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[医学指南] 新冠肺炎疫情防控专家答疑平台系列(双语版) 【下】

发表于 2020-3-16 19:41:48 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 xiaozhuohc 于 2020-3-16 19:42 编辑


编辑:王晟 龚亚红

COVID-19 prevention and control experts Q&A platform (4)—Academic and Guidelines interpretation (Expert’s opinion is for reference only)
Ether is with antiviral activity. Is it possible that other inhaled anesthetics, such as sevoflurane and desflurane, has antiviral potential? What kind of protection could inhaled anesthetics exert on the vital organs?
董海龙,路志红 Dong Hailong,Lu Zhihong
乙醚可以杀灭冠状病毒的原因是,作为一种脂溶剂,可以将包含脂质成分的冠状病毒包膜破坏,从而杀灭病毒。但值得注意的是,这些都是体外完成的,将乙醚用作体内抗病毒药物尚无先例。杀灭病毒所需的乙醚浓度远高于临床安全的乙醚浓度(麻醉浓度仅需3.6%)。我们可以看到目前体外杀灭病毒多为短时间使用50%以上浓度的乙醚,对最低浓度的报道是20%乙醚,但需持续使用16h以上,且效果不确切(Crandell RA. J Clin Microbiol. 1975)。这些剂量是我们无法加用在患者身上的。尽管尚无其他新型吸入麻醉剂与冠状病毒的研究,但根据其结构和脂溶特性,它们有可能干扰病毒的包膜,但效应要弱于乙醚,可以推测杀灭病毒所需的浓度也将更高。通过给患者吸入麻醉的方式想要达到能杀灭病毒的肺泡浓度从理论上来讲是不可能的。此外,目前的研究尽管提示新型的吸入麻醉剂如七氟烷和地氟烷有着潜在的肺保护作用,但总体来说麻醉药物对呼吸系统的效应是不良影响和有益效应并存的。对于已经发生了肺部损伤、炎性反应机制已经被激活的新冠状病毒肺炎患者,麻醉药物的有益效应恐怕微乎其微。对麻醉药物的使用应当局限于有镇静、镇痛、肌松等需求的患者。
  The idea is interesting, but I’m afraid anti-virus therapy would not be a novel area for the application of anesthetics.
The antiviral mechanism of ether is based on its lipo-solubility. It can destroy the lipid in the envelope of the coronavirus. However, the evidences were all based on in vitro study. There has been no report of in vivo antiviral effect of ether. Moreover, the concentration needed for killing virus is much higher than that needed for anesthesia (about 3.6%). In the in vitro studies on antiviral effect of ether, the protocols were short-term use of high concentration ether (higher than 50%), or long-term (longer than 16 hour) use of lower concentration ether (the lowest concentration reported was 20%). And the effect of the latter was questioned (Crandell RA, J Clin Microbiol,1975). Ether with such high concentration could be lethal for patients. Though there has been no study on the antiviral effect of the novel inhaled anesthetics, theoretically their lower lipo-solubility compared with ether means higher concentration needed for killing virus. It’s impossible for the anesthetists to achieve an alveolar concentration high enough to reach the antiviral level. Furthermore, though there had been evidences supporting the potential organ protective effect of novel inhaled anesthetics including sevoflurane and desflurane, the effect of these agents on respiratory system have pros and cons. Patients with COVID-19 could have severe injury of the respiratory system, the use of inhaled anesthetics may not show protective effect and we should weigh the benefit.  
In invasive and non-invasive ventilation COVID-19 cases, Could dexmedetomidine ease the pneumonia through improving the vasoconstricition around bronchus besides sedation and analgesia?
方向明、程宝莉 Fang Xiangming,Cheng Baoli
(1) 、Dexmedetomidine is a specific and selective alpha-2 adrenoceptor agonist.It inhibits the release if norepinephrine, therefore, causes the decrease of sympathetic tone by binding to the pre-synaptic alpha-2 adrenoceptors. The cell level and animal experiments showed that Dexmedetomidine could decrease the lung injury by reliving the NLRP3 inflammasome dependent inflammation in macrophage, reducing the apoptosis of lung epithelial cells through α2AR/PI3K/Akt pathway, and alleviating ROS involved oxidative stress response.
