prolonged ventilatory support .
4. Atrial Fibrillation and LBBB---What is the cause ? Is it pulmonary in origin ? Or cardiac ischemia ? Or endocrinal in origin? LBBB can be ischemia in origin.
5. Arthritis ---How severe ? What is the type ? If it is ankylosing spondylitis, she may present with airway management difficulty .
6. Chest X ray --What is the cause of the obscured left diaphragm?
Besides Mallampathi classification and Thyromental distance , we need to assess the neck movement and mouth opening .
I would like to rule out cardiac ischemia and assess cardiac function ( Echocardiogram) , in view of the long standing lung problem and the ECG findings.
I would prefer to do regional anesthesia in this case , to avoid the pulmonary complications. For regional anesthesia ( Epidural ) , I will need to rule out coagulopathy , so a coagulation profile testing is needed.( PT / APTT, Platelet count ) .
She will need invasive monitoring intraoperatively .( Arterial BP , CVP at least ). |