Tips for English morning shift meeting
Good morning everyone, today is September 14th.
There are 50 patients arranged/ scheduled for operations today. There are 50 operations today.
‘ \Among these patients, 10 of them are arranged/ scheduled for spinalAnesthesia, and the other 40 are arranged/ scheduled for general anesthesia. 10 operations will be performed under epidural or spinal anesthesia, whilethe other 40 operations performed under general anesthesia. There are 10 patients undergoing surgeries with epidural or spinalanesthesia and 40 patients undergoing surgeries with general anesthesia.
Two patients are diagnosed as having cervical cancer. Two patients are diagnosed with cervical cancer. There are 2 patients diagnosed with cervical cancer, and they are goingto have/ receive radical resection of cervical cancer under general anesthesia. 2 patients are scheduled for radical resection of cervical cancer due tothe diagnosis of cervical cancer. This patient, suffering from cervical cancer, is going to have/receive……. 2 cases ofradical resection of cervical cancer will be performed today due to thediagnosis of cervical cancer.
In room 302,an 82-year-old man with advanced bladder cancer is going to receive radicalcystectomy under general anesthesia. Thediagnosis of bladder carcinoma is made according to…….. This patienthas difficult airway, showing fourth grade for mallampati's classification, dueto obesity.
One patientwas operated yesterday as emergency surgery. There is oneemergency case from yesterday’s shift.
XXX,70-year-old man, with intrathoracic hemorrhage on the right side, underwentthoracoscopic hemostasis under general anesthesia yesterday. Theanesthetic process was successful, rapid induction, with intermittentpositive pressure ventilation, 7.5# tube, 22cm depth, once. The operation wassuccessful and the patient was transferred to ICU at 12:30pm. Intensive caremanagements including oxygen inhalation, bedside electrocardiography monitoringand intravenous transfusion were conducted. Up to now, the patient’srespiration was smooth, heart rate 80 to 92bpm, blood pressure 123-142/62-80mmHg and SO2(saturation) 96-100%. That'sall, thanks for your attention. |