(2) 、Clinical trials have observed that the use of dexmedetomidine is associated with improved outcomes for both invasive and non-invasive mechanically ventilated patients. And evidences also supported it had cardiovascular protective effect, therefore, dexmedetomidine may benefit COVID-19 patients whose cardiovascular system had been attacked by the virus.
(3) 、Studies showed that ACE2 receptors binds to the novel coronavirus with affinity about 10- or 20-fold higher than its binding to the SARS virus. And the high binding affinity may disturb the function of the whole renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. As mentioned above, the dexmedetomidine decrease the sympathetic tone, so it may rescue the disorder of the RAS.(clinical and experimental evidence are needed)
Dose the pulmonary surfactant work in COVID-19 ?
方向明、程宝莉Fang Xiangming,Cheng Baoli
(1)、The autopsy pathologic examinations revealed that, the novel coronavirus triggers inflammatory symptoms in the respiratory tracts and air sacs of the lungs, and the lungs exhibited edema, proteinaceous exudate, focal reactive hyperplasia of pneumocytes with patchy inflammatory cellular infiltration which were always reported in the condition of ARDS. So from mechanism-based hypothesis, the pulmonary surfactant should work in COVID-19.
(2)、However, till now, there are no clinical or experimental evidences directly supported the application of pulmonary surfactant in adult COVID-19 patients.
(3)、Ambroxol, which was reported as a candidate drug to treat COVID-19, is a mucolytic agent, could enhance pulmonary surfactant production.This may be an indirect evidence.
Will COVID-19 cases get better response when CRRT was applied earlier?
方向明、程宝莉Fang Xiangming,Cheng Baoli
(1)、Clinical presentation among reported critically ill cases of COVID-19 showed complications including cardiac injury, acute kidney injury, septic shock, and multi-organ failure;
(2)、Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) is commonly used to provide renal support for critically ill patients with acute kidney injury, particularly patients who are hemodynamically unstable. It could reduce the pulmonary edema, help clearing the proinflammatory factors and relive the organ injury. So some experts supported that we should apply the CRRT to severe and critical ill cases ASAP to shut down the inflammatory storm; Timing of Initiation:urine output≤0.5ml/kg/h for more than 6hrs,or serum Cr inscreases sharply; anticoagulating agents: we generally select Low-molecular-weight Heparin and sometimes use sodium citrate/calcium agent to avoid haemorrhage;
(3)、However, there remained some debates about CRRT in COVID-19: Firstly, the risk of the invasive manipulation; sencondly, the facilities and physicians/nurses who could run the CRRT were limited; thirdly, the potensial effect on RAS through disturbing the hemodynamics stability.(clinical and experimental evidence are needed)
Can X-ray replace to chest CT scan?
王东信,彭宇明Wang Dongxin,Peng Yuming
  No, X-ray could not replace chest CT scan. In early stage, no abnormal in chest radiograph was founded in most cases. The common findings of chest X-ray manifests as peripheral and subpleural localized opacification, or multiple patchy consolidation in patients with positive results of nucleic acid testing. Early exudative lesions cannot be detected by X-ray in COVID-19 patients. Thus X-ray is not recommended to be used at early stage because of no abnormalities and the high rate of false negative.
Protective pulmonary ventilation strategies during general anesthesia in emergency surgery of COVID-19 patients.
王天龙,赵磊Tianlong Wang, Lei Zhao
(6)、实施肺保护性通气策略,包括低潮气量6~8ml/kg,PEEP(5-10cmH2O), 每小时肺复张性通气手法,在确保动脉血氧饱和度100%前提下,使用最低吸入氧浓度;
For COVID-19 patients, the lung compliance and airway reactivity are heavily affected by severe systematic and pulmonary inflammatory response, so it is necessary to combine protective pulmonary ventilation strategies with systematic medication. The details are as follows:
(1)、To prevent the internal environmental disorders and the aggravation of systemic inflammatory response which are caused by insufficient anti-stress, effective anti-stress measures such as sufficient remifentanil infusion assisted with dexmedetomidine should be taken. General anesthesia combined with peripheral nerve block is not recommended because of the time limitation in OR.
(2)、Infused fluid volume should be restricted through goal-directed fluid therapy combined with preventive vasoconstrictive medication.
