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[期刊导读] (中英对照)2014ASA知识更新:液体治疗争论与进展

发表于 2015-1-25 14:23:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 netfish7 于 2015-1-28 20:57 编辑

一.Hydroxyethyl Starch (HES) in the OR: Safetyand Applicability of Critical Care Trials

There has been an array of prospective randomized trialsconducted recently in critical care settings comparing new generation HES tocrystalloids. Four major trials (CHEST, 6S, VISEP, CRYSTMAS) have concludedthat modern HES products increase the incidence in renal failure, transfusion,and, in some studies, mortality. (Table 1)


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In glaring contrast to these fewrigorous trials with extended follow-up, there is a large body of literatureadvocatingthe safety and superiority of HES in various settings. Unfortunately,the majority of this work contains commonflaws.Not uncommonly, authors have an intimate connection to the industry. Manystudies have inherent design flaws: small sample size, shortfollow up, and insufficient power to detect adverse outcomes. Another worrisomesignquestioning the quality of this evidence is that an impressive number ofmeta-analyses and systematic reviewscurrentlyfar exceeds the quantity of actual trials on which they are based. 1 As aconsequence of a questionable safety profile and the abovefactors, both the FDA and regulatory agencies in Europe and Great Britainissued warnings regarding the use ofstarches. In addition to warnings against use of HES in the settings of ICU,cardiac surgery, pre-existing renaldysfunction, or coagulopathy, the FDA recommends continuousmonitoringof renal function for 90 days in anybody whoreceives HES. Such a recommendation makes its use in anyclinicalsetting extremely impractical andpotentially exposes prescribing physicians to liability.
The natural question that comes tomind is: do the results of HES trials examining ICU patients apply to theoperatingroom, wherein patients do not necessarily have a critical illness orpre-existenting renal injury? Indeed, wedonot have the data to support that HES would be injurious in surgicalpopulations without critical illness. In fact,high quality prospective data maynever be available owing to the lowerincidenceof renal injury, and other adverse outcomes, in this population. Inorder to achieve adequate statistical power, any study would need to enrollmany thousands of patients with long-termfollow up to perhaps even 90 days. Nevertheless, in light of current datademonstratingthe deleterious affects of HES in the ICU coupled with an absence ofwell-deigned clinical trials demonstrating its safety andimproved clinical outcomes in other surgical groups someexperts argue that risk to benefit ratio may favor avoidance ofHES in all surgical patients. 1,3 Additionally, we cannot predict when patientswhoreceived HES may develop a perioperative complicationunexpectedlyand move from a low-risk group to a high-risk “ICU” group. The latestCochrane Collaboration Review on resuscitation with colloids versuscrystalloids concluded that there is no evidenceto support use of colloids for resuscitation in the settings of trauma, burns,of following surgery, and that use ofHES may increase mortality.

