本帖最后由 1001 于 2010-11-26 21:56 编辑
1. Hospitals must have a major haemorrhage protocol in place and this
should include clinical, laboratory and logistic responses.
2. Immediate control of obvious bleeding is of paramount importance
(pressure, tourniquet, haemostatic dressings).
. 必须立即处理明显的出血 (压迫、 止血带、 止血敷料)。
3. The major haemorrhage protocol must be mobilised immediately
when a massive haemorrhage situation is declared.
4. A fibrinogen < 1 g/Lor a prothrombin time (PT) and activated
partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) of > 1.5 times normal represents
established haemostatic failure and is predictive of microvascular
bleeding. Early infusion of fresh frozen plasma (FFP; 15 ml/kg)
should be used to prevent this occurring if a senior clinician anticipates
a massive haemorrhage.
纤维蛋白原< 1 g/L或者凝血酶原时间(PT)和活化部分出凝血激酶时间(APTT) > 1.5倍正常值,为渗血前兆。大出血发生前输注新鲜冰冻血浆FFP有预防作用。
5. Established coagulopathy will require more than 15 ml/kg of FFP to
correct. The most effective way to achieve fibrinogen replacement
rapidly is by giving fibrinogen concentrate or cryoprecipitate if
fibrinogen is unavailable.
纠正凝血障碍需输注大于15 ml/kg的FFP,迅速提高纤维蛋白原最有效的方法是输浓缩纤维蛋白原,如没有可用冷沉淀替代。
6. 1:1:1 red cell:FFP:platelet regimens, as used by the military, are
reserved for the most severely traumatised patients.
7. A minimum target platelet count of 75 ×109L is appropriate in this
clinical situation.
临床血小板计数最低不小于75* 109/L
8. Group-specific blood can be issued without performing an antibody
screen because patients will have minimal circulating antibodies. O
negative blood should only be used if blood is needed immediately.
因为病人只存在极少的循环抗体,可以使用未行抗体筛查但配型明确的血。如果需紧急输血,应仅使用 O型RH(-)血液。(注:这一点国内有明显不同,国内以RH+血常见)
9. In hospitals where the need to treat massive haemorrhage is frequent,
the use of locally developed shock packs may be helpful.
10. Standard venous thromboprophylaxis should be commenced as soon as
possible after haemostasis has been secured as patients develop a
prothrombotic state following massive haemorrhage.
止血成功后应该尽快进行标准静脉血栓预防,大出血后产生血栓前状态。 |