(3)、Ulinastatin infusion of 10,000 U/kg can effectively inhibit excessive inflammatory response by surgery and anesthesia.
(4)、Heart rate should be maintained between 80% and 120% of baseline heart rate, especially for elderly patients;
(5)、If there are excessive airway secretion during operation,0.5~1.0mg intravenous penehyclidin is considerable;
(6)、Protective pulmonary ventilation strategies includes low tidal volume of 6~8 ml/kg, PEEP 5~10 cmH2O, lung recruitment maneuver 3-5 times/h, and keep the inspired fraction of oxygen as low as possible provided that SaO2 can be maintained at 100%;
(7)、Keep airway clear with aspirator.
Which drug is available to inhibitairway secretion?
王天龙,赵磊Tianlong Wang, Lei Zhao
Anticholinergic agents, including penehyclidin, scopolamine, atropine and glycopyrronium bromide are considered as clinical option to inhibit airway secretion. Among these drugs, penehyclidin can not only inhibit airway secretion, but also improve lung compliance, which is suitable for both adults and children. But penehyclidin is inappropriate for the eldly patients, because it is the easiest to cross the blood-brain barrier comparing to other anticholinergic agents (penehyclidin> scopolamine> atropine> glycopyrronium bromide), which can increase the risk of postoperative delirium in elderly patients by affecting the synthesis and transmission of neurotransmitter acetyl choline. If the use of penehyclidin on the aged cannot be avoided, the recommended dosage is no more than 0.008mg/kg. For eldly patients, glycopyrronium bromide may be a better choice since it is hard to cross the blood-brain barrier. The dose is 0.005~0.01mg/kg as pre-anesthetic drug and the maximum dose for adult is 0.2~0.3mg. 

COVID-19 prevention and control experts Q&A platform (5)—Management of nosocomial infection (Expert’s opinion is for reference only)
How to make infection control measures in the department of anaesthesiology?
邓小明,卞金俊(Deng Xiaoming, Bian Jinjun)
The department should first follow the protocol or document of infection control released by the hospital, and then make applicable plan or protocol for their own. In principle, the training and assessment of all anesthesia care providers should be strengthened. All staff should fully understand the epidemiology and clinical characteristics of COVID-19, which can be learned from the latest articles published in the column of prevention, control and diagnosis of COVID-19 by Chinese Medical journal Network (http://medjournals.cn/2019NCP/index.do). At the department level, Infection control measures, safety of operating room environment, management of equipment and medical waste should be focused on and strengthened. Implementation of every infection control measure should be emphasized. Any procedure during the pandemic of COVID-19 should be fully evaluated to make sure whether the patients is with COVID-19 or not, and then choose appropriate  anesthesia method and protective measures. For patients who need emergent surgery or tracheal intubation, procedures should follow  "Anesthesia and Nursing Standard Operation Protocol in the Operating Rooms for Patients with Suspected and Confirmed NOVID-19" released by CSA and CAA, "Recommendations for tracheal intubation in critically ill COVID-19 patients (Version 1.0) " released by CSA Task Force on Airway Management.
How to prevent cross-infection among patients in operating room and PACU?
邓小明,卞金俊Deng Xiaoming, Bian Jinjun
During the epidemic of COVID-19, regional anesthesia including peripheral nerve blocks and neuroaxial  anesthesia should be preferred than general anesthesia. Patients with general anesthesia should be woken up and extubated in the operating room, not the PACU, for recovery. The Third-level protection and transport criteria should be strictly followed when performing anesthesia and procedures for patients with COVID-19 confirmed or suspected. If tracheal extubation is not required, unable or unnecessary, the patient should be directly transferred to ICU or other departments for further management through predefined transport channels. Those who underwent non-general anesthesia should be returned to their original wards according to relevant standards. In areas considered as severe pandemic, all patients may be considered as COVID-19 suspected, and the second or third protection should be taken where possible.
How to perform anesthesia and surgical procedures for COVID-19 patients in lack of negative pressure operating room? Does the surgery can be performed in the positive pressure operating room? After the operation, how to manage the central air conditioning and laminar flow purification?
