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[医师培训] 求助翻译

发表于 2014-9-10 01:36:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
A number of approaches and techniques have been described for performing ultrasound-guided thoracic paravertebral blocks. The ultrasound probe may be placed in a transverse position, a paramedian longitudinal position, or in an oblique plain. The needle may then be inserted in an in-plane or out-of-plane fashion. In addition, a catheter may be inserted using any of these approaches. A 5-12 MHz linear array probe is most commonly used, but a curved array ultrasound probe may be used as well. These blocks may be placed in the prone, lateral decubitus or seated position. Hence, the list of possible techniques available to place a thoracic paravertebral block is quite extensive. At the current time, no single technique has been shown to be more effective, easier to perform, or safer for the patient. A single injection will cover 4-5 dermatomes and is adequate for many procedures such as a mastectomy or pain management for rib fractures. Some practitioners prefer to perform a thoracic paravertebral block at two or three levels. The most commonly used agents are Bupivicaine 0.5% and Ropivicaine 0.5% with epinephrine 1:200,000-1:400,000.
Figure 1.  Anatomy of Thoracic Paravertebral Space

The paramedian sagittal thoracic nerve block may be performed in plane and out of plane. An out of plane block may be placed in a parellel fashion with the probe in a longitudinal paramedian position or with the probe in a transverse position. An in plane paramedian sagittal block is placed with the probe in a vertical position approximately 2.5-3 cm lateral to the midline between two transverse processes. Both transverse processes should be visualized, with the superior costotransverse ligament and the pleura visible in between (figure 2). A 20 gauge blunt tipped block needle or a 22G Tuohy needle is introduced in a cephalad direction. The tip of the needle is advanced under direct visualization until it pierces the superior costotransverse ligament. If the superior coststransverse ligament is not easily seen, the needle is advanced until it is directly above the pleura. Due to the steep angle with which the block needle enters the tissue, the needle is often difficult to visualize. For this reason some practitioners choose to inject small aliquots of normal saline intermittently as they advance the needle to confirm the position of the tip. When the needle tip is located immediately above the pleura, the needle is aspirated to confirm the absence of blood or air. After this, 10-20 cc of local anesthetic is injected in 3-4 cc increments. Spread of local anesthetic with depression of the pleura will be clearly visualized. The extent of local anesthetic spread should be evaluated by moving the ultrasound probe superiorly and inferiorly.
When performing an out of plane paramedian sagital block the probe may be placed as described above. In this case the needle is placed at the side of the probe and is advanced with small aliquots of normal saline injected to evaluate the position of the tip by "tissue dissection". When the superior costotransverse ligament is pierced and after careful aspiration, the pleura will be depressed by the injection of normal saline. This is followed by injection of 10-20 cc local anesthetic injected in 3-4cc increments. When a catheter is placed using this technique it is generally threaded approximately 3 cm beyond the tip of the needle( Figure 3). The historical incidence of pneumothorax with TPVB is 0.3-0.5%, so patients receive a chest radiograph postoperatively to rule out pneumothorax before being discharged home.

Figure 2: Longitudinal, out-of-plane approach to thoracic paravertebral block. The transducer is first placed 5-6 cm lateral to the spinous processes to identify ribs, parietal pleura and intercostal spaces (A1-A3). The transducer is then moved progressively medially to identify transverse processes (B1-B3). Transverse processes (TP) appear square and deeper then ribs (round, superficial). The needle is inserted out-of-plane to contact the TP (C1-C2 and C3, line 1) and then walked off the TP (C3, line 2) inferior or superior to TP to enter the paravertebral space and injection local anesthetic (blue). Proper injection displaces the pleura (blue arrows). PVM - paravertebral muscles.

Figure 3. Continuous thoracic paravertebral block. The catheter is inserted 3 cm past the needle tip.

Mastectomy as an Outpatient Procedure Pathway

Mayo clinic has developed a program featuring multimodal pain control, including PVB, celebrex and gabapentin, which enable patients to be discharged home the same day of their operation. At the preop clinic, patients need to learn to change bandages, care for the incision, understand the surgical drain and be familiar with issues that may indicate the need for a doctor’s evaluation. Furthermore, before the implementation of the program, the multidisciplinary breast staff was educated as to the protocol and reassured the requirements of the patient could be met postoperatively prior to discharge home. Not only is TPVB associated with low pain scores, low PONV and high patient satisfaction, it has also proven to be cost-effective. Boughey et al. found that the use of TPVB decreased the overnight admission rate from 97% to 61% after major breast surgery. The benefits of TPVB continue beyond the length of local anesthetic. By blocking the nociceptic inputs, patients at their one-month, six-month and one-year follow up evaluations had significant less pain than their non-block counterparts, indicating a role in preventing chronic postmastectomy pain syndrome.


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发表于 2014-9-12 15:13:28 | 只看该作者
有许多方法和技术已经描述了用于进行超声引导胸椎旁的块。超声波探测器可以被放置在横向位置,正中的纵向位置,或在倾斜滑动。针可以被插入在一个平面内或外的平面的方式。另外,导管可使用任何这些方法被插入。甲5-12兆赫线性阵列探头是最常用的,但是弧形阵列的超声波探头,可以使用为好。这些块可以被置于俯卧,侧卧或就座位置。因此,可能的技术,可将一个胸椎旁块列表是相当广泛的。在当前时间,没有单一的技术已被证明是更有效的,更容易执行,或更安全的病人。单次注射将覆盖4-5个皮节,且适用于多种程序,如手术切除,疼痛管理,肋骨骨折。有些医生喜欢在两个或三个层次进行胸椎椎旁阻滞。最常用的剂是布比卡因0.5%和Ropivicaine 0.5%肾上腺素1:200,000-1:400000。


的正中矢状胸神经块可以在面内和面来进行。一个在平面块可以被放置在一个并行实现方式与探针的纵向正中位置或与探针的横向位置。一个平面中的正中矢状面块被置于与所述探针在垂直位置大约2.5-3厘米横向两个横突之间的中线。两个横突应进行可视化,具有优异的肋横突韧带和中(图2)之间的胸膜可见。 20号钝尖块针或22G的Tuohy针在头侧的方向引入。将针的尖端在直视下推进,直到刺穿优越肋横突韧带。如果上级coststransverse韧带不容易看到的那样,在针前进,直到它是胸膜的正上方。由于陡峭的角度与该块针进入所述组织,所述针是经常很难看到。为此一些从业者选择要注入生理盐水的小等分间断,因为它们前进的针,以确认前端的位置。当针尖被立即胸膜位于上方,针吸,以确认不存在血液或空气。在此之后,10-20毫升局部麻醉药注射在3-4毫升的增量。局部麻醉与胸膜凹陷的价差将明显显现。局麻药扩散的程度应该由优和下方移动超声探头进行评估。



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 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-27 20:30:13 | 只看该作者
gysylcl 发表于 2014-9-11 13:05



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 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-27 20:31:00 | 只看该作者
花成伟 发表于 2014-9-12 15:13
有许多方法和技术已经描述了用于进行超声引导胸椎旁的块。超声波探测器可以被放置在横向位置,正中的纵向位 ...


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