不过人们自然而然会产生一个疑问:上面的试验都是针对ICU的患者而言,对于那些普通的没有重大相关疾病及术前没有肾功能损伤的手术室患者是否同样适用?的确,目前我们还没有相关数据认为HES对此类(非重症)患者有害。事实上,对于此类相对健康的患者,输注HES之后肾损伤及其它副作用发生几率很低,因此,高质量的前瞻性研究几乎不可能完成。为了达到统计效力,需要纳入数千名受试者,并且需要长达90天的随访,难度可想而知。不过,鉴于HES在ICU患者中应用的有害性,以及目前缺乏设计良好的临床试验来证实其在其它病人身上应用的安全性,一些专家出于收益风险比的考虑,建议在所有的手术病人中停止使用HES。此外,我们也无法预估在使用HES期间病人会不会出现意料之外的并发症从而从“低危”组转变为“高危”组。最近的一项Cochrane 系统评价对比了使用胶体液及晶体液进行复苏,结论是对创伤及烧伤的病人不宜使用胶体液进行复苏,使用HES会增加这类患者的死亡率。
二.Benefits ofColloids: Myth or Reality?
Furthermore, there is along-standing belief that the colloid to crystalloid ratio required for thereplacement of an intravascular fluid deficit is 1:3to accomplish similar hemodynamic and resuscitation endpoints. In reality,colloids have a marginal and short-actingfluid sparing effect. In clinical practice, the ratio of crystalloid to colloidneeded to achieve similar hemodynamicparameters appears to be smaller. In the VISEP, 6S, CRYSTMAS, and CRISTALtrials,patients received respectively an approximate 1.4:1, 1.1:1, 1.2:1, and 1.5:1ratio of crystalloid to HES to obtain similar resuscitativeendpoints in ICU patients. In the Saline Versus Albumin Fluid Evaluation (SAFE)and Albumin Italian Outcome Sepsis(ALBIOS) trials, the ratios of crystalloid to albumin required forresuscitation were1.4:1 and 1:1. Accordingly, colloids appear to confer, atbest, a small benefit when examining total fluidadministration.4
三.What is the latest on Albumin in the OR: Does anyonebenefit?
Albumin has a long andwell-established safety track record in the operating room and intensive careunit settings. One explanation for itspopularity is the belief that, following administration, it will remainpredominantly intravascular. Anotheris a frequently observed short-lived improvement in hemodynamic profile,especially in septic patients. Indeed,with regard to sepsis, and especially septic shock, albumin may have sometemporary benefits in the acutephase of resuscitation. The SAFE trial demonstrated improved outcomes inpatients with septic shock. In the mostrecent multicenter prospective randomized double-blinded clinical trial(ALBIOS), the addition of 20% albumin toconventional crystalloid resuscitation in severe sepsis and septic shock didnot improveoutcomes.However, patients in septic shock had significant improvements in MAP, lowerheart rate, reduced vasopressor requirements, a smallerpositive fluid balance, and lower mortality that did not achieve statisticalsignificance.The MAP increase amongst the albumin group was most substantial in the first 6hrs. of resuscitation, a time period when many septicpatients are subject to “source control” in the operating room. Of interest,these improvements in physiologicparameters are partially attributed to albumin’s scavenging of nitric oxide,which is one of the mediators ofsepsis-induced vasoplegia. 5 According to the 2013 Surviving Sepsis CampaignGuidelines, albumin has been recommended as analternative to crystalloid resuscitation, especially when large volumes offluid are required for resuscitation.
While albumin may be beneficial in the setting of sepsis,it should not be used in thesetting of traumatic brain injury. SAFE-TBI (a predefined sub-group analysis ofSAFE trial) compared albumin to NS and demonstrated an almost doubled 28-daymortality in patients with moderate and severe TBI. One explanation for thesefindings is a disruption of the blood-brain barrier leading to “leakage” ofalbumin and impairing brain perfusion.6 Patients undergoing spinal surgery inthe prone position also may benefit from albumin administration in order to decreasethe likelihood of a rare but devastating complication: Perioperative VisualLoss (POVL). Updated in 2012, the ASA Practice Advisory on POVL recommended acombination of colloids and crystalloids for fluid replacement in patients atrisk for POVL. In clinical practice, the most frequently administered colloidin this setting is albumin solution of various concentrations. Althoughevidence on this subject is scant, one proposed mechanism of benefit relies onpremise of minimizing orbital and facial edema, which may occur followingcrystalloid resuscitation. Lastly, albumin has been shown to decrease theincidence of renal failure and mortality in the settings of liver cirrhosiswith superimposed spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. 7
四.Choice ofcrystalloid: Does it matter?
Normal saline is the most frequently used crystalloidworldwide. Its use can lead to the development of hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis,impairment of renal perfusion, decrease in systemic vascular resistance, and coagulationabnormalities. Additionally, a few trials have demonstrated worse clinicaloutcomes. One large database analysis comparing perioperative NS to physiologicbalanced salt solution administration in the setting of abdominal surgerydemonstrated increased mortality, renal failure, electrolyte abnormalities, andacidosis in the NS group. 8 Another prospective study comparing the use ofchloride-restricted and chloride-liberal fluid therapy in the
ICU demonstrated an increased incidence of renal failurein patients receiving solutions with high chloride concentration. 9 Whileadditional investigations are pending, it is prudent to avoid NS in theperioperative period as a primary resuscitative solution.
五.Potassium-containingsolutions: Are they really contraindicated in the setting of renal failure?
In the setting of renal failure, many practitionersswitch from balanced-salt solutions to normal saline with the goal to avoid orminimize additional potassium load. Surprisingly, this approach may in factlead to increased serum potassium concentrations. An elegant prospectivedouble-blinded study examining the effects of perioperative administration ofNS versus LR in patients with renal failure undergoing renal transplantationhad to be stopped due to safety concerns when an interim analysis demonstrateda significantly increased incidence of hyperkalemia in the
NS group. 10 Hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis leading totrans-cellular potassium shifts is most likely responsible for this phenomenon.
六.Blood transfusion:Do I really have to use normal saline?
It is common practice to switch from balanced saltsolutions to NS in the settings of perioperative blood transfusion. Somehospitals have policies prohibiting co-administration of balanced salt solutionsand packed red cells in the same intravenous line. The most commonly citedrationale is the possibility of clotting following admixture owing to calciumions contained it those solutions. The American Association of Blood Banksidentifies NS as the only solution that can be co-administered with PRBCs. Inreality, this increased risk of clotting is present only with slow rate ofblood transfusion, usually over 2 hours or more, which happens on hospitalwards. There are a handful of studies demonstrating the safety of co-administering packed red cells with lactated ringerand other calciumcontaining solutions when transfusion of the units occurswithin less than 30 min. 11,12 In the demanding settings of resuscitation,unnecessarily switching fluids to comply with outdated guidelines may increasetask load, cost, and the potential for adverse events
七.Liberal vs.Restrictive intraoperative fluid strategy – No more third space?
Over the last decade, a restrictive perioperative fluidstrategy has emerged as an alternative to conventional liberal perioperativefluid administration. The old approach of accounting for pre-operative fluiddeficit due to fasting, maintenance IV fluids to meet basic metabolicrequirements, and estimation of insensible loses has been replaced in manycenters world-wide by minimal fluid administration, usually as intermittentboluses to maintain an acceptable hemodynamic profile. Numerous studies, mainlyin the settings of abdominal surgery, have demonstrated shorter
hospital stays, faster return of bowel function, andimproved intestinal motility. It is important to distinguish this “blind”restrictive approach from goal directed therapy (GDT), which guided by some formof cardiac output monitoring, such as pulse pressure or stroke volumevariation. It is, however, important to examine the exact definition of“restricted volume” as outlined in the current literature. Surprisingly, arecently published systematic review on this topic emphasized greatheterogeneity of the trials, with restricted volume ranging from 994ml to 2740ml.13 Certainly for many perioperative physicians, a fluid volume of nearly threeliters is not considered to be “restricted.” Despite heterogeneity andlimitations of study designs, a restrictive fluid strategy was beneficial andled to either shorter hospital stays, decreased incidence of ileus, or at leastwas not harmful in comparison to a traditional approach.
At this time, GDT using dynamic markers of resuscitationseems to be the most promising approach that is both individualized and has asound physiological underpinning. There is a lack of studies showing long-termoutcome benefits of GDT beyond the typically short post-operative period. Inorder to achieve conclusive answers, future investigators will need to extendtheir interventions beyond the operating room, where we exercise great control,to post-operative care units and hospital wards to avoid “empiric” fluidadministration and unnecessary fluid loading.
八.Use ofcrystalloids for GDT?
Since the early days of GDT, various colloids have been afluid of choice for obvious reasons outlined previously. The whole premise ofGDT relies on the idea of optimization of cardiac output and oxygen deliveryand avoidance of excessive fluid administration. As colloids are currentlyfalling out of favor due to safety concerns, it is important to confirm ifpositive clinical outcomes related to use of GDT would remain when crystalloidsare used. A recent double blinded prospective trial compared the use of newgeneration hetastarch 130/0.4 to balanced salt solution in the setting ofcolorectal surgery and found no benefits despite slightly lower 24 hour fluidbalance in HES group. 14 Another recent study compared effects of crystalloid(LR) versus colloid (HES) co-loading during administration of spinal anesthesiain the setting of elective cesarean section and showed no difference in cardiacoutput,
hemodynamic stability, or vasopressor requirements. 15 Innear future, we will likely see a shift from HES to balanced salt solutions asthe fluid of choice for GDT.
GDT的早期,基于前述的各种原因,各种各样的胶体被大量应用。GDT指导补液的理论基础在于优化心输出量和氧供,避免液体过负荷。考虑到近来胶体由于安全方面的因素已经“失宠”,一个重要的问题摆在了我们面前, 那就是能否使用晶体液代替胶体进行GDT?用晶体液是否也能达到GDT的各种好处?最近一项前瞻双盲对照实验对比了新一代羟乙基淀粉130/0.4和平衡盐液在结直肠外科中的运用,发现HES组除了24小时液体平衡轻度减少之外,并无其它优势。另一项实验对比了晶体液(LR)和胶体液(HES)联合输注用于择期剖宫产腰麻的患者,发现在心输出量、血流动力学稳定性及血管收缩药物的需要量方面并无差异。相信在不远的将来,我们会看到GDT中会使用平衡盐液替代胶体液。