邓小明,卞金俊Deng Xiaoming, Bian Jinjun
If there is no negative pressure operating room, it is not recommended to perform anesthesia and surgical procedures for patients with COVID-19. Patients should be transferred to a designated hospital such as public health center for further therapy. If an emergent procedure should be performed immediately, and only with positive pressure operating room, preparation and measures are as follows. Increase the exhaust air in the operating room to keep the negative pressure of the clean operating room no less than 5Pa, artificially creating a negative pressure environment. 1) replace the exhaust blower in the operating room and increase the exhaust air volume; 2) if the operating room has an external wall, the exhaust device with a high-efficiency filter can directly discharge the air outward; 3) if the operating room is located interior, the exhaust device with an efficient filter can arranged at the side of the corridor and discharge the air to the non-clean area. Meanwile, open windows or doors outside the non-clean area.
After the operation, the air in and  out filter should both be replaced. Please wipe and disinfect the exhaust outlet, air in and air out. There is no need to replace the high-efficiency particulate air in the ceiling air supply unit. If the filter is not qualified or working well, unable to prevent the entry of droplets into the pipeline, the pipeline should be also sterilized.
When there is no negative pressure operating room, it is allowed to temporarily set up a tent or board room in the open area to perform operations for patients with COVID-19 suspected or confirmed if possible. Another choice is using a small and remote operating room far away from the major operation center or unit, so as to reduce the underlying pollution to a less extent
4、 同一手术间或患者通道如何控制患者间交叉感染?
How to prevent cross-infection between patients in the operating room or transport channel?
邓小明,卞金俊Deng Xiaoming, Bian Jinjun
在人员管理上,当某一手术间为疑似或确诊的新型冠状病毒感染患者手术时,室内人员在术中穿隔离衣不得离开隔离手术间,室外人员无特殊情况不得进入。手术结束后,离开手术间的人员按照标准脱摘程序脱下防护用品,必须先消毒双手再更换手套,然后脱防护衣、脚套并丢弃在医疗废桶内。脱手套后用手消毒剂按照七步洗手法消毒双手,再脱口罩、防护目镜/面屏等,出手术间后用流动水洗手,时间持续2 min。所有参与手术人员沐浴更衣后离开手术室。
    在手术间管理上,手术所需物品应标识明确,固定在专用手术间,推荐使用一次性物品,药品和一次性物品单向流动,只进不出。非一次性使用设备、物品必须依据相关规范进行使用后处理。在呼吸回路麻醉机端,进气口和出气口均应放置一次性过滤器,复合式人工鼻放置于患者端,以减少对呼吸回路的污染,过滤器3~4 h更换一次。纤维支气管镜等麻醉设备按特殊感染患者消毒标准进行充分洗消。按照规范及时用消毒机对麻醉机呼吸回路进行消毒。所有医疗废物用双层医疗废物袋密闭封装,按照感染性医疗废物处置。
Set up the designated operating rooms for patients with COVID-19 suspected or confirmed. Disinfect the designated operating rooms according to the isolation ward disinfection standard, and in principle,  should not arrange another operation. Make plans in advance on the setting and scheme of transport channel. After the operation, patients with COVID-19 should be transferred to the specific isolation ward through a special channel and receive therapy accordingly.
In terms of personnel management, when a certain operation room is used for patients with COVID-19 suspected or confirmed, personnel wearing isolation clothing should not leave the operating room before the end of surgery, and personnel outside should not enter the room during the operation, unless needed for help. After the operation, personnel should remove the protective equipment according to the standard before leaving the operating room. Hands hygiene must be performed before taking off gloves, and then the protective clothing and shoe covers  be removed and discarded into the medical waste bucket. Once the gloves removed, disinfect hands immediately according to 7 steps of handwashing rules, and then take off the face mask, eye mask, and face shield. Wash hands with running water when leaving the operating room for two minutes at least. All surgical staff should take a bath before leaving the operating center or unit.
In terms of operating room management, items should be clearly marked and fixed in the designated operating room. It is recommended to use disposable items. Non-disposable equipment and items must be disinfected in accordance with the relevant criteria after use. At the end of surgery, the respiratory circuit and disposable filters of the anesthesia machine should be replaced. A high-efficiency filter should be placed at the patient's end to reduce the possibility of infection in the respiratory circuit. The filters should be replaced every 3 to 4 hours. Fiberoptic bronchoscopy and other anesthesia equipment should be effectively cleared and disinfected according to the standards. Sterilize the circuit of anesthesia machine with a special sterilizer in time. All clinical waste should be sealed in a double-layer waste bag and disposed as infectious clinical waste.
