研究目的(Purpose of the research) Explain in lay terms why you are doing the research. The language used should clarify rather than confuse. Use local and simplified terms for a disease, e.g. local name of disease instead of malaria, mosquito instead of anopheles, “mosquitoes help in spreading the disease” rather than “mosquitoes are the vectors”. Avoid using terms like pathogenesis, indicators, determinants, equitable etc.There are guides on the internet to help you find substitutes for words which are overly scientific or are professional jargon. 用通俗的语言解释你为什么要做这研究,使用明确而不是模棱两可的语言。使用疾病简单的当地名称,例如疟疾的地方名称,“蚊子”代替“按蚊属”,“蚊子传播这种病”而不是“蚊子是这种病的载体”。避免使用如发病机制、指征、决定子和equitable等术语。互联网可以指导帮助你找到纯科学或专业用语的替代词。 Example: Malaria is one of the most common and dangerous diseases in this region. The drugs that are currently used to help people with malaria are not as good as we would like them to be. In fact, only 40 out of every 100 people given the malaria drug XYZ are completely cured.
There is a new drug which may work better. The reason we are doing this research is to find out if the new drug ABX is better than drug XYZ which is currently being used. 范例:疟疾是该地区最常见,最危险的疾病之一。目前用来治疗疟疾的药物没有我们想象的那样好。事实上,服用XYZ药物治疗疟疾的每100人当中只有40人完全治愈。有一种新的药物ABX可能会更有效。我们这次研究的目的,是想知道新药ABX是否优于目前正广泛使用的XYZ。 |