Ronald D. Miller, Lars I. Eriksson, Lee A. Fleisher, Jeanine P. Wiener-Kronish, William L. Young, Miller's Anesthesia,Seventh Edition.2009010750. 51-Spinal, Epidural, and Caudal Anesthesia Contraindications (脊髓麻醉、硬膜外麻醉、骶管麻醉的禁忌症):Some of the most important include patient refusal; a patient's inability to maintain stillness during the needle puncture, which can expose the neural structures to an unacceptable risk of injury; and raised intracranial pressure, which may theoretically predispose to brainstem herniation. Relative contraindications that must be weighed against the potential benefits include intrinsic and idiopathic coagulopathy, such as that occurring with administration of warfarin (Coumadin) or heparin; skin or soft tissue infection at the proposed site of needle insertion; severe hypovolemia; and lack of anesthesiologist experience. The often-cited relative contraindication of preexisting neurologic disease (e.g., lower extremity peripheral neuropathy)(预先存在的神经疾病例如下肢周围神经病变是经常被引用的相对禁忌症) is not usually based on medical criteria but rather on legal considerations. |