How to sterilize the laryngoscope after intubation?
朱涛,李茜Zhu Tao, Li Qian
   It is recommended to use visual laryngoscopes for intubation, since we are aiming to reduce the number of intubation attempts. Use disposable laryngoscope blades for the procedure and apply disposable transparent protective sleeves to protect the display and handle. Wipe equipment with hydrogen peroxide for sterilization after intubation procedures with ordinary patients. However, for patients of suspected or confirmed COVID-19, the laryngoscope should be delivered to the hospital’s central supply for sterilization.
How to ensure the complete sterilization of anesthesia equipment?
朱涛,李茜Zhu Tao, Li Qian
(1)、T he hospital will be equipped with a chlorine-based disinfectant (the concentration of disinfectant is divided into two categories: concertation of 500mg / L, mainly used for ordinary patients; concertation of 2000mg / L, mainly used for patients with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 infection and used to wipe bloody surfaces).
(2)、 Objects and equipment that need sterilization include: anesthesia machines, drug carts, extracorporeal circulation machines, all power cords (including electrocardiogram power cords, oxygen saturation power cords, cuffs) and surfaces of other equipment and items.
(3)、Timing and frequency of sterilization: every morning before the first surgery, after each surgery, and every day after all surgeries.
(4)、The equipment, disinfection frequency, and disinfectant concentration of each PACU in the Department of Anesthesiology must be consistent with those in the operating room.
(5)、It is the best to use the Single use disposable medical consumables in the Department of Anesthesiology in the special time. Medical consumables that need to be reused should be collectively sterilized by the central supply of the hospital.
How to sterilize the internal breathing circuit of the anesthesia machine after surgery?
朱涛,李茜Zhu Tao, Li Qian
(1)、There is no perfect method and exact conclusion for the sterilization of internal circulation of the anesthesia machine. At present, the circulation fan is mainly used for disinfection, but it is not popular in China. The confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patients should be anesthetized in a negative pressure operating room with a dedicated anesthesia machine and ventilated with a fresh air flow greater than the minute ventilation.
(2)、During the epidemic, all consumables related to respiratory system of the surgical patients should be disposable. In particular, since the breathing filter can reduce the spread of the virus to the internal circulation of the anesthesia machine,the disposable breathing filter should be used for every patient.  Placing the breathing filter between the endotracheal tube and the Y-piece will protect the patient and the anesthesia machine from contamination. Currently in West China hospital, both the inspiratory port and the expiratory port are supplied with filters.
How to achieve hand hygiene when there are many patients in anesthesia clinics?
朱涛,李茜Zhu Tao, Li Qian
(1)、 Even if there are many outpatients, hand hygiene should be strictly implemented according to hand hygiene indications, especially before and after contacting with patients.
(2)、Hand washing and rubbing time must be more than 15 seconds.
(3)、Wearing gloves can not replace the need for hand hygiene. Hand washing is also mandatory after removing gloves.

COVID-19 prevention and control experts Q&A platform (6)—Disciplineconstruction and department management (Expert’s opinion is for reference only)
During the epidemic of COVID-19, what value have Anesthesiologists played and what else can we do in the future?
米卫东,刘艳红Mi Weidong, Liu Yanhong
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, at least 734 anesthesia care providers from 102 hospitals have served in the front line of the epidemic in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, according to our data. We still have a lot of colleagues fighting with virus in their own jobs all around the country. Anesthesia providers have played a critical role in urgent and emergent surgeries of patients suspected or confirmed of COVID-19, in which cases risks of exposure to the new coronavirus of anesthesia care providers were very high. At the same time, care providers from the Department of Anesthesiology, including anesthesiologists and intensive care physicians, have also been involved in treatment of critically ill patients in ICU, tracheal intubation and airway management of the mechanically ventilated patients who were confirmed of COVID-19 infection.
Although the epidemic is still far from being controlled and need further prevention, how to gradually and safely resume daily work will be our next priority. We need to establish scientific prevention and control process for routine surgeries and ensure safety of surgical patients, health care providers and the public in the process of surgery and anesthesia. In addition, we should continuously take our responsibility in the establishment and management of invasive airway, and treatment of critically ill patients.
