本帖最后由 1001 于 2010-5-19 22:26 编辑
[Informed Consent form for ____________ _______] 知情同意书
Name the group of individuals for whom this informed consent form is written. Because research for a single project is often carried out with a number of different groups of individuals - for example healthcare workers, patients, and parents of patients - it is important that you identify which group this particular consent is for. 注明知情同意书所针对的人群。因为单个研究项目往往针对不同人群开展-例如医护人员、患者和患者的父母-辨明这份同意书针对哪些特定的群体很重要。 Example: This Informed Consent Form is for men and women who attend clinic Z, and who we are inviting to participate in research on X. The title of our research project is "…………………………." 范例:本知情同意书用于Z门诊就诊的男性和女性,以及我们邀请加入X研究的人,我们研究项目的题名是“... ... ... ... ...”。
You may provide the following information either as a running paragraph or under headings as shown below. 你可以用一个连续的段落或如下所示在标题下提供以下信息。
[Name of Principal Investigator] [项目主持人] [Name of Organization] [研究机构] [Name of Sponsor] [发起人] [Name of Proposal and version] [方案和版本]
This Informed Consent Form has two parts: - Information Sheet (to share information about the research with you)
- Certificate of Consent (for signatures if you agree to take part)
You will be given a copy of the full Informed Consent Form 本知情同意书有两部分:•知情告知(与您分享研究资料)•同意证明(签名用,如果您同意参加) 您将获得一份完整的知情同意书副本 |