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[学生园地] 《麻醉学》期刊一篇写给医学生们的一封信(中英对照)

发表于 2022-1-29 21:09:05 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


DOI: 10.1097/ALN.0000000000003970

原文网址:https://pubs.asahq.org/anesthesi ... al-Students-from-an

A Letter to Medical Students from an Anesthesiologist
作者:Michale Sung-jin Ok, M.D.

Good morning,

You probably went to bed later and woke up earlier than most of us. Nowyou are here to learn about anesthesiology. You are paying a lot of money to behere today. Some medical schools do not even have an anesthesiology rotation.This 1-week rotation may be the only time you are exposed to the art andscience of anesthesiology before you must choose your specialty. Firstimpressions are important.

That is a lot of pressure on me.

Let us talk about you. You have excelled at most things you have triedin your life. You have embodied discipline and diligence. Your middle name isresilience. You always rise above the challenge. You never give up.

But above all, you care.

And that is what I care about.

You dream of the day when you will be equipped with the knowledge andskills to help others independently. Someone with your aptitude could havepicked fame or fortune, but you chose to serve others. Now, you are trying tochoose the specialty that will enable you to become the physician you alwayswanted to be.

You are impressionable. We all know that medical school is incrediblystressful. You are constantly critiqued, and your shortcomings are oftenpublicly discussed. You are somehow expected to have a great attitude even whenyou do not have the time to eat, sleep, or even use the restroom. You oftenwonder if you are strong enough to be a physician. This environment can makeyou somewhat vulnerable. Meeting a kind, relatable resident or attending duringa rotation can be such a great relief. But be careful because this can alsomistakenly steer you into the wrong specialty. Before you commit, ask yourselfwhether you enjoyed the specialty itself or enjoyed working with a specificmentor during that rotation. I know a few physicians who regretfully made theirdecision based on this factor.

Now, let us talk about my journey to anesthesiology.

As a medical student, I loved all my rotations. There was somethingvaluable and wonderful about all specialties. Even though I initially pursuedprimary care, anesthesiology unexpectedly grabbed my attention, and I havenever looked back. It was not my interest in physiology or pharmacology thatmade me choose anesthesiology. It was not my passion for exciting newtechnologies, gadgets, or even procedures that made me choose anesthesiology.It was the deeply committed physicians and the way that they cared for theirpatients that drew me into anesthesiology.

There is a stigma associated with anesthesiology. When I told anemergency medicine resident that I committed to anesthesiology, he said, “Oh,so you don’t want to talk to any of your patients and just want to put them tosleep? That is a shame because you seem like a person that would actually enjoypatient interaction.” That comment bothered me more than I would like to admit.His comment suggested that anesthetic patient care is deeply impersonal. Heimplied that physicians who really care about people do not go intoanesthesiology. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Now, 10 years after I began my journey into the field ofanesthesiology, I can confidently say that I am an anesthesiologist because Icare. If anything, I care more than I knew I was capable of. I care aboutlearning because my lack of knowledge can have life and death consequences. Icare about sharpening my skills because I am often my patient’s final line ofdefense. I care about medical ethics because we must do what is best forpatients when they are unable to guide us. My primary role is to care for mypatient’s physical safety during invasive surgical procedures. But I realizethat the emotional and spiritual well-being of a patient is just as importantfor their recovery.
I have been blessed with many opportunities to hold my patients’ handsand to comfort them. I have celebrated my patients’ victories and mourned theirsetbacks. I have cried with families who have lost their loved ones and jumpedfor joy when others made miraculous recoveries. I have had to tell somepatients and even other physicians “no” when it was the right thing to do.Believe me, saying that I will not do an anesthetic for someone is much moredifficult than doing it. I have learned that the hard way.

I never forget the mistakes that I have made. I always learn from themso that I can be a better physician next time.

At times, I have been shaken to the core because death was imminent formy patient. In those moments of overwhelming terror, I felt the weight of thatpatient’s trust. They trust that I will do the right thing while they are in adefenseless state. They trust that I will make the right decisions when everysecond counts. They trust that when I am in a situation that I cannot handlemyself, I will not be too proud to ask others for help. That trust is a heavyburden.

But do not worry. You will be trained extensively for moments likethese. You will learn how to always be prepared. You will learn that preventinga complication is always better than reacting to one. When medical crises comeyour way, you will learn how to systematically evaluate and treat them. You willlearn that during emergencies, you are not supposed to be a hero. You, with thehelp of your team, will conquer each situation together. You will win far morebattles than you will lose.

Not many will remember who you are. Your face will not be on billboardadvertisements for the hospital. But out of the spotlight, and sometimes incomplete anonymity, you will do your best work to reduce human suffering. Youwill use medications and perform procedures that can take away the cruelest ofpains. You will rescue airways, resuscitate, and buy your surgeons just enoughtime to finish life-saving surgeries. You will help patients see their familiesagain.

So, I say to you, the aspiring physician searching for a specialty, weare anesthesiologists because we care deeply about our patients. Join us, andyou will find a society of physicians dedicated to patient safety, scientificdiscovery, and technological innovation. You will find expertise that isinvaluable to patients at all stages of life. But above all, we compassionatelycare for our patients by reducing their suffering through the art and scienceof anesthesiology. From a newborn baby taking their first breath to the oldestand frailest of patients, we can help.

We care.






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