What implications can we get from the successful perioperative management of patients with COVID-19?
邓小明,卞金俊Deng Xiaoming, Bian Jinjun
Medical staff caring for patients with COVID-19 are at high risk of contracting the infection. Bag-valve-mask ventilation, and tracheal intubation are of particularly high risk for anesthesiologists perioperatively. Self-protection is the key to prevent possible contagious to COVID-19. As we know, many cases with COVID-19 received anesthesia and surgical procedures uneventfully, and here is what we learned. Firstly, the risk of the COVID-19 infection should be fully recognized, and third-level protective measures should be educated and trained. Medical staff who provide anesthesia and perioperative services for patients with COVID-19 confirmed or suspected must be strictly evaluated and pass relevant test before healthcare. It should be noted that the removal of self-protective equipment is even more important than donning them. Improper removal process and handling of protective clothing after removal pose risks of infection. Second, in now available condition,, all anesthesia care providers  should be prepared with knowledge and experience, in order to improve the quality of perioperative management of patients with COVID-19 confirmed or suspected. Last but not least, learn the experience from colleagues from  Wuhan and update yourself through reading the latest articles from relevant websites and journals.
What should the director of the department do during the epidemic?
李天佐,王云Li Tianzuo, Wang Yun
  On February 14, 2020, Chinese Society of Anesthesiology and Chinese Association of Anesthesiologists jointly send a letter to the Director of the Department of National Anesthesiology. In summary, the main points can be concluded as follows: during the epidemic period, the director of the department of anesthesiology should maintain a high political stand and establish a sense of the overall situation. All matters should be given priority to resist the epidemic, establish an infection prevention and control system, command before assessment, carry out classified management of surgical patients and different post areas, earnestly do a good job in staff protection, ensure material supply, do a good job in staff training and psychological counseling, and take tough measures in the two tasks of anti-epidemic and resumption of work, make proper arrangements for normal diagnosis and treatment, and manage all kinds of documents during the epidemic.
With the epidemic of COVID-19, how to carry out the organization and management of the department?
李天佐,王云 Li Tianzuo, Wang Yun
The department of anesthesiology should set up a leading group for epidemic prevention and control, headed by the director of the department, to lead the prevention and control management of the department during the epidemic. The department leading group should formulate specific implementation rules for epidemic prevention and control on the basis of the original department system and combined with the guidance of central government policy documents, and meanwhile ensure the implementation of various decisions of the hospital and integrate the work of the department into the overall pattern of the hospital. Fully manage the staff return to Beijing, quarantine and physical health of all kinds of personnel in the department (hospital staff, intern students, graduate students). In a nutshell, it is to take good care of their own staff, watch their own doors, take their own business, and play their management functions.
At the stage of gradual work resumption, how should the department of anesthesia carry out the work?
李天佐,王云Li Tianzuo, Wang Yun
First, do a good job in psychological comfort and emotional communication among staff, especially those front-line workers, and further strengthen the team cohesion. Second, make good recording and filing the epidemic situation and faithfully record the history of the epidemic. Third, carry out case discussion, sum up experiences and lessons, and further improve the emergency plan and process of the department. Fourth, actively complete the aftermath work to help employees in need to solve problems. Fifth, under the unified leadership of the hospital, gradually restore normal medical, teaching and scientific research work.
How can grass-roots hospitals do a good job during the epidemic?
李天佐,王云 Li Tianzuo, Wang Yun
Firstly, establish a solid epidemic prevention and control system in departments. It should include: self-protection of staff, environment and equipment protection of operation room, screening of surgical patients, implementation of anesthesia, postoperative management of patients and various emergency plans, etc. Secondly, emphasize the classified management of surgical patients (normal, possible normal, suspected, confirmed / emergency, elective, etc.), and establish anesthetic surgery protection programs and procedures for different types of patients. The department of anesthesiology and the operation room should be managed according to different positions and regions. Thirdly, launch and do a good job in staff training. Through the Internet, video, wechat and other means to organize staffs to study the ideas and experience of anesthesia experts by academic organizations at all levels; through simulation training and other means to ensure that staffs effectively master the protective measures and anesthesia process. Fourthly, boost morale, build confidence, and give full play to the exemplary vanguard role of party members.
How to participate the treatment in isolation wards and ICU for anesthesiologists?
