Audit is one of the key elements in ERAS protocol 黄建宏(Jeffrey Huang) Orlando,Florida, USA
Recently, an expert consensus of enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) had been published by ChineseAnesthesiologists Association. It has outlined the key elements of ERAS andinformation of implementation. However, it has missed one of the keyelement: audit.
Audit is one of the important elements for providers toimplement ERAS protocol. ERAS is a standardard, coordinated interdisciplinary perioperativesurgical care program that incorporate evidence-based interventions to minimizesurgical stress, improve physiological and functional recovery, reducecomplications, and facilitate earlier discharge from the hospital.
Asystematic audit is essential to determine clinical outcome and measurecompliance to establish successful implementation of the care protocol. Thesystem should also report patient experience and functional recovery, butvalidated tools are required for this aspect. Auditing can identify where theproblems are, examine the compliance for the protocol, direct future education,and modify the protocol.
An Chineseversion of ERAS protocol is important for our colleagues to implement intoclinical practice. However, we should follow international guidelines andrecommendations, and include all key elements. Therefore we can successfully implement ERAS into clinical practice.