摘要: 近些年来,针对多发创伤,尤其是伴发严重骨折患者的治疗,经历了一个从“早期全面处理(early total care,ETC)”到“损伤控制骨科(damage control orthopaedics,DCO)”的转变,即“损伤控制”(damage control,DC)理论在骨科的应用和发展。临床实践证明,合理应用DCO可提高严重多发伤的生存率。
Clinical theory and practice of damage control orthopaedics
WANG Lei,JIANG Dianming
(Department of Orthopaedics,First Affiliated Hospital,Chongqing Universicty of Medical Sciences,Chongqing 400016,China)
Abstract: Recently,the treatment concept of multipletraumas with severe fractures changed,from ‘early total care (ETC)’to ‘damage control orthopaedics (DCO)’.The application and evolution of the damage control (DC)theory in orthopaedics,proved that DCS is clinically effective and safe.
Key words:damage control orthopaedics;clinical practice |