王东信,彭宇明Wang Dongxin,Peng Yuming
Firstly, anesthesiologists should learn the guideline of “Diagnosis and Treatment Plan of COVID-19 (Trial 6th Edition)”, and be familiar with diagnostic criteria, classification and the latest treatment for COVID-19. Anesthesiologist should participate in monitoring vital signs and respiratory and circulatory support therapy for critically ill patients. In addition, anesthesiologists should perform endotracheal intubation and participate in sedation and muscle relaxation to avoid man-machine confrontation in patients who need invasive mechanical ventilation.
Anesthesiologists need to wear N95 masks, goggles or face screen protection, disposable protective clothing and double gloves while intubating. Before intubation, the patient's mouth and nose is covered with two layers of wet gauze. Patients inhale oxygen with a mask, receive full muscle relaxation and endotracheal intubation through visual laryngoscope as much as possible. Anesthesiologists should know well of and master the self-protection, the intubation procedure, as well as the disinfection of implement and machine after intubation. Be cautious of administering sedatives for severe patients and to prevent the circulation fluctuation during intubation.

COVID-19 prevention and control experts Q&A platform (7)—psychological counseling and humanistic care(Expert’s opinion is for reference only)
Under the epidemic, which procedures should be performed to help patients fight against disease and speed up recovery?
马虹,曹学照Ma  Hong,Cao Xuezhao
The novel coronavirus disease is a crisis, under which patients are at high risk of post-traumatic stress disorder and other negative emotional, behavioral and mental health outcomes. Medical experts should help patients develop a better understanding of their responses to the disease and how it impacts their feelings, behaviors and relationships, teach them how to process stress management such as taking a deep breath and diverting attention. If emotional distress and behavior problems cannot be relieved, the patient should actively seek Medical specialists for help. Frontline health-care workers can help them to deal with the emotion swings, and encourage them to communicate with families and friends online or distract their attention. Healthy lifestyle and properly indoor exercise such as stretching, walking and so on are promoted as well.

What can we do for Anesthesiologist to face the work and psychological pressure during the epidemic?
马虹,曹学照 Ma Hong,Cao Xuezhao
The frontline health-care workers are working day and night to fight with the rampaging virus, no matter how exhausted they are or how dangerous it is. Because of complicated work procedures, high-intensity and high-risk work settings, they have a lower level of psychological status, which is manifested by mental disorder, stress disorder, and sleep disorder. We need to pay attention to the mental health of frontline medical staff in the epidemic, and provide guarantees to the medical staff to maintain a healthy working status. Enhanced support and training systemically could reduce burnout and stress. Hospital-based interventions to support staff may also promote adaptive coping. Improving work and rest conditions and providing professional psychological counseling can be beneficial as well. More importantly, the hospital can actively publicize the progress of vaccine development, the increasing number of people who have been cured, the touching story of doctors and patients working together to fight the epidemic, and the positive story of "when disaster struck, help came from all sides".
What we should do to improve psychological status of Anesthesiologists to face the psychological pressure of working after the epidemic?
马虹,曹学照 Ma Hong,Cao Xuezhao
The epidemic created a "small vacation" for Anesthesiologists. They are supposed to make full use of it to make a more harmonious marriage and improve the parental and friendship, actively face the changes brought about by the disaster, and strive to achieve self-implement and strengthen the ability to cope with difficulties. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and protecting physical and mental health are important for healthy providers to go back to work. Available psychological therapies for prevention of negative physiological and mental problems exposed to trauma are necessary. Firstly,Physical examinations for medical staff should be organized. Then establish a psychological rescue expert team that can provide professional training and supervision for staff who carry out psychological crisis counseling. Secondly, setting up a psychological assistance hot-line team to make full use of existing lines and platforms. Lastly, create various approaches of professional psychological intervention services.
How to ensure balance reasonable working and rest time and improve doctor's immunity under existing conditions?
