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FMJ Impact: 61,719
ISI Impact Factor: 50.017
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FMJ Impact: 33,482
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FMJ Impact: 15,580
ISI Impact Factor: 4.789
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ISSN: 0022-1899
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ISSN: 0009-7322
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FMJ Impact: 12,301
ISI Impact Factor: 14.595
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FMJ Impact: 11,729
ISI Impact Factor: 9.603
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FMJ Impact: 10,112
ISI Impact Factor: 8.266
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FMJ Impact: 9,540
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FMJ Impact: 8,336
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FMJ Impact: 7,968
ISI Impact Factor: 17.457
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FMJ Impact: 7,199
ISI Impact Factor: 17.157
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ISSN: 0021-972X
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FMJ Impact: 6,957
ISI Impact Factor: 6.325
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FMJ Impact: 6,840
ISI Impact Factor: 6.449
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ISSN: 0006-4971
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FMJ Impact: 6,677
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FMJ Impact: 5,870
ISI Impact Factor: 7.464
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EISSN: 1471-2334
FMJ Impact: 5,685
ISI Impact Factor: 2.536
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ISSN: 0003-9926
EISSN: 1538-3679
FMJ Impact: 5,143
ISI Impact Factor: 9.110
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