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 楼主| 发表于 2015-1-28 20:55:51 | 只看该作者
The natural question that comes tomind is: do the results of HES trials examining ICU patients apply to theoperatingroom, wherein patients do not necessarily have a critical illness orpre-existenting renal injury? Indeed, wedonot have the data to support that HES would be injurious in surgicalpopulations without critical illness. In fact,high quality prospective data maynever be available owing to the lowerincidenceof renal injury, and other adverse outcomes, in this population. Inorder to achieve adequate statistical power, any study would need to enrollmany thousands of patients with long-termfollow up to perhaps even 90 days. Nevertheless, in light of current datademonstratingthe deleterious affects of HES in the ICU coupled with an absence ofwell-deigned clinical trials demonstrating its safety andimproved clinical outcomes in other surgical groups someexperts argue that risk to benefit ratio may favor avoidance ofHES in all surgical patients. 1,3 Additionally, we cannot predict when patientswhoreceived HES may develop a perioperative complicationunexpectedlyand move from a low-risk group to a high-risk “ICU” group. The latestCochrane Collaboration Review on resuscitation with colloids versuscrystalloids concluded that there is no evidenceto support use of colloids for resuscitation in the settings of trauma, burns,of following surgery, and that use ofHES may increase mortality.

Cochrane 系统评价对比了使用胶体液及晶体液进行复苏,结论是对创伤及烧伤的病人不宜使用胶体液进行复苏,使用HES会增加这类患者的死亡率。

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