张宗泽,杨丽芳Zhang Zongze,Yang Lifang
At present, epidemic prevention and control of COVID-19 is at a critical stage, batches of medical teams rushed to Hubei province to relieve the working pressure of front-line. They are facing heavy working tasks, high risk of infection, limited working and rest conditions, and high psychological pressure. Combined with Press Conference of Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council, some suggestions about how to ensure the reasonable time of work and rest for doctors will be introduced. Firstly,it is necessary to redecorate the doctor's office, duty room and rest room to create a high-quality working environment and relaxed rest environment,and provide strong logistic service to ensure adequate sleep and diet medical staff. In addition, possible specific measures include requisitioning the hotels around the hospital to satisfy the single room rest condition, ensuring each one's sufficient rest time.Secondly,to ensure the normal operation of epidemic prevention, the work arrangement should be reasonable under the conditions of limited human resources. All departments should centralize personnel and allocate them uniformly, establish a system of rest rotation, arrange each one's working time and content scientifically, reasonably and flexibly, implement shift handover system and preparation system suitable for special circumstance to ensure adequate rest. Finally, avoiding working long hours work with high intensity, the front-line medical staff should stop working in time and accept treatment once they have physical or psychological problems.
How to improve their immunity under the existing conditions: First of all, front-line medical personnel are facing greater physical and mental stress than the ordinary. On the one hand, everyone should ensure adequate sleep and nutrition, and carry out appropriate exercise to avoid non-combat reduction. On the other hand, appropriate psychological intervention and counseling are necessary for the medical workers,they can also try to maintain a positive attitude by enhance communication with colleagues and family members.Secondly,immune-enhancing drugs can be  used to improve their immunity appropriately.
How to balance work and family safety under epidemic? How can medical workers avoid cross-infection at home during their rest time outside of work?
张宗泽,杨丽芳Zhang Zongze,Yang Lifang
(1) 、Popularizing knowledge and protective measures of NCP for family
members,strengthening self-protection and early recognition of the disease , and seeking treatment for the symptoms as soon as possible.
(2) 、Medical staff should improve their knowledge of the prevention and
treatment of NCP. They should inform disinfection and quarantine and corresponding protective measures strictly.Also,they should wear and take off protective goods correctly, reduce occupational exposure and avoid infection in hospital.Then,they should take a shower and disinfect their belongings and change their clothes for clean ones before leaving the hospital,only by doing so,can they leave the hospital.If occupational exposure or suspected infection at work, they should report to relevant departments of the hospital for inspection and isolation as soon as possible.
(3) 、Sharing two different rooms with other family members or living in a
separate room by oneself if family conditions permitted.
(4) 、Setting up a "buffer zone" at the entrance of the home, and disinfecting
clothes and shoes again, then putting them outdoor.
(5) 、Opening windows frequently and maintaining the good ventilation.
How do medical workers do to ensure the safety of their families when they back home from work?
张宗泽,杨丽芳Zhang Zongze,Yang Lifang
Firstly, medical workers should pay attention to self-protection during work, wash face and hands with soap thoroughly after work, especially nostril, neck and external auditory canal. It is best to stay at the accommodation arranged by the hospital, if not, it is also suggested to live in a room by themselves. Secondly, disinfecting the shoes and clothes again before entering the door then taking them off. Putting your personal belongings in a fixed place in your room, and disinfecting them every day. Cleaning the room with disinfectant thoroughly every day and opening windows to strengthen the air circulation for more than 30min. Disinfecting with ultraviolet light or disinfectant for door handle, table top, mobile phone and key, the changed clothes should be soaked in hot water for half an hour before washing.All the family members should do well in hand hygiene. Finally, reducing unnecessary outings.
How do the hospital and related departments provide assistance once anesthesiologists and their relatives were infected due to work?
张宗泽,杨丽芳Zhang Zongze,Yang Lifang
Anesthesiologists should receive training about infection control in hospital,and implement standard precautions strictly.Taking appropriate isolation and protection measures according to the level of infection risk to avoid the spread of the virus. When anesthesiologists and their relatives are infected unfortunately during the work, they should report to the hospital departments firstly and close contacts should be placed under isolation and medical observation. Additionally, hospital and relevant departments should establish a "green channel" for treatment and work-related injury identification of infected medical staff to ensure their timely medical treatment. At the same time, logistic support for medical staff should be provided to eliminate their worries. If necessary,psychological counseling should be carried out for the medical staff and their relatives to reduce their mental pressure.Finally, rewarding and commending outstanding individuals timely according to the related regulations so that enhancing confidence and cohesion of medical staff for the prevention and control of epidemic situation.

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